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21 day fix

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Cinnamon Plum Baked Oatmeal with Toasted Almonds. Everyone in this house knows that Stephanie needs breakfast, and she needs it now (my parents, siblings and old college roommates know this about me, too).

Cinnamon Plum Baked Oatmeal with Toasted Almonds

Hangry Steph is a very real side of me that I don’t like to let out often, but it happens every now and again. And oftentimes, that time is breakfast. A cup of coffee in hand will help keep this side of me at bay for a little while. But if I wait much longer than two hours past wake time, I get anxious and twitchy and my stomach begins to growl (or am I actually growling? 21 Day Fix Mexican Lasagna. Confession #67 – There’s something about snowstorms that make me hungry.

21 Day Fix Mexican Lasagna

Oh – and they also make me drink a lot of wine. In other words, I might be slightly over my yellow count after this weekend’s blizzard. And that’s why recipes like this one are SO important. Cheesy, delicious comfort food that is only ONE yellow.