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Spelling Grammar and punctuation

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The fun (and effective) way to teach quotation marks (Love Learning) When I taught second grade, the majority of my students had a hard time with quotation marks. They were not sure how to use them, when to use them, or how to identify in writing the words that were actually being spoken by someone. I don’t know how much of their difficulty was due to a lack of focus on the content of the text, or if they just needed to be taught quotation marks in a direct way. My policy is that rather than verbally explaining a new or difficult concept, I use some right-brained strategies to teach. This unit can last a whole week or two if you do all the suggested activities. Let’s try this out now. What you will need: Comic strips from newspapers or online. Preparation: For each comic strip, write a brief story on your chart paper.

Lucy and Charlie Brown were practicing baseball in the field. “Time out!” “Now what?” Lucy said, “Hey manager, I have a great idea! Game, why don’t we run an ad in the newspaper?” “An AD?” Anymore,” Lucy explained. Time in the outfield!” I. 2. Adjectives Song (Adjectives by Melissa) Hey! Adjectives - Adjective Song - Grammar Rock Music. Spelling Ideas and Activities. Air Spelling This has been a great activity for those students have a difficult time learning their spelling words. 1.

Choose a spelling word. With their index finder, students spell the word in the air and say the letters aloud. Tell students they must be able to "see" the letters as they are written in the air. 2. 3. --What is the third letter? 4. 5. A to Z Teacher Stuff Tools | Make your own printable word shapes worksheets. Word Scramble, Wordsearch, Crossword, Matching Pairs and other Worksheet Makers - Word Scramble Worksheet Maker This vocabulary worksheet generator automatically jumbles the spelling of up to 20 words and generates a worksheet with letter spaces for the correct spelling of each word.

You can choose difficulty options such as whether to display hints or a word box. Sentence Scramble Worksheet Maker This grammar worksheet generator automatically jumbles the order of the words in up to 10 sentences and generates a worksheet with answer spaces for the correct order of each sentence. It is ideal for teaching concepts related to sentence structure. You can choose difficulty options such as whether or not to display gaps that indicate the length of the correct word. Minimal Pair Word Tree Maker This listening worksheet generator creates a listening tree exercise from 5 sets of minimal pairs. Basic Wordsearch Maker This vocabulary worksheet generator automatically fits up to 12 listed words into a grid of letters.

Advanced Wordsearch Maker Crossword Maker Bingo Grid Maker. Wordsearch. 17000+ FREE worksheets.