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Michael Dunnigan

Smokers or past smokers: Six ways to cleanse and revitalize your lungs. Share by PF Louis – Natural News It’s been observed that even former smokers who quit years ago have traces of lung damage.

Smokers or past smokers: Six ways to cleanse and revitalize your lungs

Even if one has never smoked, second hand cigarette smoke, industrial pollution, vehicular exhaust fumes and now chemtrails with downward drifting heavy metal nano-particles all contribute to some level of lung damage for almost everyone. Mother Jones.


Rockmelt. We’re excited to tell you that Rockmelt has been acquired by Yahoo!.


Yahoo! And Rockmelt share a common goal: To help people discover the best content from around the web. In our short four and a half years at Rockmelt, we’ve learned a lot about how you like to browse the web, discover content, and share the great stuff you’ve found. You’ve been right by our sides as we’ve celebrated successes, endured failures, and invented new ways of doing things. NASA - Home.