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This quick reference is a summary of all the regex syntax that is listed in the full reference tables, without any explanation. You can use this table if you've seen some syntax in somebody else's regex and you have no idea what feature that syntax is for. Follow the link to learn more about the syntax in the tutorial. Since the full reference tables cover a variety of regex flavors, this quick reference may have multiple entries for the same syntax with links to different sections in the tutorial if different regex flavors use the same syntax for different features.

If you already know the feature you want but forgot which syntax to use, look up the feature in the regex reference table of contents instead. Did this website just save you a trip to the bookstore? Please make a donation to support this site, and you'll get a lifetime of advertisement-free access to this site! Online regex tester and debugger: JavaScript, Python, PHP, and PCRE.

Emacs_22_reference_card.pdf. Emacs manual. Emacs - Multiple Windows. Go to the previous, next section. Emacs can split a frame into two or many windows. Multiple windows can display parts of different buffers, or different parts of one buffer. Multiple frames always imply multiple windows, because each window belongs to one and only one frame. Concepts of Emacs Windows When multiple windows are being displayed, each window has an Emacs buffer designated for display in it. At any time, one of the windows is the selected window ; the buffer this window is displaying is the current buffer. Commands to move point affect the value of point for the selected Emacs window only. When multiple windows show the same buffer, they can have different regions, because they can have different values of point.

Each window has its own mode line, which displays the buffer name, modification status and major and minor modes of the buffer that is displayed in the window. @break Splitting Windows C-x 2 C-x 3 Horizontal scrolling is often used in side-by-side windows. C-x o C-M-v C-x 0. A guided tour of Emacs. A Guided Tour of Emacs The GNU Emacs Manual calls Emacs the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor, but this description tells beginners little about what Emacs is capable of. To give you an idea, here is a sampling of the things you can do with Emacs: Beyond just being able to edit plain text files, Emacs includes special features to help you write in many different human languages and programming/markup languages: …as well as tools for compiling, running, and testing programs. Emacs integrates with GDB to provide an IDE (M-x gdb): Emacs can compare two files and highlight their differences (M-x ediff): Emacs is a file manager (M-x dired): Emacs can read news, mail, and RSS feeds (M-x gnus): You can even play tetris in Emacs (M-x tetris): You might see now why some people consider Emacs to be not merely a text editor but almost a complete operating system.

Why Emacs? Emacs is also portable. Before we get started… Occasionally I'll say something like this: Mark Region. Emacs - Searching and Replacement. Go to the previous, next section. Like other editors, Emacs has commands for searching for occurrences of a string. The principal search command is unusual in that it is incremental ; it begins to search before you have finished typing the search string. There are also nonincremental search commands more like those of other editors. Besides the usual replace-string command that finds all occurrences of one string and replaces them with another, Emacs has a fancy replacement command called query-replace which asks interactively which occurrences to replace. Incremental Search An incremental search begins searching as soon as you type the first character of the search string. C-s Incremental search forward (isearch-forward). C-r Incremental search backward (isearch-backward).

C-s starts an incremental search. The echo area display ends with three dots when actual searching is going on. If you make a mistake in typing the search string, you can erase characters with DEL. Wrapping around . Regexp . .