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Biscotti noix de coco et canneberges. Spéculoos maison - la gourmandise est un joli défaut. Low Fat Thumbprint Cookies - How to make Low-Fat Thumbprint Cookies. I find these little cookies irresistible.

Low Fat Thumbprint Cookies - How to make Low-Fat Thumbprint Cookies

Despite trying to make these cookies low fat, I still firmly believe a little butter is necessary with these. I use just a 1/4 cup. Enjoy these little cookies with a cup of nonfat cocoa.


Tapioca flour « Part-Time Health Nut. Cookies2. Shortbread/sablés. Chocolat. Citron/Meyer. Citrouille. One Pot Honey Oatmeal Cookies from Simply Sensational Cookies Cookbook. This giveaway has ended.

One Pot Honey Oatmeal Cookies from Simply Sensational Cookies Cookbook

We asked facebook to choose the winner. Congrats to commenter #52 Nichole and #77 Alice . Each of you won the book! Hello everyone, we’re happy to be sharing this cookie cookbook with you. It’s now available! How can we not gain a few pounds? Nancy pours so much love and detail into every recipe that the flavors and textures really shine through. Nancy is a seasoned author with many best selling cookbooks to her name. We had a fabulous time working with Nancy and Justin Schwarz at Wiley Books. Seriously folks, we had mountains of cookies, so we did our best to make sure none of them went to waste. Simply Sensational Cookies is available on amazon and make sure you stop by Nancy Baggett’s blog Kitchen Lane where she also shares more recipes and valuable baking tips!

To celebrate Nancy’s labor of love, we’re giving away two copies to two different winners. Some iphone scenes from the cookbook shoot at our studio in August 2011 busy, busy, busy…. Iced Oatmeal Applesauce Cookies. I have had these Iced Oatmeal Applesauce Cookies on my baking radar for quite awhile.

Iced Oatmeal Applesauce Cookies

It's a Martha Stewart recipe, and I figure anything that involves oats and applesauce, and is iced, has to be good! The icing is flavored with pure maple syrup. I added more maple than was called for in the recipe, but I should have added even more. I also made a couple of other alterations because the batter was quite soupy. I looked up the reviews of the recipe and found that I was not alone with the thin batter situation. Another change I made was adding two tablespoons of milk to the icing and two additional tablespoons of maple syrup. Oats, applesauce and maple are all fall ingredients in my book, and when all was said and done, these ended up as a tasty comfort food in cookie form:) Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie, Oatmeal Cookies. Posted by Grace Massa Langlois on Wednesday, 6th April 2011 I sent my daughter, Liana, to the market the other day to pick up a few things we needed and she returned not only with the items I asked for but also with freshly baked, still warm Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie, Oatmeal Cookies

The problem? There were only 3 left! They were so inviting she enjoyed two on the way home. If you ask me, a package of 5 is just a tease. 5 cookies? The allure of the creamy white chocolate oozing throughout a tender oatmeal cookie was much too hard to resist and I added it to my armful of ingredients. Then, while I was rifling in the kitchen for my raisins I noticed the almonds, I thought hmmm, why not? I wanted to achieve a slightly different texture; the bakery-style cookie was thin and chewy. We prefer a thick and chewy cookie so I thought it best to chill the cookie dough overnight to prevent the dough from spreading. Sometimes I wonder how my afternoon gets redirected from one little event. Dates Scone. These scones are actually inspired by scones from Zoe, Bake for Happy Kids and Kitchen Flavours.

Dates Scone

Petits-beurre maison ou la quête du Graal.... Peanut Butter~Oatmeal~Chocolate Chip Cookies. Gingersnaps: Des Sablés Irrésistibles, Gourmands et Qui Donnent la Pêche! L'histoire de ces biscuits épicés aux parfums envoûtants de gingembre - gingersnaps en version originale pour ginger: gingembre et snap: craquement pour leur texture croustillante - et au goût puissant est une des meilleures surprises du début d'année 2008.Comme cela arrive souvent, c'est par pure conjoncture que j'ai découvert l'existence des gingersnaps en m'intéressant à une recette particulièrement appétissante à base de caramel (qui ressemble à ça) tout comme j'aime, en l'occurrence un cheesecake.

Gingersnaps: Des Sablés Irrésistibles, Gourmands et Qui Donnent la Pêche!

Le genre de recette qui fait bondir de devant son écran pour se précipiter dans la cuisine... sauf quand il manque un ingrédient! Et c'est précisément en regardant la recette de plus près que je me suis rendue compte que la base du dessert en question - que je prenais pour une croûte chocolatée - était en fait réalisée à partir de gingersnaps. Tangerine-scented Cranberry Pistachio Tiles. The whole house smells of tangerines this morning.

Tangerine-scented Cranberry Pistachio Tiles

When my Dear Husband staggered into the kitchen in his bathrobe for a first cup of coffee, his eyes widened and he asked me how I’d managed to make the house smell so good so early. I had gotten up before the sun to bake, and the fragrance of these tangerine-laced cookies had perfumed the air. Even before I started baking, I could smell the dough through its cellophane in the refrigerator. I adapted this recipe from the December, 2006 issue of Gourmet magazine, swapping tangerine zest for the teaspoon of orange zest, dramatically increasing the quantity of the zest and of the fruit, and omitting the cinnamon called for to highlight the bright flavors of tangerine and cranberry in the cookie. Biscuits mini-sandwich aux dattes - Mes recettes saveurs du monde. A holiday classic: Gingersnaps. The other day, a reader on our community site, The Baking Circle, asked about old-fashioned cookie recipes.

A holiday classic: Gingersnaps

She writes as follows: “My dad, who is 83, has been asking me to bake cookies that are a bit old fashioned. Like HIS MOTHER use to bake. Now… anyone have old recipes for cookies?” What’s the first thing that springs to mind when you hear the words “old-fashioned cookie”? Depends on how old you are, right? Gen-X and Gen-Y probably think Oreos, or Chips Ahoy. We older folks (read: Boomers. Me, I get a mental picture of big, solid sugar cookies.

And gingersnaps. But not just any gingersnap. I like my gingersnaps thick and crunchy, with a fissured, sugar/crackly top. In other words, I like my gingersnaps homemade. Boomer or not, if you’re looking for a classic old-fashioned cookie, one that’s absolutely perfect for the holidays — you’ve found it. Let’s make Gingersnaps. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Put the following in a bowl: *Can you substitute butter for the vegetable shortening?
