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3-D Valentine's Day Accordion Card. If planning to mail the card, measure the envelope first and size the card accordingly (usually about 1/4 inch smaller all around). For the cleanest results, cut the paper with a craft knife on a self-healing mat (cut straight lines along a ruler). Some cards need the additional backing to conceal cuts or add weight; create a border by cutting the back piece slightly larger than the base, and layer patterned and solid papers.

Try the Popup Heart Card, Popup Proposal Card, 3-D Accordian Card, and Garland Card. Resources: Paper and envelopes, <img src=" 25 Handmade Gifts Under $5. If your gift list is long and your budget is small here are some great Handmade Gifts that you can make. 1.Jersey Knit Bracelet Lovely! This would make a perfect gift for any of your girlfriends.You can choose the colors and recycle t-shirts that you have around the house. Cheap and cute! Tutorial 2.Paper Clip Earrings This is a brilliant idea… and the possibilities are endless. Love it! Tutorial 3.Printed Candles Who doesn’t love a candle? Think about how many different stamps you could use to customize this project. tutorial 4.Hot Chocolate Art! What a great gift for neighbors and teachers… I am personally a hot chocolate lover so this would make a great gift for me . tutorial 5.Tile Coaster You can buy these plain tiles at Home Depot for under a dollar.

I’ve seen them with family pictures also… Way cute! Tutorial 6.Bow Belt I was amazed how easy this tutorial was. I want to make this bow belt in every color possible for my girls… So Pretty! Tutorial 7.Paper Plate Clock Fast, easy and useful! Tutorial tutorial. Lin Handmade Greetings Card: Love Theme Cards. A request I received last year from a regular customer of mine to make a love theme card for her dear BF........but at the time I just didn't have the time to make one for her, so she had to wait to get it this year. And since she gave me the full freedom to design it for her, I decided to use one of my current favourite type of layout which is the center step up card to make the love theme card for her.

I love using the engraving technique for the words "I <3 U".....just a simple engraving... First time for me to engrave the paper and then emboss it with the swiss dots emboss template. Love the effect! I also loved using the MS Vintage Heart craft punch for the center part of the design and for the space inside the card for writing personal wishes.....I haven't been using that craft punch much, but I'm glad I found another way of using it as a part of the decoration for the card. What is important is, I had fun making this card! 30 Amazing Hand Lettering and Typography Works by Sean McCabe. Sean McCabe has a true passion for hand lettering and typography, as well as a love for meticulous detail. Sean is a hand lettering artist and type designer from San Antonio who also does podcasts on creativity and business in the design industry. His passion for the craft has now turned into a full time job and he sells some of his work on his website.

Sean’s hand lettering has gathered so much interest online that he even provides hand lettering classes now. Check out some of his work below: 1) Hand Lettered Type Anatomy. 2) It All Starts With Writing. 3) You’ll Only Improve By Doing. 4) Simplify. 5) Non Sibi Sed Patriae. – Latin phrase meaning “Not for self, but for country”. 6) Giving Is The Best Way To Be Fulfilled. 7) Numerous Doodles. 8) Travel. 9) Design Can Change The World. 10) Working on Hand Lettering Workshop. 11) Hand Lettering Workshop. 12) Press On. 13) Focus On What Matters. 14) Recharge. 15) What Are You Not Doing… 16) You Are More Than What You Do. 17) Do What You Love & Do It Often.