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1 – 2 – 3 – Word Cloud! – Updated. Word Clouds (wordle to most) can be a dynamic tool for visualizing text and for presenting a group’s thinking. They are AMAZING! While planning for the Future of Learning conference at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, I wanted to capture and share our participants’ views on “What are the key features of 21st Century Learning”. At first, word clouds didn’t cross my mind because in past experiences I had entered a historical speech, lecture notes or asynchronously generated google docs.

All these use cases would be ineffective for our needs. But then it dawned on me, Socrative could aggregate our real-time responses. Here’s the system. 1. What 3 words best describe your summer? * have students answer in all lower case so there is consistency in the word cloud. ** Import the quiz that includes these questions using SOC-337830 2. A Short Answer question’s responses will populate your teacher screen. 3. 4. Wordle – The most well-known word cloud tool. What will you do with the visual? 8 Ideas for Using Wordle in the Classroom « creates these colorful, attention grabbing graphics from word lists you supply. This wordle image was created from a list of springtime words, but there are many possibilities. Here are a few suggestions for using word clouds in the classroom.

Create a word cloud as an anticipatory set to introduce a unit. Use it to start a discussion.Have students create word clouds about themselves and share with a partner or with the class. After printing them, post on the wall and have students guess whose is whose.At the end of the year, have each student contribute a word.

Then create a word cloud that tells the story of the year.Create a word cloud for the weekly vocabulary list. Here some examples: This was created from the entire text of Romeo and Juliet. These words are from a Dolch sight word list for third graders. Positive character traits for in the classroom. Tips: How to save your finished wordle project: These examples are screenshots take from the finished design. Wordle word clouds voor analyse en fraai weergeven van teksten. Met Wordle kun je een wolk van woorden maken (“word cloud”).

Een word cloud geeft het relatieve gebruik van woorden in een tekst aan. Woorden die vaker voorkomen in de tekst zal Wordle groter weergeven. Wordle is een gratis webbased tool waarmee je word clouds kunt maken. De door Wordle gegenereerde word cloud kun je naar behoefte aanpassen. Vervolgens mag je met jouw Wordle doen wat je wilt – ook commercieel exploiteren is toegestaan. Behalve dat een Wordle er mooi uit ziet heeft het ook nog een praktisch nut. Je kunt ook je eigen tekst analyseren om te zien of je bepaalde woorden onbedoeld vaak gebruikt (zoals vroeger “toen”). Zelf heb ik een Wordle gebruikt om de feedback die over iemand werd gegeven met die persoon door te nemen. Zelf een word cloud maken met Wordle Via Create Wordle10 kun je zelf een word cloud aanmaken. Paste in a bunch of text Hierbij plak je gewoon wat tekst in Wordle.

=TEKST.SAMENVOEGEN(SUBSTITUEREN(A2;” “;”~”);”:”;B2;”:”;ALS(C2=”Eigen”;”2f67b6″;”ff2c07″)) 108 Ways to Use Word Clouds in the Classroom…Word Clouds in Education Series: Part 2. Welcome to a series of posts devoted to the use of Word Clouds. I know you will find new information… whether you are a seasoned user of word clouds, or brand new. I enjoy working with teachers and helping them use word clouds in their lessons because they are a great way to get any teacher started with integrating technology. In the last post you discovered 12 Tips in Using Wordle. In fact you may wish to read it if you have not as of yet.

There is more to Word Clouds then Wordle… other awesome word cloud generatorsBeyond word clouds… cool sites and applications to integrate word clouds To ensure you do not miss one of these valuable posts or other resources covering PBL, STEM, 21st century learning, and technology integration please sign up for 21centuryedtech by email or RSS. 108 Ways to Use Word Clouds in the Classroom – by Michael Gorman at ( All Subjects Science When classify objects… make a word cloud for each classification. Language Arts Math. 3. Een Wordcloud maken.