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Pourquoi le revenu de base Projets & réseaux sociaux. Qu'est ce que l'Assemblée Virtuelle. Imagination for people. Réseaux sociaux éthiques et solidaires. The search for alternatives... Nouvelle économie. Evolutions. Penseurs en biens communs. Economie. Economie citoyenne. People-centred economy. Economie du don - echanges - bien commun - licences libres. PHOTOPARIS.ORG. Open source civilization reboot. A classer.

Finance éthique

Finance islamique. Finance solidaire. (4) Charity. Conscience active. Webcommunity. Internet bien commun, une utopie nécessaire à notre imaginaire collectif. Web fraternity. Sustainability Passion Index. The Sustainability Passion Index™ – The Twenty First Century segmentation model – is based on how real people define and interact with what they care about today Ci’s proprietary segmentation model, The Sustainability Passion Index (SPI), is the only segmentation model based on the things people care about today and their desire for a sustainable life, conscious, connected, thriving life and links attitude to behavior. The five SPI segments are defined by where people’s passions spike on the things they care about today including social, personal, environmental and spiritual sustainability issues.

The New Variables™ We start with what people care about because today these are The New Variables that define success, are connecting people and guiding their lifestyle choices, brand relationships and purchase decisions: IntegrityAuthenticitySocial responsibilityCommunityConnectionConsciousness.