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Michael Itaev

Michael Itaev is the founder and owner of West Coast Commodity and Technology. As a suscussful entreprneur from California, Michael Itaev is actively invloved in the local community through his contributiions to the Rainbow Children's Academy.

Michael Itaev Continues to Give Back to Community in Times of Need. Michael Itaev Knows the Holidays are a Time to Give While it is important to think about the community during the rest of the year, the holiday season is always a good time to give back to those that are less fortunate.

Michael Itaev Continues to Give Back to Community in Times of Need

Michael Itaev has continued to find ways to ensure everyone is able to have a fun and memorable experience. A few years ago, through a couple of his foundations and charities, Itaev created an event called the Soulful Christmas Celebration. This ended up being a very popular event for people all over the area and helped to raise a lot of awareness for the organizations. It also helped create some lasting memories for all people that were involved with it.

Michael Itaev Explains Why Gasification is the Future - Michael Itaev. Did you know that globally we create over 2 billion tons of garbage per year?

Michael Itaev Explains Why Gasification is the Future - Michael Itaev

Vast amounts of trash end up in our rivers, oceans, landfills, and elsewhere. In the United States, nearly 300 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) was generated in 2018 alone. This breaks out to roughly 5 pounds of municipal solid waste per person per day. Yet Michael Itaev believes that with gasification we can turn this waste into a renewable, sustainable energy resource.

“With gasification we can take the municipal waste and turn it into an energy resource,” Michael Itaev points out. Nearly 12 percent of municipal solid waste in the United States ultimately gets converted into energy. “Gasification is already proving effective in the United States, although we can do more, especially if we want to lead the world in renewable energy production,” Michael Itaev says.

Gasification may also reduce air pollution, contributing to better health and visibility. Michael Itaev Continues to Give Back to Community in Times of Need. Michael Itaev Michael Itaev Continued to Give Back to Community in Times of Need LOS ANGELES , CA, UNITES STATES , December 16, 2020 / -- Throughout most of 2020, people all over the world have continued to struggle due to a variety of reasons.

Michael Itaev Continues to Give Back to Community in Times of Need

This year has brought several different challenges including COVID-19, a global economic recession, and a variety of different natural disasters. Fortunately, there are people out there that continue to look out for the community around them and give back. One person that has continued to support the community at large is Michael Itaev. Meir Itaev Continues to Give Back to Community - WICZ. Michael Itaev of West Coast Commodity and Technology to Build Gasification Power Plant in Mexico. Gasification power plant to be built in Mexico by Micahel Itaev of West Coast Commodity.

Michael Itaev of West Coast Commodity and Technology to Build Gasification Power Plant in Mexico

Meir Itaev Outlines Benefits of Gasification For Urban Communities. Meir Itaev on Benefits of Gasification For Urban Communities LOS ANGELES , CA, UNITED STATES, November 12, 2020 / -- Renewable energy has become one of the hottest buzz terms around, and for good reason.

Meir Itaev Outlines Benefits of Gasification For Urban Communities

Someday, the world may run out of oil and other non-renewable energy sources. In fact, when we use oil and the like, we deny future generations the opportunity to use those resources. Renewable energy sources, however, are replenishable, ensuring supply both now and in the future. That’s part of why Meir Itaev (who also goes by Michael Itaev) is busy working on gasification projects. “Renewables are important not just for the now, but also the future,” Meir Itaev argues.

Urban areas produce a lot of biomass in the form of trash and other things. “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure,” Meir Itaev notes. Meir Itaev Reminisces on the Success of “A Soulful Christmas Celebration” Meir Itaev Meir Itaev Discussed the Success of “A Soulful Christmas Celebration” LOS ANGELES , CA, UNITED STATES , November 10, 2020 / -- Back in 2016, the Rainbow Children’s Academy put together a holiday event known as “A Soulful Christmas Celebration”.

Meir Itaev Reminisces on the Success of “A Soulful Christmas Celebration”

The celebration was an attempt to recognize the incredible impact that the academy has had on the surrounding community and was held on Friday, December 21 on Academy property in Inglewood, California. This Hollywood red carpet inspired event achieved an incredible turn-out with attendees consisting of dignitaries, parents, children, and even celebrities. The sold-out event was hosted by actors Jamal “Herculeez” Mixon known for his work in The Nutty Professor movies and brother Jerrod “Big Tyme” Mixon from “Me, Myself and Irene” while the food was catered through Delights by Lionel. Meir Itaev is also the founder and owner of West Coast Commodity and Technology. Caroline Hunter Web Presence, LLC 7862338220email us here.