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Super-Herb Bliss Balls Recipe | FMTV. Healing With Chocolate and Herbs | crafted wellness. You can call them whatever you wish… The amazing herbalist Emily Ruff refers to them as Ninja Balls; Mama herbalist Rosemary Gladstar named them Zoom Balls; you can call them medicine balls, energy balls, dreamy treats, etc… No matter what their name, these delicious little snacks are the perfect way to treat your mind and body with medicinal herbs and superfoods on a daily basis.

A fresh batch of Ninja Balls Here’s the thing about ninja balls… there is no standard recipe. The herbs that you use will dependend on what you are looking for… Want more energy? Use powdered ashwagandha. Want to boost your immune system? Include powdered reishi mushroom and powdered astragulus. Interested in getting a daily brain boost? Sound good? The base of the mix is made with nut butter and a sweetener. Options for nut butters include: Almond butter Peanut butter Sesame butter Cashew butter Etc… Options for sweeteners include: Raw honey Real maple syrup (Coombs) Ashwagandha, in powdered form Lets get mixing!! Ginseng. Smart Girls Lift. Homemade energy balls, bites, and bars are a great pick-me-up before a workout. They’re also a great late night snack for those times you want something a bit more indulgent, but also something sweet that won’t derail your diet. For most of the recipes below, you’ll only need a food processor as far as equipment goes.

Some require baking or freezing, but most of these are basic to make and call for ingredients you likely already have on-hand. No-Bake “Sugar” Cookie Energy Bites | Better with Cake These are so basic, but so delicious. You need cashews (raw and unsalted), medjool dates, vanilla extract, a pinch of salt, and even some sprinkles if you have them handy! On top of the minimal ingredients, these don’t require any time in your oven. Peanut Butter & Chocolate Protein Bites | Feeding My Addiction PB and chocolate may be my favorite flavor combo ever… or peanut butter & jelly. Cranberry Pistachio Energy Bites | Gimme Some Oven These Coconut Lime Energy Bites | Paleo Grubs OMG. Related. Delicious Protein Ball Recipe! - Lifespan Fitness Blog | Fitness, Nutrition & Great Deals! There are plenty of protein recipes around the internet; concoctions producing brownies, sludge, shakes and even cakes – but in reality; a number of them are bland; produce poor quantities and are relatively expensive.

Many involve high amounts of sugar to extract any flavor; which contribute to spikes in our insulin levels and unless burnt off, translates to excess fat storage. Providing you with an excellent boost in energy and macronutrient balance, these delicious protein balls can be altered to cater to those with a gluten intolerance or even vegans! And for those with allergens to any of the ingredients (such as nuts or coconut), simple alternatives are available so you can enjoy these too! Ingredients Chia Seeds provide a number of health benefits such as blood sugar regulation through their high profiles of Omega 3, Fiber, Antioxidants and Minerals 4 scoops whey protein powder (any flavour, unsweetened/unflavoured is fine!) Method. Eat Your Herbs With This Yummy "Nutrient Boost" Balls Recipe. Have you been looking for the perfect vitamin for yourself or your kids only to be disappointed with the additives, the price, the taste, or even how they make you feel?

If so, have you thought about using herbs as your daily multivitamin or at least as a way to bring in more whole food nutrition to your diet? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then keep reading because today I’m going to show you how I use Erin’s Super Green Drink mix as my daily multivitamin for not only myself, but my kids as well! Erin’s Super Green Drink Mix This combination of herbs consists of 28 tonic herbs that are full of vitamins and minerals your body needs… not to mention additional things like fats, carbohydrates, proteins (macronutrients) and essential fatty acids. This blend of powdered herbs has been well researched and each herb chosen for its nutrient content. It can be used in many ways, from being mixed in water or juice to added into smoothies or applesauce. 1. Is it real food? 2. 3.

Enjoy! Jello maison. 4 portions Préparation 10 min Réfrigération 2 heures Pas de cuisson Prix 0,90$ par portion Ingrédients 1 sachet de gélatine neutre (de type Knox) 60 ml (¼ tasse) d’eau froide 60 ml (¼ tasse) d’eau bouillante 250 ml (1 tasse) de jus de pomme pur 125 ml (½ tasse) de jus de grenade pur 375 ml (1 ½ tasse) de petits fruits frais (fraises, bleuets, framboises, mûres…) Préparation Dans une tasse à mesurer de 1 litre (ou un bol à bec verseur), faire gonfler la gélatine dans l’eau froide.

