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Learning Theories. Brein_leren_imindmap_23-10-10. Cracking a Secret Code to Learning: Hand Gestures. Over the past few years, while working on my forthcoming book Brilliant, I’ve been watching and taking note as a new conceptualization of intelligence takes shape in the social and biological sciences. This conceptualization involves many lines of inquiry that can be loosely grouped under the title situated cognition: the idea that thinking doesn’t happen in some abstract, disembodied space, but always in a particular brain, in a particular body, located in a particular social and physical world. The moment-by-moment conditions that prevail in that brain, that body, and that world powerfully affect how well we think and perform. One of the most interesting lines of inquiry within this perspective is known as embodied cognition: the recognition that our bodies play a big role in how we think.

Physical gestures, for example, constitute a kind of back-channel way of expressing and even working out our thoughts. There’s plenty of research to back it up. Related. Digital Differentiation ~ Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners. Technology is a tool that can be used to help teachers facilitate learning experiences that address the diverse learning needs of all students and help them develop 21st Century Skills. At it's most basic level, digital tools can be used to help students find, understand and use information. When combined with student-driven learning experiences fueled by Essential Questions offering flexible learning paths, it can be the ticket to success.

Here is a closer look at three components of effectively using technology as a tool for digital differentiation. Note: The interactive graphics you see below have been updated. They can be found in a newer post on this blog. The goal is to design student-driven learning experiences that are fueled by standards-based Essential Questions and facilitated by digital tools to provide students with flexible learning paths. Essential Questions: Student-driven learning experiences should be driven by standards-based Essential Questions. Leren & leertheorie. Leren en leertheorieën De belangrijkste leertheorieën die we op dit moment kennen zijn: BehaviorismeCognitivismeConstructivisme en een variant daarop het Sociaal constructivismeConstructionismeConnectivisme De volgorde waarin deze leertheorieën staan is tevens de volgorde waarin ze zijn ontstaan, waarbij het behaviorisme de oudste leertheorie is.

Wat leren is, wordt vanuit verschillende leertheorieën op een andere wijze beschreven. De behavioristische visie gaat er bijvoorbeeld van uit dat leren gelijkgesteld kan worden aan het verwerven van observeerbaar gedrag en dat leren plaatsvindt door bekrachtiging van een gedragsreactie van de lerende op een stimulus. Volgens de cognitivistische visie ontstaan nieuwe kennis en vaardigheden wanneer de lerende een beroep doet op mentale verwerkingsprocessen om informatie of gedrag te leren.

Dit is natuurlijk een erg ingekorte typering van de leertheorieën. Leertheorieën en het gebruik van e-learning.