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NatureVoiceAndroid. Wave Qui Peut. Serial C# Android / Xperia. Graphing. Download File Ajax. JQuery. Mojolicious Web Framework - Join the Perl revolution! pQuery. pQuery - Perl Port of jQuery.js use pQuery; pQuery(" ->find("h2") ->each(sub { my $i = shift; print $i + 1, ") ", pQuery($_)->text, "\n"; }); pQuery is a pragmatic attempt to port the jQuery JavaScript framework to Perl. It is pragmatic in the sense that it switches certain JavaScript idioms for Perl ones, in order to make the use of it concise. A primary goal of jQuery is to "Find things and do things, concisely". pQuery has the same goal. pQuery exports a single function called pQuery. (Actually, it also exports the special PQUERY function. A pQuery object acts like an array reference (because, in fact, it is). pQuery::DOM is roughly an attempt to duplicate JavaScript's DOM in Perl. Like jQuery, pQuery methods return a pQuery object; either the original object or a new derived object.

The power of jQuery is that single method calls can apply to many DOM objects. pQuery does the exact same thing but can take this one step further. Consider this example: – Using Ajax from Perl. Iwl - A widget library for the web. IWL: a perl widget library for rapid RIA development The initial goal behind the development of IWL was to reduce the HTML strings inside Perl code. With time however, the library has grown beyond that goal, and now provides a Perl interface to the excellent Prototype JS library, full remote process communication via AJAX, and a complete set of graphical user interface widgets via an API similar to that of Gtk+.

IWL in the Github The IWL source has moved in the Github. As a result, the Google Code SVN will not be updated often. For bleeding edge code, it is advised to use the git repositories in the Links panel on the right. Documentation Full API documentation of the library is available on CPAN. Demo An online demonstration page, similar to the demo Gtk+ program, is available here Screenshot Code The most recent stable code is available via CPAN. Svn checkout iwl Experimental IWL::P2JS is a side project to the main library. Donation. pQuery where p = Perl. JQuery. JQuery - Interface to Jquery, a language based on Javascript Version 1.00 JQuery provides some of the functionality provided by the JQuery language. use JQuery; my $jquery = new JQuery(jqueryDir => '/jquery_js') ; my $accordion = JQuery::Accordion->new(id => 'myAccordion', headers => \@headers, texts => \@texts, panelHeight => 200, panelWidth => '400px' ) ; $jquery->add_css_last(new JQuery::CSS( hash => {'#myAccordion' => {width => '600px'}})) ; my $data = [['Id','Total','Ip','Time','US Short Date','US Long Date'], ['66672', '$22.79','','08:02','12-24-2000','Jul 6, 2006 8:14 AM'], ['66672','$2482.79','','15:10','12-12-2001','Jan 6, 2006 8:14 AM'] ] ; my $tableHTML = $jquery->Add(JQuery::TableSorter->new(id => 'table1', data => $data, headerClass => 'largeHeaders', dateFormat=>'dd/mm/yyyy' ))->HTML ; $jquery->add($accordion) ; my $html = $accordion->HTML .

$tableHTML ; my $jquery_code = $jquery->get_jquery_code ; my $css = $jquery->get_css ; Using JQuery text hash. Very simple login using Perl, jQuery, Ajax, JSON and MySQL. Introduction Since the beginning of the WWW, the developers try to equip their Web sites with new features and widgets to attract the users' attention and make the life much easier for them by applying the latest technologies. Nowadays, an average Web user, among other activities, shops, searches for information, registers to forums and communities, plays online games and communicates with the other users on the Internet.

For most of these activities the user typically needs to register and then log in to the Web site. These basic features require special care; they need to be simple, fast and secure for the user. From the developer's perspective, thanks to the new techniques, the implementation of these features gets easier every day. In this article, you will learn how to bring a handful of these technologies together and implement a very simple login feature for your Web site. The implementation has been broken down into 4 sections: What is not included in the article? Listing 1. Perl. Web, Perl/CGI & jQuery/AJAX. Update to jQuery Visualize: Accessible Charts with HTML5 from Designing with Progressive Enhancement.

Posted by Maggie on 03/12/2010 Topics: accessibility dwpe book jQuery progressive enhancement A while ago, we came up with a technique for creating accessible charts and graphs that uses JavaScript to scrape data from an HTML table and generate bar, line, area, and pie chart visualizations using the HTML5 canvas element. We've updated the Visualize plugin — adding ARIA attributes to clarify the chart's role to screen reader users, so they're better informed about which elements contain useful data; and providing two style variations to demonstrate how you can use CSS to customize the charts' appearance. Visualize is one of the 12 fully-accessible, project-ready, progressive enhancement-driven widgets that accompanies our new book, Designing with Progressive Enhancement. How the Visualize plugin works The Visualize plugin parses key content elements in a well-structured HTML table, and leverages that native HTML5 canvas drawing ability to transform them into a chart or graph visualization.

JQuery Charts « Code Blitz. Var jsonPieObj = { "pageHits": [['Jan 2009',30], ['Feb 2009',60], ['Mar 2009',22], ['Apr 2009',5], ['May 2009',60], ['June 2009',88], ['Jul 2009',102]], "rssHits": [['Jan 2009',33], ['Feb 2009',45], ['Mar 2009',121], ['Apr 2009',23], ['May 2009',55], ['June 2009',35], ['Jul 2009',77]] }; $(function() { $.jqplot('chartDiv', [pageHits, rssHits], CreateLineChartOptions()); $('#barChartButton').click(function() { $('#chartDiv').html(''); $.jqplot('chartDiv', [pageHits, rssHits], CreateBarChartOptions()); $('#lineChartButton').click(function() { $('#stackedBarChartButton').click(function() { $.jqplot('chartDiv', [pageHits, rssHits], CreateStackedBarChartOptions()); $('#pieChartButton1').click(function() { $.jqplot('chartDiv', [jsonPieObj.pageHits], CreatePieChartOptions1()); $('#pieChartButton2').click(function() { $.jqplot('chartDiv', [jsonPieObj.rssHits], CreatePieChartOptions2()); function CreateLineChartOptions() var optionsObj = { title: 'Blog Statistics', axes: { xaxis: { ticks: xAxis seriesDefaults:{

Flot Examples. jQuery Sparklines. News 15 June 2013 - Version 2.1.2 Relased This release adds support for jQuery 1.10.0 and other bug fixes and minor improvements. See the full changelog for details of all changes. 26 January 2013 - Version 2.1.1 Relased This release adds support for jQuery 1.9.0 along with a couple of other bug fixes. If you're using a version of jQuery later than 1.8, be extra sure you're not rendering your page in quirks mode to avoid breaking tooltips for IE users. See jQuery's notes on quirks compatiblity for more info. See the full changelog for details of all changes. 15 October 2012 - Version 2.1 Released This release is primarily a bug-fix release, but also adds support for Internet Explorer 10. See the full changelog for details of all changes. 29 April 2012 - Version 2.0 Released This release represents a significant code update. Customizable mouseover tooltips and interaction including highlighting of moused-over values.

There's a few non-code updates as well: eg. This release also: Documentation. Rotated Axis Tick Labels | jqPlot.