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Connecting Our Conversations | Becoming Wiser Together. Mapping Our Way to the Next Civilization | Blog of Collective Intelligence 2003-2015. This blog started as a reply to a post by a friend of mine on Facebook. Bret Warshawsky wrote: “How about some love and co-creation? We’re beginning to map ‘Golden Innovations’ and need your help!

When you see a post or thread on FB, and share it, about ‘Projects already changing the system toward compassion, cooperation,sustainability and creativity.’ Please tag us with ‪#‎noomaptheinnovations . We would really appreciate the support. The graphic in this screen grab is just a work in progress so more design to come. Here’s my reply: Bret, the interface is elegant and beautiful as always what you guys do. Ours is only one of the MANY similar mapping efforts. “The awakening of our species and our search for solutions is occurring, but it’s scattered, and it’s certainly not in dominion anywhere. In the ecosystem of global mapping efforts of transformational initiatives there are different species with different gifts to the whole.

An ecosystem of movements for next-stage organization. Introduction to the September 2015 Issue - Enlivening Edge. Personal and Planetary Source: Gallup’s “State of the Global Workforce Report” We all want work in or with organizations that inspire us, appreciate our talents and autonomy, and give them space to grow. Most of today’s organizations don’t do this.

Instead they operate using commandeering structures that stifle our engagement and initiative. However, a growing number of reinvention initiatives prove that it doesn’t have to be that way. We call those organizations that are able to move beyond this age-old paradigm “next-stage organizations”. The core theme of this issue is person and planet. The personal You will find a series of informative and inspiring articles about the personal dimension of that transformation, in the various sections of EE. The planetary The planetary dimension of the momentous transformation that is occurring in the world of organizations is less conducive to direct sensing and observing than the personal one. An ecosystem of movements for next-stage organization. Here's Why You Should Care About Holacracy | Fast Company | Business + Innovation. I recently spent a month embedded at a consultancy called Undercurrent, watching how they help organizations become more adaptive and responsive.

It's a transformative concept I've been thinking about a lot lately—including the fact that there isn't a common language to succinctly explain what responsive means in this context. So I'll start with an analogy: Software developers know that the term Agile describes a set of principles that are supposed to help you build better products. Scrum is a development methodology that embodies these principles of building as you learn and adjust accordingly. It's meant to be an improvement on Waterfall development—otherwise known as the way people used to build software when they planned first and built later. Before Agile popped up, we didn't use the term Waterfall much. That's the way we all built things so we didn't need a word for it. But what do we call the framework used to run a whole company? What's wrong with what we've been doing?

Wiki: holacratie. Door redactie op 16 mei, 2012 in Wiki Holacratie is een nieuwe manier van het inrichten en besturen van organisaties waarbij de nadruk ligt op zelforganisatie en het ontwikkelen van collectieve kennis en creativiteit. Het vormt een antwoord op wat management-goeroe Gary Hamel de ‘resilience gap’ noemt: ‘The world is becoming turbulent faster than organizations are becoming resilient.’ Holacratie (holacracy) is een besturingssysteem voor de organisatie, waarbij flexibiliteit en aanpassingsvermogen ingebed worden in het hart van de organisatie. De naam verwijst naar besturing door de ‘holarchie’, of de natuurlijke structuur van de organisatie. Het holacratische besturingssysteem bestaat uit drie elementen: • een organisatiestructuur; • een overlegstructuur; • een drietal principes voor dynamische sturing.

De holacratische organisatiestructuur bestaat uit zelf-organiserende cirkels die dubbel-gelinkt zijn met elkaar. 1. 2. 3. Meer informatie: Holacracy en hoe C7 all-in ging. Baas vs leider Nee joh, ik ben niet de baas. En ik voel me al helemaal niet de hoogste in rang. Ik ben niet iemand die zich de baas voelt en overal over zou moeten en willen beslissen. Daar denken mijn twee mede-eigenaren gelukkig net zo over.

Persoonlijk leiderschap Een goede leider maakt andere mensen beter door ze in hun kracht te zetten. Continu beter worden Organisaties dienen zich voortdurend aan te passen aan hun continu veranderende omgeving. Onze eerste kennismaking met holacracy We gingen op zoek. De eerste maanden Iedereen werd gevraagd om drie weken lang zijn dagelijks terugkerende werkzaamheden bij te houden. Als je besluit om holacracy te adopteren, neem een externe coach die je begeleidt bij dit proces. De komende maanden Mijn verwachtingen voor de komende maanden zijn hoog. About Holacracy. Chaordic Organizations - Characteristics.

The characteristics of chaordic organizations The chaordic commons is a network infrastructure created to support P2P-like initiatives, created by Dee Hock, the former chairman of Visa International and author of The Chaordic Age. Here are the principles behind the movement. See "The chaordic design process has six dimensions, beginning with purpose and ending with practice. Each of the six dimensions can be thought of as a lens through which participants examine the circumstances giving rise to the need for a new organization or to reconceive an existing one. Developing a self-organizing, self-governing organization worthy of the trust of all participants usually requires intensive effort. The steps involved in conceiving and creating a more chaordic organization are: 1. The first step is to define, with absolute clarity and deep conviction, the purpose of the community. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Drawing the Pieces into a Whole The process is iterative. Videos: