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McCain. Television: Making Fun Of The Inauguration. First-family-to-be gets code names - David Bromwich: The Character of Barack Obama. There are times when President Obama seems to imagine himself as the moderator of a national discussion encompassing all the major issues. A similar fantasy must have been harbored by many gifted speakers, at one time or another. The odd thing about finding it in a president is that the fantasy is so completely non-political. One of the strangest facts we know about Obama is that his colleagues and students at the University of Chicago Law School came away from discussions very impressed with his abilities, but not knowing what he thought about many issues.

This was not torts or contracts. He has always had a reputation for being fair-minded -- a strength only attainable by someone who is (to begin with) minded. In dealing with some of these issues, Obama has stepped forward and then back. Pragmatic justifications have been offered to explain his aversion to any contest that implies a clash of opposing interests. Doubtless a certain grandiosity is an aspect of the man. Post-Race - Is Obama the End of Black Politics? Foreign Policy's First Annual List of the 100 Top Global Th. 1. Ben Bernanke for staving off a new Great Depression.

Chairman, federal reserve | Washington The Zen-like chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve might not have topped the list solely for turning his superb academic career into a blueprint for action, for single-handedly reinventing the role of a central bank, or for preventing the collapse of the U.S. economy. But to have done all of these within the span of a few months is certainly one of the greatest intellectual feats of recent years. "Those who doubt that there is much connection between the economy of the 1930s and the supercharged, information-age economy of the twenty-first century are invited to look at the current economic headlines -- about high unemployment, failing banks, volatile financial markets, currency crises, and even deflation.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images 2. For reimagining America's role in the world. president | Washington But in truth, he is both. SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images 3. Political scientist and Reformer | Iran 4. 5. Barack Obama So Far : Rolling Stone. Becoming Barack: 1993 Unseen Obama Interview Featured In New Mov. An unseen interview with Barack Obama in 1993, when his political career was just beginning, has surfaced in a new documentary called "Becoming Barack.

" "My general view about politics and running for office is that if you end up being fortunate enough to have the opportunity to serve, it is because you got a track record of service in the community," Obama says in the 1993 interview. "And I think right now, I am still building up that track record and if it, a point comes where I think that I might do more good in a political office. I might think about it, but that time is certainly in the future. " Obama was only two years out of school at the time. 39% Of Republicans Want More Birther Coverage. A Pew poll finds that a plurality of Republicans are not embarrassed by the Obama birther conspiracy.

In fact, they wish the media spent more time on it. "Republicans are ... inclined to say that the allegations have received too little attention," the poll reports. "Nearly four-in-ten Republicans (39%) express this view, while 27% say they have received the right amount of attention and 26% say they have gotten too much attention. "If anything surprised me, it's how many people have heard about this," Michael Dimock, an associate director at the Pew Research Center, told the Washington Independent.

"When we put the question in, we said to ourselves, well, Lou Dobbs has covered it, and it's been discussed on the Internet. The White House expressed exasperation Thursday morning with the whole thing, after a poll found that only 53% of Virginians were sure President Obama was born in the U.S. "Tell me if you've heard one that's this totally crazy," Gibbs said. Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret. Despite all this, there were glaring loopholes in the security. Kessler describes how more than 100 VIPs and major campaign donors were screened by metal detectors but then walked along a public pavement before boarding "secure" buses and were not checked again. It could have been relatively simple for an assassin to have mingled with them in order to get close enough to shoot the new president.

After Mr Obama was elected president, his two children Malia, 11, codenamed Radiance, and Sasha, eight, codenamed Rosebud, began receiving Secret Service protection. Mr Obama's wife Michelle is codenamed Renaissance. The Secret Service also started to protect Vice-President Joe Biden's children, grandchildren, and mother. "We have half the number of agents we need, but requests for more agents have fallen on deaf ears at headquarters," a Secret Service agent told Kessler. "Headquarters' mentality has always been, 'You can complete the mission with what you have. Aufkauf von Ramschpapieren: Obama beschwört Erfolg von US-Rettun.

Washington - Er mahnt zur Geduld - auch wenn es ihm schwerfallen dürfte: Barack Obama hat den Plan seiner Regierung zum Aufkauf fauler Wertpapiere als entscheidend für die Erholung der US-Wirtschaft bezeichnet. Allerdings werde das Vorhaben die Kreditmärkte nicht über Nacht wieder in Gang bringen können, sagte der US-Präsident am Montag vor Journalisten. Das Finanzsystem sei noch sehr zerbrechlich. "Wir haben noch einen langen Weg vor uns und viel Arbeit zu erledigen", sagte der Präsident nach Unterredungen mit Finanzminister Timothy Geithner und US-Notenbankchef Ben Bernanke.

Präsident Obama: "Wir haben noch einen langen Weg vor uns" Die US-Regierung will mit Unterstützung privater Investoren für bis zu einer Billion Dollar (740 Milliarden Euro) faule Kredite und Ramschpapiere aufkaufen. Ziel ist, die Banken von diesen Vermögenswerten zu befreien, um den Kreditfluss und damit die Konjunktur wieder in Gang zu bringen. 4,4 Prozent im Plus bei 7602 Punkten. Zweifel bei Experten. News Analysis - Bracing for a Bailout Backlash. Obama: U.S. to survive economic day of reckoning | U.S. | Reuter.

Study Sees an Obama Effect as Lifting Black Test-Takers - NYTime. Editorial - For Treasury Secretary. Weißes Haus im Web: Obama zieht neue Seiten auf. Hamburg - Barack Obama und das Internet tanzen Walzer miteinander, und das nicht erst seit seiner Vereidigung als US-Präsident. Obamas Wahlkampf wäre ohne das Netz und die dort akquirierten Spenden unmöglich gewesen. Die Wahl war ein Meilenstein der verteilten Kommunikation, der Verknüpfung von Web-Videos, Blog-Einträgen, Social Networks, Microblogging, Foto-Sites und natürlich der Online-Angebote der traditionellen Medienhäuser. Jetzt die Amtseinführung: Erneut hat Obama nicht nur für Freudentränen gesorgt, sondern auch für Netz-Rekorde. Einen stellte die neue Regierung selbst auf - noch während der Antrittsrede wurde der komplette Web-Auftritt des Weißen Hauses abgeräumt und neu präsentiert.

Die Community-Plattform Facebook hatte sich mit CNN zusammengetan: Der Nachrichtensender lieferte einen Livestream von den Ereignissen in Washington, Facebook-Nutzer konnten im gleichen Fenster Kommentare abgeben, in Form von "Status Updates". "Massive weltweite Anteilnahme" 2008 Election - Choosing a President. Inspired by Obama’s Message? Pull Out Your Wallet. Obama Warns of Further Economic Pain. The New Team - Politics. Obama Names Team To Create "Innovation Agenda" - Post.

Obama Names Team To Create "Innovation Agenda" President-elect Barack Obama today unveiled who will oversee his "Innovation Agenda," a set of policy proposals that aim to make government operations more transparent, use high-technology to create jobs and get average citizens more involved in government. Lead members of the group, Blair Levin, Sonal Shah and Julius Genachowski, will divide the group into four sub-teams: 1) Innovation and Government 2) Innovation and National Priorities 3) Innovation and Science 4) Innovation and Civil Society. The agenda "includes a range of proposals to create a 21st century government that is more open and effective; leverages technology to grow the economy, create jobs, and solve our country's most pressing problems; respects the integrity of and renews our commitment to science; and catalyzes active citizenship and partnerships in shared governance with civil society institutions," according to the president-elect's Web Site.

Obama Steps Up to the Plate on the Economy. Taking effective control of U.S. economic policy two months before he will be sworn into office, President-elect Barack Obama promised an "aggressive" economic recovery plan in the first month of 2009 that will include tax cuts and new spending on jobs, energy infrastructure, health care and education. Obama's vow to move "swiftly and boldly" is a sign that the incoming Administration is not waiting until the Inauguration to plot a new economic course. Nor, from the sound of it, does it seem like Obama feels he has the luxury of waiting. "We are facing an economic crisis of historic proportion," he said. "While we cannot underestimate the challenges we face, we cannot underestimate our capacity to overcome them. We cannot hesitate and we cannot delay. " Obama's comments were yet another indication that Washington will move in the first weeks of 2009 to approve an economic stimulus package worth $500 billion or more.

Exactly how large that package might turn out to be is anyone's guess. DemConWatch: Obama Weekly Democratic Radio Address. Say Goodbye to BlackBerry? If Obama Has to, Yes He Can - NYTimes. Feiertag für Verleger: Obama sorgt für Kurzzeit-Boom der Zeitung. New York - Selten waren die Zeitungen in den USA so begehrt wie nach dem historischen Wahlsieg von Barack Obama. Die Zeitungskioske von New York bis Seattle waren am Mittwoch in wenigen Stunden leergekauft.

