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OpenIt4Africa, des idées technos pour construire l'Afrique. Heri Rakotomalala.


Interview with David Nault, new Entrepreneur-In-Residence at iNovia Capital. Early this week, iNovia Capital announced that experienced tech executive David Nault has joined the iNovia team, complementing the already excellent mix of talents in the firm. We all remember the Fund III announcement, and Chris Emergui has also been announced as a new partner, paving the way for a great year at iNovia Capital.

For tech entrepreneurs, Chris Arsenault’s blog post on how they crafted the position and how David Nault joined the team is a must-read. It shows how the firm works and the focus they put on talent. It’s not always about numbers! For me, it was also essential to know more about David, on a new position that not many VC firms in Canada have. Can you present yourself, in terms of experience, successes or failures that you would like to share? I am an entrepreneur with a love for venture building and working with great companies.

What will your role be as Entrepreneur-In-Residence? The full title is Entrepreneur-In-Residence and Quebec Investment Director. TechnoMontréal. Embrase - Business Consulting - Helping Communications Innovators Succeed. Montreal Python. Montreal.rb. Home | James on Software. Hello, Architekt ! Grafisch Ontwerp. Thoreau interface design » Designing the interface between ideas and users » Guillaume Thoreau» My first idea – The beginning | Quebec Valley. My first idea – Documenting the idea | Quebec Valley. Station C. Why many ideas suck | Quebec Valley. Building Web Apps Really Fast: Why Developers are Drawn to Weekend Code-a-thons. Think Small – Or when small works fine for you | Quebec Valley. Enterprisingly - Guaranteed results from qualified providers in Montreal.

FreeHackers, January event in Montreal. Plus qu’un site de carrière | Jobbook. Jobbook vous apparie avec les emplois que vous désirez. Explorez le Dictionaired'emploi™ et faites vos choix carrières; Jobbook vous présentera avec des offres d'emplois selon vos sélections et en toute confidentialité. Abonnement et utilisation gratuite! Sans publicité, sans accroche. Join Now! Dictionnaired'emplois™ Trouver le bon emploi est un tâche en soi même. Explorer les emplois dans votre domaine Wiki Le Dictionniared'emploi sera bientôt relié à Jobbook Wiki, une plateforme wiki modérée permettant aux utilisateurs de partager, contribuer et en apprendre plus sur les carrières et emplois dans chaque domaine.

Parcourez le Wiki Les nouvelles Jobbook vous garde à l'affut des dernières nouvelles, informations et ressources professionnelles dans votre domaine. Visitez le site Jobbook Nouvelles. A Dream Job Can Be Right Around the Corner: A Discussion With Jobbook Founders Antoine de Brabant & Noah Chaimowicz « Allentrepreneur. Let’s face it, finding a good job is anything but easy. It not only involves hours of screening through titles and functions that, in the end, tell us nothing about the nature of the actual work. Moreover, the bigger job search engines out there can be anything but friendly and personal. Enter Jobbook. First, as concisely as you can, what is the main problem Jobbook aims to solve? Jobbook aims to improve the imprecise process involved in online recruitment and job searching. Want by exploring the JobdictionaryTM, and get matched with job opportunities based on their selections.

Tell me about the core team members of Jobbook. Jean de Brabant, a 73 year old entrepreneur, lawyer and minor tri-athlete, is our founder and CEO. You have a very convenient office space in downtown Montreal. I think one of the most important assets a company has are their employees (and partners), even more so when it comes to start-ups.

As for our office, we were lucky to land on such a great space. Like this: When does a “project” become a “startup”? | Quebec Valley. Part 4. Vendre :,,, @ SmartViper. Herve Didier: Professeur, Entrepreneur. Conseil en affiliation, tracking, co-registration... pour votre programme d'affiliation. Campagne d'affiliation : SeLoger vacances. How to signup to join the Ebay Affiliate Partner Network | Computer Tips. eBay Affiliate Program Prohibits Sub-Affiliates and Ad Networks. eBay will no longer support affiliate traffic from tier-2 paid search, ad networks, and sub-affiliates. The eBay Partner Network will continue to allow publishers to source traffic to their own websites via those methods but are not allowing direct promotion of eBay through those models. eBay is banning those methods because, it said, "the quality of buyer traffic these business models have sent to eBay historically has not matched the high standards set by the rest of our affiliates.

" Any arrangement where publishers distribute their earnings from eBay Partner Network to other publishers is considered a sub-affiliate model and is disallowed. eBay said, "Like ad networks, this has been a model that required special permission until now but will no longer be allowed in eBay Partner Network. " Big Crumbs and similar companies are not directly affected by the change as they are considered a "Loyalty/Incentive model. " How I make money in a downturn economy | Quebec Valley. QuebecValley. Coop Ecto: le "co-working" pour briser l’isolement. La philosophie du co-working consiste à partager un espace de travail avec d’autres professionnels, dans un esprit d’ouverture et de collaboration. C’est ce qui fait la différence entre louer un bureau dans un centre d’affaires ou prendre part à la coopérative Ecto. « Tu engages un rapport humain avec les autres, ce n’est pas juste un rapport de consommation d’espace », affirme Yves Otis, président d’Ecto et cofondateur de Percolab, une entreprise spécialisée dans l’intégration de systèmes d'information pour la recherche et l'apprentissage.

La coopérative a ouvert ses portes en septembre 2009 sur la rue Roy, dans l’édifice de l’ancienne phonothèque. Elle compte aujourd’hui 30 membres de tous les milieux : intégrateur web, gestionnaire du domaine culturel, chargée de projet en communication, réviseur, écrivain, infographe, etc. Ecto ne se spécialise pas dans un domaine d’emplois, mais mise sur le partage des compétences entres les membres. Chez Ecto, il n’y a pas de cubicules. Coworking – It’s about the people. This blog post is part of a series about Coworking around North America & is sponsored by The Network Hub. To learn more about The Network Hub, visit This is the second part of our series on the growing Coworking movement and some of the spaces that have embraced the philosophy, both locally and abroad.

The aim of the movement is to create a community of cafe-like collaboration spaces for developers, writers and independents. In 2008, Patrick Tanguay and Daniel Mireault noticed the lack of spaces that catered to its independent workers, freelancers and entrepreneurs. “We first started toying with the idea as we were both freelancing and were either working from home, at our clients’ or in cafes. We wanted our own place – a professional yet cozy place where we could work and be surrounded by like-minded individuals without feeling guilty of sipping our latte for 3 hours just to be able to use the local cafe's WIFI network.”