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Glace et sorbet

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Summery Spa Pops. Clementine jelly. Close Buying sustainably sourced fish means buying fish that has been caught without endangering the levels of fish stocks and with the protection of the environment in mind. Wild fish caught in areas where stocks are plentiful are sustainably sourced, as are farmed fish that are reared on farms proven to cause no harm to surrounding seas and shores. When buying either wild or farmed fish, ask whether it is sustainably sourced. If you're unable to obtain this information, don't be afraid to shop elsewhere – only by shopping sustainably can we be sure that the fantastic selection of fish we enjoy today will be around for future generations. For further information about sustainably sourced fish, please refer to the useful links below: Marine Stewardship Council Fish Online. Watermelon ice cream cake. You know what i find irresistible?

Food that looks like something different than what it really is. it all started when i made these hot dog sugar cookies, + ever since then, when i see cupcakes that look like hamburgers, or macarons that look like piggies, i swoon with happiness. so, when Stephanie asked if i’d participate in her Foodie Fake-Out party, where we all post a recipe that looks/seems like something different than what it really is, i couldn’t wait to join! Summertime screams watermelon to me, so i decided to make something watermelon-themed. after looking through tons of inspiration pictures, i opted for a watermelon ice cream cake, which uses 3 different types of ice cream/sorbet + chocolate chips, arranged to look like watermelon. (side note: if you grew up with Friendly’s restaurants, like i did, it’s reminiscent of the wattamelon roll!) Check out the rest of the Fabulous Foodie Fake-Out recipes!

Yaourts au lait concentré -Yumelise - recettes de cuisine. Yaourt au lait concentré 1 litre de lait entier1 yaourt au lait entier310 grammes de lait concentré sucré (là je prends de l’écrémé )2 gousses de vanille Chauffer bien chaud mais sans bouillir) le lait entier avec les 2 gousses de vanille égrainées. Laisser infuser, en couvrant la casserole, jusqu’à complet refroidissement, à température ambiante.Mélanger à la fourchette, dans un saladier avec bec verseur, le lait refroidi, le lait concentré sucré et le yaourt.Verser dans les pots et programmer la yaourtière pour une durée de 9 heures.Sortir les pots, capuchonner et placer immédiatement au réfrigérateur (idéalement 4 heures). Rainbow Popsicles: Colorful Summer Treats. Spring conjures images of sunshine and flowers, but this spring has been thoroughly soggy with rain, rain, and more rain. You’d think with all this wet weather, we’d at least get a few rainbows, but despite some serious rainbow sleuthing with my daughter over the past few weeks, we haven’t spotted a single one.

Yesterday, I took matters into my own hands and made these cheery rainbow popsicles. Made with fresh lemonade, orange and pomegranate juice, these popsicles are juicy and sweet rainbow treats. Rainbow popsicles are pretty easy to make, but they take time since each layer needs to freeze before you add the next one. This basic recipe is also a great jumping off point for your own custom-color and flavor combinations. Homemade Rainbow Popsiclesmakes twelve 4 oz. popsicles In a medium sauce pan, heat the sugar and water over medium heat. Next, prepare and chill the liquid layers: Pour the red layer into your Dixie cups, to about 1/4” thickness, and freeze for 30 minutes.

Raspberry and Cream Frozen Dessert. I am happy to share with you all this fabulous Raspberry and Cream Frozen Dessert! You will make it once and decide to make it ALL THE TIME! Can you tell that the heat of the Midwest is getting to me??? My last dessert post for my Frozen Lemonade Mini-Pies and this post right here are both…well…FROZEN! We all need something to cool off and I am so excited to share this AH-MAZING recipe for a Raspberry & Cream Frozen Dessert with you!

It’s so easy but gives the illusion that you spent ALL DAY crafting this gourmet dessert! [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:1] When ready to serve, thaw on the counter for about 10 minutes. It’s rather Delightful! Linking Up to These Great Parties Here. Frozen Jello Pops. It’s Wednesday, my blog reading pals… and you know what that means. A kid friendly… Put some little hands to work… Gird up your loins for a small kitchen mess… See your kids smile and have fun…. kind of recipe.