Einige Kunden kauften gleich zwei, drei oder noch mehr Ausgaben einer Zeitung. US-Zeitungen: Welkendes Nachrichtenmedium - aber als Souvenir unschlagbar Die ungewohnte Nachfrage fällt in eine Zeit sinkender Verkaufsauflagen und rückläufiger Anzeigenerträge. Der "Plain Dealer" in Cleveland nutzte die Gunst der Stunde und offerierte besonders hochwertige Ausdrucke der ersten Seite zum Preis von 54,95 Dollar (42,70 Euro): Unter der Schlagzeile "Change Has Come" bedeckt eine Nahaufnahme von Obama drei Viertel der Zeitungsseite. Auf der Lower East Side von New York klapperte John Penley einen Zeitungsladen nach dem anderen ab, um noch das begehrte Blatt zu bekommen. In Baltimore kaufte Walter Elliott gleich 90 Exemplare der Zeitung "The Sun". Anick Jesdanun, AP News verfolgen. Obama's Seven Lessons for Radical Innovators - Umair Haque. It’s a momentous day for America – and the world.

Barack Obama is poised to take the reins of the Presidency. So how did this unlikeliest of candidates do it? How did Obama utilize radically asymmetrical competition to shatter Washington’s toxic, bitter 20th century status quo? The most critical part of the story is the organization Obama built. Though conservatives are still arguing that Obama has little executive experience, nothing could be further from the truth. Barack Obama is one of the most radical management innovators in the world today. Obama’s team built something truly world-changing: a new kind of political organization for the 21st century.

Obama presidential bid succeeded, in other words, as our research at the Lab has discussed for the past several years, through the power of new DNA: new rules for new kinds of institutions. So let’s discuss the new DNA Obama brought to the table, by outlining seven rules for tomorrow’s radical innovators. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Barack Obama draws on America's economic brains. Obama and Europe: Merkel Hopes for an End to US Unilateralism - Like many of her fellow Germans, Chancellor Angela Merkel learned of Barack Obama's election victory in the early hours of the morning, when it was reported on television. "Of course, I was following the whole thing until it was time to go to bed," Merkel said on Wednesday at the Chancellery.

She also woke up a few times during the night to "check on things" before going back to sleep, she said. By the time Merkel got up in the morning, it was clear that Barack Obama would be the next president of the United States. The chancellor is unlikely to have been surprised by the news, since recent polls had the first black US presidential candidate leading his Republican rival by a significant margin. Early on Wednesday morning Obama was already receiving congratulatory messages from Berlin's political elite, starting with German President Horst Köhler, followed by Merkel and Vice Chancellor Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Barack Obama in July in Berlin. Video - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten. World | Americas | Barack Obama's grandmother di. The grandmother of US candidate Barack Obama has died on the eve of the presidential election. Madelyn Dunham, 86, had cancer. She had been a key figure in Mr Obama's early life, and helped raise him. When her health deteriorated last month, the Democratic candidate left the campaign trail for two days to visit her in Hawaii. Mr Obama has spoken of their strong bond and referred to her in some of his most powerful campaign speeches. Announcing her death on Monday, Mr Obama said: "She was the cornerstone of our family, and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength, and humility. "She was the person who encouraged and allowed us to take chances. " Role model His Republican rival, John McCain, and his wife Cindy offered their "deepest condolences to Barack Obama and his family as they grieve the loss of their beloved grandmother".

Chefberater David Axelrod: Der Obama-Macher - SPIEGEL ONLINE - N. David Axelrod macht keinen Hehl daraus, dass es die Krönung seines Lebenswerkes wäre, wenn Barack Obama das Weiße Haus erobert. Und der 53-jährige Ex-Journalist aus einem linken jüdischen Elternhaus hat Erfahrung damit, schwarze Politiker in höchste Ämter zu bringen. Der erste schwarze Bürgermeister von Chicago? Harold Washington, ein Kunde von Axelrod. Dito der erste schwarze Gouverneur von Massachusetts, Deval Patrick. Demokrat Obama mit Chefberater Axelrod: Alles in einer Person Alle Kandidaten im Präsidentschaftswahlkampf haben Redenschreiber, Meinungsforscher, Werbeprofis, und Strategen.

David Axelrod ist alles in einer Person - und seine Firma AKP & D ist außerdem auch für die erfolgreiche Fundraising-Strategie Obamas verantwortlich. Axelrod steht hinter Obamas mitreißender Rhetorik vom Wandel und hehren Prinzipien - aber er scheut auch den knallharten Kampf nicht, wenn er sein muss. Die amerikanische Allianz von Juden und Schwarzen News verfolgen alles aus der Rubrik Politik.