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My Kindle Authoring Setup. As mentioned previously, I have started working on self-publishing my Playing With Chaos book on the Amazon Kindle self publishing service. I quickly got the outline, first chapter, part of the second, some code and images done. Then last weekend I decided I better check into the whole publishing process in a bit more detail. I went through all the material on Amazon’s site, as well as several other tutorials. I even downloaded a free ebook on Kindle publishing and paid for another 99 cent book on the subject.

I learned a lot, but none of it made me very happy to begin with. Pretty much every reference starts out telling you to write your book in Microsoft Word. Workflow #1 The simplest possible workflow is: 1. I suggest you try this. Workflow #2 The next workflow, which is what most resources will recommend is: 1. Doing steps 1, 2 and 3, without the optional/alternate steps will essentially give you the result of the first workflow. A. No thanks. Now let’s move on to step 3a. . - kindlegen. Hello World V2. Hello World V2 for Paperwhite / K5 Background This tutorial was made with the following environment I wanted to start with a Hello World example for my own Kindlet. So I asked Google and it pointed me to Even though this page seems to provide a good basic knowledge about Kindle development it is about Kindlet-1.2.jar - so the example didn't work out of the box for me.

Overview Read and understand libraries from DeviceCreate developer keys and merge keystoresAmend source code to compile against Kindlet-2.2.jarCompile, pack and sign sourceUpload azw2 to device Tutorial 1. Please read first! 2. To build your source against the Kindle API you first have to get some files from the device. 3. To successfully run your Kindlet on a device you have to sign the project with your developer key. 3.1 Local installation of keystore Syntax keytool: Important! 4. Hacking the Kindle: Getting started with Kindle development. Jailbreaking the Kindle The first port of call should be here: Yifan Lu's Kindle jailbreak package Yifan Lu's all purpose Kindle jailbreaking package. This should work on all versions up to 3.1 (as of writing, the most recent version of the firmware). This is the only jailbreak you need to run applications. Important notes: This will not let you decrypt AZW ebooks.

The only thing the jailbreak will let you do is to run your own programs on the device (including ones that completely trash it and turn it into a paperweight; You Have Been Warned). Development tools Kindle applications are written in Java. Personal Basis Profile 1.1 Javadoc Javadoc for PBP 1.1. Kindle proprietary libraries javadoc And here's the javadoc for the Kindle libraries (kindly hosted by Amazon themselves). Of course, in order to be able to compile code against the Kindle libraries, you need to get a copy: the easiest way to do that is to pull it off the Kindle.

Once you have this, add it to your build classpath. Gotchas. Hacking the Kindle: Getting started with Kindle development. Kindle Development Kit Javadocs. Kindle development without kdk | a nostalgic nomad. DK, the Kindle’s Software Development Kit has been released for quite some times but Amazon still strictly restrict accessing to it, many many software developers (like me) have registered and received no reply.

It is understandable that Amazon could be skeptical on what to put on Kindle’s app store, but it should not be that conservative toward the developing community. KDK is basically just a PBP (Personal Basic Profile) J2ME (Java Micro Edition) with Amazon’s extension, a Kindle emulator, and some tools… Having no KDK doesn’t mean that we can not develop software for Kindle!

Below are my notes on building, deploying an example application for Kindle. This would make cleared the steps needed to write applications for Kindle without the KDK. 1. Download kindle-jailbreak and kindle-usbnetwork from here. 2. This is the most important part! Configure the usbnetwork interface and access Kindle via sshd. 3. I’m going to deploy KindleGoban, a Go (weiqi) game viewer, as an example app. 4. Kdk-emulator - Kindle Emulator with KDK. I can not wait to release KDK ;-P NES emulator released! Source code original public class KindleTestApp implements Kindlet { private MyView view; private KindletContext context; /** */ public void create(KindletContext context) { try { view = new MyView(); this.context = context; this.context.getRootContainer().add(view); // i guess... } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } /** */ public void start() { new Thread(view).start(); } /* */ public void stop() { } /* */ public void destroy() { } /** */ private class MyView extends KComponent implements Runnable { : How to Run $ # java vavi.apps.kindlet.KindletViewer your_Kindlet_class $ java vavi.apps.kindlet.KindletViewer You can download Tetris for KDK from here!

Overview (Amazon Kindle Development Kit (KDK)) How to reboot/cold restart a Kindle - Frank Coles. Kindle Development 101 - Jeffrey's Site. Apetresc/Kindle-Widget-Toolkit.