It’s true. That is what Wednesday is about around here this summer. Click here to see the previous posts. Today, for your kid pleasing enjoyment I have a fun recipe for… Frozen Jello Pops The colors are fun! The flavors are fun! The cost is minimal! That translates into FUN for the pocket book. I bet your kids will love them.You may find your self nibbling on one as well…I know I have been! Frozen Jello Pops Time: 10 min. hands on + 5 hours to chill Yield: 24 little pops 1 3 oz box cherry jello 1 3 oz box lime jello 1 3 oz box watermelon jello 1 3 oz box orange jello 1 1/3 C sugar 4 C boiling water 3 C crushed ice 24 small cups (3 ounces each) 24 popsicle sticks You can, of course use what ever kind of jello suits your fancy. This is what you are going to need. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. And eat it up. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pudding Pops. This post is sponsored by Davidson’s Safest Choice Eggs. All opinions are my own.

Ugh. I am in the midst of a serious cookie dough hangover, you guys. It wasn’t enough for me to make safe-to-eat raw cookie dough, I had to go and put it in these flashback to the 80′s pudding pops! Also, hello, fun summer treat. I didn’t want to make eggless cookie dough, though, because even a half batch of cookie dough would yield too much for these pudding pops. I just used as much dough as I wanted for the pudding pops, which duh, was kind of a lot. Anyway. Pudding pops. Print Save Ingredients: 1 recipe chocolate chip cookie dough, using mini chocolate chips (the recipe on the back of the bag works great!) Directions: Prepare cookie dough according to recipe instructions.

Don’t miss a post! Roasted Banana Ice Cream. Earlier this week, I joined forces with Kayte, Mary Ann and Margaret via Twitter to churn some ice cream. Kayte asked me to choose the flavor and as I flipped through The Perfect Scoop, the roasted banana ice cream caught my eye. It was about 95 degrees out on this particular day, so I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of roasting bananas at 400 F for 40 minutes, but in the end I deemed it a small price to pay to try banana ice cream Aside from roasting the bananas, this recipe is quick and easy – no egg yolks to temper or custard to cook – just toss the bananas with milk, sugar, vanilla, lemon juice and salt, chill and churn!

After churning, I stuck the ice cream in the freezer for a few hours and then tried it. The flavor was quite intense! I suppose this goes without saying, but if you don’t love bananas, this is probably not the ice cream for you. Roasted Banana Ice Cream 3 medium ripe bananas, peeled 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar 1 1/2 cups whole milk 2 tablespoons granulated sugar. Leftovers. The dust is finally beginning to settle after the final grueling round of edits for Vegan a la Mode, and I can breathe more easily once again. It may actually be done. Such a crazy thought, to consider that my third cookbook is on it’s way, possibly being printed as we speak.

It sure didn’t happen overnight though; like most of my grand concepts, this one has been churning for a couple years now, before I even knew I wanted to do a book devoted solely to frozen treats. The gentle hum of the ice cream maker was my siren song, and I couldn’t stop dreaming up creamy concoctions even if I tried. It was a natural segue to turn those recipes into a book, where they could all live happily together.

But like any process that drags on through months and months, evolving with the changing seasons and weathering different patterns of inspiration, there had to be some difficult cuts to make at the end of the line. Maple-Nut Royale Ice Cream Makes About 1 Quart Printable Recipe Like this: Toasted Pecan Maple Ice Cream. It may be nearly Autumn and the chill in the air may have set in but that does not stop me from making ice cream. How else would I acquire a delicious accompaniment to my warm crisps and cobblers? I haven't bought ice cream at the store in years and am not about to start doing so now.

Besides, how else would I infuse the flavors of fall into the creamy dessert? I know you can buy cinnamon ice cream at the store, but what about flavors like pumpkin, apple cinnamon or toasted pecan maple? I look at ice cream base as my blank palate to create new flavors, seasonally of course since I am not so much craving strawberry in the fall or pumpkin in the summer. I love the flavor of roasted nuts in the cooler months, so this week I decided that a toasted pecan maple ice cream would be delicious! So I blended toasted pecans into my vegan ice cream base and added maple syrup for sweetener along with some cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg. It was wonderful! Toasted Pecan Maple Ice Cream Ice Cream:

Beginner Ice Cream Recipe. It's easy to be intimidated by the prospect of making your own ice cream — after all, it's one of the few dishes that requires its own dedicated piece of equipment. Use an ice cream maker once, however, and you'll find that it's the easiest appliance you'll ever need to use. In truth, that's not the tricky part; tempering your ice cream is . To eliminate any potential disaster on your first ice cream try, start out with a recipe that doesn't call for an egg yolk or custard base. That way, you won't have to worry about your egg yolks curdling or scrambling, or the lengthy cooling time that follows. While gelato and frozen sorbet contain eggs, ice cream in its purest incarnation actually doesn't. This light, airy ice cream incorporates the rich flavors of maple syrup and walnuts with cream and a touch of milk.

