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The importance of organising your bookshelves. Now, where's that copy of Ulysses? Photograph: Elliot Elliot Ah, how to organise one's bookshelves?

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Knowledge Management. Category Learning in Psychology. Categories, Links, and Tags. Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links, and Tags This piece is based on two talks I gave in the spring of 2005 -- one at the O'Reilly ETech conference in March, entitled "Ontology Is Overrated", and one at the IMCExpo in April entitled "Folksonomies & Tags: The rise of user-developed classification.

Categories, Links, and Tags

" The written version is a heavily edited concatenation of those two talks. Today I want to talk about categorization, and I want to convince you that a lot of what we think we know about categorization is wrong. David Allen: Categorizing Your "Stuff" Is The Path To Freedom. Categorizing creates freedom, not constriction.

David Allen: Categorizing Your "Stuff" Is The Path To Freedom

Many people avoid categorizing because they are avoiding making a decision about something. Should I read this article? File it? Throw it away? Pass it on to someone?