Répartir les fruits frais dans 4 coupes à dessert. Se conserve 3 jours au réfrigérateur et ne se congèle pas. Note Grâce à tous les fruits que nous lui avons ajoutés, notre version de jello est trois fois plus riche en fibres que la version commerciale. Variantes Vous pouvez varier les fruits à votre goût. La gélatine est une substance issue du collagène animal. Valeur nutritive (par portion) 77 Calories Protéines 2 g Lipides 0 g Glucides 17 g Fibres 3 g Sodium 11 mg. Homemade Pudding. There is something about homemade pudding that reminds me of being a kid.

My mom loved to make homemade pudding for us and I would help her every step of the way! I’d stir the warming pot and I’d wait with excitement as it cooled in the refrigerator. I recently tried Silk’s new Cashewmilk and it was the perfect time to teach my kids how to make homemade pudding. I used the same exact dessert jars that my mom made pudding in when I was a kid as you can (seen in the pictures below).

Ingredients: 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 cup cornstarch 3 cups of Silk Cashewmilk 3 Tbsp butter 1 1/2 tsp vanilla The new Silk Cashewmilk has an irresistibly creamy taste that is perfect for making pudding (especially if you want to make it gluten free!). 1. You can always tweak the recipe a little to fit your dietary needs. Marbré au chocolat à la ricotta sans beurre. Crème de tofu aux petits fruits. Berry Galettes and My TV Appearance. Image courtesy of Everyday Gourmet Do you remember a couple of moths ago when I announced that I had spent the day filming to be on a local TV show?

Well that TV show was Everyday Gourmet with Justine Schofield. I had the most amazing time filming the segments, and want to say a big thank you once again to Justine and the Everyday Gourmet team for having me! All the episodes have aired now, and I’m so excited to be sharing all the videos and recipes with you today! When choosing recipes, I wanted to showcase a few of my favourites from the blog. The first recipe I adapted for the show was the one for these caramel apple galettes! I love them because they are so easy, yet beautiful. At the time of filming, it was warm and berries were in abundance, so I chose to bake a colourful berry version instead. The second dessert Justine and I made together was one of my all time favourites – this coffee caramel panna cotta.

You’ll find the original recipe on the blog here. Like this: Like Loading... Carpaccio de fraises à la menthe et amandes grillées.


(cup) cakes. Coconut oil cookies | foodgawker - page 2. Coconut oil cookies | foodgawker - page 3. Biscuits. Coconut Almond Candy Bars. I’m so happy to bring you a guest post from Katie of Girl Meets Nourishment. Katie’s blog is all about the basics of getting back to an old-fashioned (read: pre-industrial) way of preparing meals and nourishing our bodies. Her recipes are all easy and simple and based on whole foods, inspired by the dietary principles of the Weston A Price Foundation.

In addition to her lovely photography, Katie’s blog features all kinds of information on how to get back to basics — making homemade soaps, cleaning products, and fabulously tasty recipes. Thanks, Katie, for sharing your recipe for Coconut Almond Candy Bars with us today! Did you know that you can make real food candy bars? These coconut almond candy bars are gluten-free, grain-free, refined-sugar free, and are fun to make.

Coconut Almond Candy Bars Yields: 10 to 15 bars The Players The How-To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Interested in the environmental impact of coconut products? You may want to read more about coconut sugar production. Meet Katie. FLEURS DE COCO AU COEUR CACAO. Moi, je dis : tout effort mérite récompense. Si vous avez été assez patients pour lire jusqu’au bout ma série Pourquoi vegan ? , alors vous méritez une grande récompense. Bon, et pour ceux qui ne l’ont pas lue, je vous pardonne, il n’est pas trop tard pour vous rattraper et, après tout, je comprends que vous penchiez plutôt pour la ‘mise en pratique’ que pour la théorie… Et il est grand temps de mettre en pratique ces beaux discours !

Cela donne quoi alors ? … Une friandise extrêmement savoureuse…. Avec seulement 4 ingrédients… Et pas de cuisson ? Vous adhérez ? Ça tombe bien, car moi aussi… Je vous propose donc aujourd’hui une recette très facile, rapide à réaliser (et tout autant à manger!) Allez, je ne vous fais plus attendre… Almond Butter Rice Crisp Treats. Growing up, I used to be a professional Rice Crispy Treat baker. I’d dump butter in a pot, add a bag of marshmallows, rice crisp, and vanilla. Spread into a pan. Stuff in face. Totally gourmet. Sticky, sweet, crunchy…and easy enough for a child to make. Each December, I showcased my skills by making Christmas-themed Rice Crispy Treats, complete with red and green rice crispies and a dusting of red and green sprinkles on top.

