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Schindler's List trailer. Wetlook - Gothika. Notting Hill. Notting Hill Official Trailer #1 - (1999) HD. Film Shots Quiz - Camera Angles. Camera angles and movements combine to create a sequence of images, just as words, word order and punctuation combine to make the meaning of a sentence. You need a straightforward set of key terms to describe them. Describing Shots When describing camera angles, or creating them yourself, you have to think about three important factors — The FRAMING or the LENGTH of shot — The ANGLE of the shot — If there is any MOVEMENT involved When describing different cinematic shots, different terms are used to indicate the amount of subject matter contained within a frame, how far away the camera is from the subject, and the perspective of the viewer. Framing or Shot Length 1 .

Extreme Long Shot This can be taken from as much as a quarter of a mile away, and is generally used as a scene-setting, establishing shot. The extreme long shot on the left is taken from a distance, but denotes a precise location - it might even connote all of the entertainment industry if used as the opening shot in a news story. Film Techniques and Examples.

Whale Rider

Camera Techniques | | VCE Media, VELS Media, media studies, media education, digital literacy, lesson plans. Camera techniques are one of the most fundamental parts of cinematic narratives. Before you start writing about the films you are studying for VCE Media, you will need to have a handle on the terminology of basic camera techniques. In the VCE Media exam, students put themselves at a disadvantage if they attempt to describe scenes from the narratives they have studied using inaccurate terminology.

In films, the way the camera is moved, makes a big contribution to the story. Filmmakers put considerable thought into how camera movement contributes to the narrative. Shot size refers to how far away the camera is from a subject. There are six basic shot sizes: Extreme long shot. Long shot. Full shot. Mid shot. Close up. Extreme close up. Camera Angle Camera angle refers to the angle at which the subject is shot. . • Overshot. Camera movement, too, makes a significant contribution to storytelling. . • Dolly. When composing a shot, filmmakers also consider what will be in focus.