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Já fez o seu backup hoje? « Hiperconectado. Uma pesquisa mundial da fabricante de softwares antivírus Norton revelou que 55% dos usuários de computadores não faz cópia de segurança de seus arquivos. Segundo o estudo, isso se deve a dois motivos. Em primeiro lugar vem o fato de que a maioria dos usuários não grava os arquivos de maneira organizada, dificultando bastante o procedimento de backup. Em segundo lugar vem a dificuldade que a média dos usuários têm para utilizar programas que gravam CDs, DVDs, teoricamente o meio mais fácil para fazer cópias de segurança de arquivos.

Como, inevitavelmente, seu computador vai te deixar na mão mais cedo ou mais tarde, elaborei um guia simples para ajudar você a fazer o backup de seus arquivos com rapidez e segurança. Em primeiro lugar, adote a regra de ouro: organize seus arquivos. Separe em pastas com nomes bem claros os arquivos de trabalho, como textos, planilhas e apresentações, além das fotos, músicas e vídeos. Faça seu comentário rosemary nogueira escreveu: 22.09.2009 - 16h:31 Abraço.

Best Free Online Backup Sites. Do you know when the absolute worst time to think about backups is? It’s the moment when the tech support guy tells you your hard drive has died and your data is lost. One error that the free online backups will not help is recovery of a file a split second after you delete that important presentation or cherished photo. Most free services do not save deleted files but write over the old file. The free online backup services will save your files off-site to the cloud. If your hard drive crashes your files are not lost. Your first line of defense should be an external hard drive to back up your hard drive or a jump drive for your documents. An online backup provides 24/7 access to your files from any Internet connected computer, smartphone, or tablet style device. The requirements to judge the online backup are listed below. Storage Size: More free storage is obviously better.

One possible strategy is to use several free sites. Show more... In a hurry? #1 IDrive ( IDrive 746 kb. Calibre - E-book management. Insertech | Reconditionner c'est bon pour tout le monde. Mendeley, Zotero, quel est le meilleur choix? Smile: Mac Software for PDF Editing, Text Expansion and CD/DVD Label Design. Sente Academic Reference Manager for Mac OS X.

Your Research Hub Sente is the most powerful and flexible academic reference manager available. Sente makes it easier then ever to acquire, organize, read, annotate and cite academic research material. And Sente runs on all your Macs and iPads, with cloud-based sync, so your research library is always up-to-date on all your devices. Sente's beautiful user interface makes it a pleasure to use. When you look at Sente, you see your research and your ideas, not our software. Gather Sente makes building your research library easier than ever. Bulk searches can automatically retrieve hundreds or thousands of references from many sources such as PubMed, Web of Knowledge, and hundreds of university and research libraries.

Get started by importing libraries directly from EndNote, Bookends, Papers, Mendeley, Zotero, and Reference Manager. Organize Sente has the tools you need to stay organized, even as your library grows to thousands of references or more. Customize Cloud Sync Bibliographies. Skim | Home. How Do You Organize and Annotate PDFs? (Reader Response Roundup) Two weeks ago I asked ProfHacker readers, “How Do You Organize and Annotate PDFs?” , and you rose to the challenge. I can’t recount the entire discussion here (though it’s well worth reading through in full), but I can round-up some of the most popular suggestions. Commenter rickman (#38-39) helpfully distinguished between applications designed primarily to store documents and applications designed primarily to manage references. In my initial post I concentrated entirely on PDF storage applications such as Evernote and DEVONthink. Honestly, I wasn’t thinking of reference managers at all.

Zotero Luckily, you were. Exciting Zotero news: My own Zotero use has slowed significantly since I switched to Chrome as my primary browser. Zotero is free, though users with very large libraries might need to purchase extra storage space. Mendeley Next, drgunn (#11), veirs (#30), and timewaster123 (#33) recommended that ProfHacker readers check out the cross-platform reference manager Mendeley. Sente Papers. Bibliographic tools for academical researchers (Page 1) — The Lounge — Forums. WhiteFang wrote: My recommendation for academic work is: Use any tool that doesn't add lock-in features to your data/work. You will want to be able to come back to your thesis in a decade and be able to process it Speaking from experience, I whole heartedly agree with this!

When I did my MS thesis I used speciality programs (albeit for Windows since that's what I was using at the time) for calculating some of the data, creating graphs, etc. I went back to it last year (only 6 years after) and 1) have absolutely no idea what programs I used for some of the stuff, 2) some of the programs no longer run on 'modern' machines, 3) after being transferred from several computers some of the files that should be fine, will not even open (I'm assuming corruption).

For my current PhD, while I use various programs such as Pages, Bookends, Mellel, Scrivener, Papers, etc. Overkill? Get 2GB + 250MB of space free with DropBox!