These Almond Butter Rice Crisp Treats are an equally gourmet version (read: no bake) of my loved childhood treats. To make these treats, I used my No Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Crispies recipe for inspiration- one of the most popular recipes on the blog. I put on my apron, rolled up my sleeves, and got to work. Almond Butter Rice Crisp Treats Adapted from Peanut Butter Chocolate Crispies recipe. Yield: 12 squares Ingredients: Directions: 1. 2. 3.. 4. 5. 6. Notes: 1) You can use any nut butter you like.

Oh man did this recipe bring back the memories! Recipe News: Baking Cookies With Butter Vs. Cream Cheese. Many low-fat cookie recipes substitute cream cheese for butter. If you aren't following a recipe, you can experiment on your own with substituting cream cheese for some or all of the butter. You may need to adjust the cooking time and the method in which you store the cookies to ensure that the cookies are just as soft and chewy as the original version containing butter. Substituting cream cheese for butter can cut the fat of the cookies dramatically. Three ounces of butter contains over 81 grams of fat, 51 grams of saturated fat and 215 milligrams of cholesterol, according to the nutrition database.

On the other hand, a 3-ounce portion of cream cheese contains 28.6 grams of fat, 18 grams of saturated fat and 90 milligrams of cholesterol. However, cream cheese is slightly higher in sodium than salted butter, and it is much higher in sodium than the unsalted butter that is typically used in baking. Soften the cream cheese by allowing it to warm on the countertop.

Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! - Whole Lifestyle Nutrition | Organic Recipes & Holistic Recipes. On Sale Now for a limited time! Gluten Free Grain Free Breads, Batters & Doughs If you are gluten free or grain free, this book is for you! Breads, Batters & Doughs teaches you how to cook using alternative flours and offers a collection of incredible recipes! Use coupon code healthy2014 at checkout... Blanched Almond Butter Recipe Photos Ok,…I am SOOOO excited about this recipe! I have always had the theory that everything (especially food), looks better on white. This subject might I add was a bit bland, no color what so ever, so I had to create some depth for these images. I dive into a lot of this and much more in my photography series. So lets move on to the recipe… A Lot of Almond Butter Recipes I love almond butter!

Here are several recipes where almond butter is the star ingredient. So when I started to use more almond butter, I was quickly breaking the bank with the steep prices. Buy Slivered Almonds I accomplished this by purchasing slivered almonds. So Why Blanched Almonds? Notes. 4 façons de manger plus de fruits et légumes. On nous recommande de manger au moins cinq fruits et légumes par jour, oui mais comment ? Les fruits et légumes ont depuis longtemps légitimé leur place, en tant qu’aliment de choix pour notre ligne et notre santé. Il existe heureusement des astuces pour ajouter de la variété à votre alimentation, tout en faisant le plein de vitamines et minéraux présents dans les fruits et légumes qui s’offrent à nous. Si vous vous préoccupez de ramener un peu de verdure à votre alimentation, voici pour les meilleurs façons d’ajouter plus de fruits et légumes à votre régime alimentaire. Une des façons les plus délicieuses et amusantes d’ajouter plus de fruits et légumes à votre alimentation est d’en faire des jus ou des smoothies.

Prenez par exemple le jus de carotte et de gingembre, qui au goût est particulièrement délicieux et d’un point de vue nutritif, reste un mélange imbattable. Il vous donnera un coup de fouet pour booster votre énergie, tout en améliorant la santé de vos yeux.

Recettes pour suppl FER

Delicious as it Looks: Low-Fructose Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies. These chocolate chip cookies are designed for people with fructose malabsorption. Made with almond flour and sweetened with dextrose, I hope you will find these more gentle on your belly than the originals. Nobody should have to give up chocolate chip cookies! I wasn't about to after figuring out I had fructose malabsorption. This is a recipe I modified from one found on I used dextrose instead of sugar. Dextrose is also known as glucose and is basically table sugar (sucrose) without the fructose. What I like about these cookies is that there is no butter added, which cuts back on the calories.

Low-Fructose Soft Chocolate Chip Cookiesmakes 12 - 15 cookies Printer-Friendly Recipe Ingredients 1 cup almond flour 1/4 cup cane sugar or 1/3 cup dextrose 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips or finely chopped dark chocolate (or as tolerated) Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.