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A Bite of Buddhism. The four sublime mental states are qualities of mind that we cultivate in order to alleviate the suffering we experience in everyday life and to feel more connected to others—and the worries and fears we all share. In the language of the Buddha (Pali), they are called the brahma viharas , which means "the dwelling place of awakened beings. " The good news for us unawakened beings is that it's easy to begin cultivating the brahma viharas . Indeed, they are an integral part of other religious, spiritual, and humanistic traditions. I present them here with a distinctly Buddhist "flavor. " Metta .


Heart Sutra Chanting. Global One TV - Inward Revolution Creates Outward Revolution. Chopra: Understanding The Nature of The Three Levels of Existence. By Deepak Chopra From the moment we become aware of the world around us, we begin to wonder about our place within it. The questions we ask are timeless: Why am I here? How do I fit into the scheme of things? Spirituality. Religions.

Tibetan yoga. God is love: The holographic Paradigm. Divinities, Mythologies, Theologies.