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Hot Potatoes Home Page. Digitaal toetsen. De Rode Planeet zoekt regelmatig naar nieuw uitgekomen iPad-applicaties, te gebruiken voor digitaal toetsen en examinering.

Digitaal toetsen

Veel van deze applicaties zijn ook bruikbaar op de iPhone en de iPod Touch. Alle applicaties kunnen wij meenemen in een training 'digitaal toetsen'. Quayn Mobile | compleet toetssysteem voor de iPad Een uitgave van De Rode Planeet en investeerders. Verkrijgbaar bij: De Rode Planeet Kosten: op basis van jaarlicentie. Maakt deel uit van de Quayn Portal. Infuse Learning - A Great Student Response Tool. There is no shortage of student response services that teachers can use in their classrooms.

Infuse Learning - A Great Student Response Tool

Socrative and Poll Everywhere are my two favorite. But a new service called Infuse Learning is definitely challenging for that ranking. Infuse Learning is a free student response system that works with any Internet-connected device including iPads and Android tablets. Infuse Learning allows teachers to push questions, prompts, and quizzes out to students' devices in private virtual classrooms. In an Infuse Learning room a teacher can give students a wide variety of formats in which to response to a question or prompt.

Infuse Learning offers a couple of helpful accessibility options including support for multiple languages. To get started using Infuse Learning go to the site and start creating classes. Learn more about Infuse Learning in the video below. Applications for Education Infuse Learning has fantastic potential as a student response system. How to embed Mentimeter into a Power Point presentation. Interact with your audience. 19Pencils - Quick and Easy Tools for Learning. Quizzes, Games, Websites and More! 12 Tools for Quickly Gathering Informal Feedback from Students. This morning I'm again facilitating a workshop with Greg Kulowiec.

12 Tools for Quickly Gathering Informal Feedback from Students

At the start of the session we introduced three tools for quickly gathering informal feedback from students. The three that we introduced were Socrative, Poll Everywhere, and TodaysMeet. But there are many other tools for quickly gathering informal feedback from students. Here are twelve tools that you can use to quickly gather informal feedback from students. Urtak is a free and simple polling service that can be used on any blog or website.

Kwiqpoll is a simple tool for quickly creating and posting polls. is a service for quickly creating and hosting online collaboration spaces. Understoodit is a new web app for quickly gauging your students' understanding of information that you have shared with them. Simple Meet Me is a free service for quickly creating an online chat room with anyone you like. Socrative is a system that uses cell phones and or laptops (user's choice) for gathering feedback from students. Testmoz test generator. Hoe ik aan al die nieuwe dingen kom?

Testmoz test generator

Vaak dankzij anderen die zo aardig zijn mij te tippen. Zo kreeg ik ook vanavond weer een tweet binnen: @trendmatcher zitten hier nog nieuwe tussen voor jou? 101 Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers You Should Know About En inderdaad, er zaten weer een paar juweeltjes tussen! Met Testmoz testgenerator kun je vier soorten vragen genereren, die automatisch worden nagekeken. Wil je zien hoe het werkt? Update: Zie ook het bericht van Florina Blokland Zie ook het bericht van Herman van Schie Zie ook het filmpje van Aad van der Drift. 15 Great Free and Easy Survey / Polls Creation Tools for Teachers. 1- Kwiqpoll This is a simple poll making tool.

15 Great Free and Easy Survey / Polls Creation Tools for Teachers

It does not require any registration. Just visit the homepage and start creating you poll right away. You have the choice to provide multiple choice answers. You will also be provided with a generated URL to use when sharing your polls. 2- Flisti This is another great simple poll tool. 3- Urtak.