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If clauses - Conditional sentences. Linking words. writing - structure and organisation -on line guide.pdf. essay.pdf.

In our time synonym | English synonyms dictionary. N 1 age, chronology, date, duration, epoch, era, generation, hour, interval, period, season, space, span, spell, stretch, term, while 2 instance, juncture, occasion, point, stage 3 allotted span, day, duration, life, life span, lifetime, season 5 (Music) beat, measure, metre, rhythm, tempo 6 all the time always, at all times, constantly, continually, continuously, ever, for the duration, perpetually, throughout a for a while, formerly, hitherto, once, once upon a time, previously b all at once, at the same time, simultaneously, together 8 at times every now and then, every so often, from time to time, now and then, occasionally, once in a while, on occasion, sometimes 9 behind the times antiquated, dated, obsolete, old-fashioned, old hat, outdated, outmoded, out of date, out of fashion, out of style, passé, square (informal) 10 for the time being for now, for the moment, for the nonce, for the present, in the meantime, meantime, meanwhile, pro tem, temporarily a early, on time, with time to spare.

Klima - | German-Romanian Dictionary | Romanian-German Dictionary.