Ingredients 2/3 cup maple syrup, preferably grade B 2 cups heavy cream 2/3 cup whole milk Large pinch kosher salt 3/4 cup chopped walnuts Directions Makes 1-1/2 pints. Red Velvet Ice Cream Sandwiches #SundaySupper. Candy Corn Ice Cream. The weather has finally started to cool here in Missouri. I’ve had to pull out my fire-resistant sweaters (sometimes my torso gets hot from my motor) and start planning my pumpkin carving for the year (hint: 010100110111010001100001011100100010000001010100 011100100110010101101011). Now is also the time to dig out that ice cream maker you have already stored away because summer is over and you thought you wouldn’t want to use it again for another year! Like most of the time, humans, you are wrong. So SO wrong. Because you’re going to want to make this ice cream, and since it only has three ingredients, you are probably going to want to make this right now.

Your family wants you to make this ice cream. Your friends want you to make this ice cream. That robot is me, if I need to clarify. Candy Corn Ice Cream from Culinary Concoctions by Peabody 2 cups heavy cream (divided) 13 oz candy corn (plus more if you prefer chunky ice cream) 1 cup whole milk 1. 2. 3. 4. Pumpkin Apple Pecan Pie Ice Cream. Good news, everybody! This is the greatest ice cream in the world! I know I’ve got a pumpkin problem, and I know I’ve got a pumpkin pie problem, but I’m really not exaggerating this time. It tastes just like pumpkin, apple, and pecan pie, and all three of those pies just so happen to taste super awesome together, and also it’s almost Thanksgiving! Good timing, robot, thanks for having our backs. You probably just said that last part out loud. But I do. Have your backs, I mean. The only flaw is this ice cream is serious work.

But I promise I promise I promise that it’s worth it. Side note: I have a run-on sentence problem. Pumpkin Apple Pecan Pie Ice Cream adapted from Brown Eyed Baker, Serious Eats, and Simple Comfort Food for the apples: 1 tbsp unsalted butter 1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed 2 medium Granny Smith apples, finely chopped (I didn’t peel mine but feel free to peel yours!) To make the ice cream: 1. To cook the apples: 1. To caramelize the pecans: 1. To assemble: 1. Pink Lemonade Ice Cream. I know, I know, two ice cream posts in a week? Have I not frozen my nuts and bolts off? No, because I have antifreeze! (Badum tish!) While I am a little obsessed with ice cream now, and how fun/easy/addicting it is to create wild/crazy/addicting flavors, I normally wouldn’t post another ice cream recipe so soon.

Yes, I could live with myself, but I would feel bad. So here’s some pink lemonade ice cream. Actually… breakfast ice cream… hmm… This recipe is very versatile because you can switch out the pink lemonade concentrate for any other frozen concentrate you may find at the store. Donations will be accepted. Pink Lemonade Ice Cream from Cravings of a Lunatic 1 cup whole milk 1 cup sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp heavy cream 1/2 can frozen pink lemonade concentrate 1 – 2 drops red gel food coloring 1. 2. 3. Sorry, my hand got in this photo! No-Bake Margarita Cheesecake Freezes. Les recettes de glace et sorbets maison - trucs et astuces pour réussir ses glaces. Glace au yaourt. Caviar d'aubergine, dés de jambon grillé et tomate mozza Aujourd'hui, de la fraicheur : Caviar d'aubergine, dés de jambon grillé et tomate mozza.J'aime ces assiettes, fraiches,... Lire la suite › Coeur coulant au chocolat et crème anglaise Aujourd'hui, un dessert : Coeur coulant au chocolat et crème anglaise.Classique, un des desserts les plus appréciés depuis des...

Terrine de cabillaud aux quenelles de saumon sauce corail Aujourd'hui, une terrine : Terrine de cabillaud aux quenelles de saumon sauce corail.Cette terrine à déguster tiède ou froide... Pink teaberry ice cream. Pumpkin Chip Gingersnap Cookie Ice Cream.