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Debugging charset encoding mismatch with Apache - François Nonnenmacher, aka padawan. While setting up a new weblog using UTF-8 as the default encoding charset, I spent literally hours trying to figure out why my first name persisted to show up as François instead of François.

Debugging charset encoding mismatch with Apache - François Nonnenmacher, aka padawan

Not that I'm not used to it already, but I have this foolish hope that computers should eventually facilitate our life. It turned out that despite a correct definition of the charset encoding in all pages (<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />), some pages (output from CGI scripts) would be recognized as carrying the proper encoding while others (HTML, PHP) were always reported as having an ISO-8859-1 charset.

Thanks to the excellent Web Developer toolbar for Firefox, I found out that certain pages had a charset definition superposed on them via a Content-Type HTTP header (See headers in Tools > Web Developer > Information > View Response Headers, very handy). Bingo! This has been flagged, with merit, as the Apache bug 23421 (see also Apache bug 14513).

Java UTF–8 international character support with Tomcat and Oracle, 26/03/07, Kieran's blog. Introduction I've spent the last few days looking at getting proper international character support working in our Files.Warwick application working. At E-Lab we've never been that great at doing internationalisation support. BlogBuilder does a pretty good job of internationalisation as can be seen by quite a lot of our bloggers writing in Chinese/Korean/Japanese. However, it's a bit of a cludge and doesn't work everywhere. It didn't take long for someone to upload a file to Files.Warwick with an "é" in the file name. do you get your app to support international characters throughout? What is international character support? You'll hear all sorts of jargon regarding internationalisation support.

What I do NOT mean is i18n support which is making the application support multiple languages in the interface so that you can read help pages and admin links in French or Chinese. Tim Bray has a really good explanation of some of the issues surrounding ASCII/Unicode/UTF-8. URLs Apache JSPs. Spécifier l'encodage des caractères d'un document (X)HTML août 2004 Weblog - Blog & Blues. コミスケは、 電子書籍の全ページを自動でキャプチャして PDF化してくれる最近、評判のソフト です。 このコミスケを無料で使いたい、という話を聞くことがあります。 たしかにコミスケを購入するまえに、無料版を使ってみたい、という気持ちも わかります。

最近は「コミスケ 無料」などのワードもよく検索されているようです。 しかし結論から申し上げますと、残念ながらコミスケには無料版はありません。 というよりも、正確には 無料ソフトで電子書籍の自動キャプチャ・コピーができるソフトはありません! 少なくとも自分の知る限り、電子書籍の全ページを自動キャプチャコピーできて PDF化できるソフトで、 かつDMM、booklive、hontoといったコピーガードのかかったサイトの電子書籍にも 対応しているソフトというのは、他にないでしょう。 またレンタルの電子書籍をコミスケでコピー保存するようにすれば、 正直な話、10冊もコピーすれば十分に元が取れてしまいます! 電子書籍をよく利用する方なら、無料でなくても 十分、買う価値のあるソフト です(笑) ただし、 ・特定のサイトでしか利用する予定がない、 ・そのサイトが対応しているかどうか不安、 Blog of Adam Warski » Blog Archive » UTF-8 in JBoss/Tomcat + MySQL + Hibernate + JavaMail. While most of (web)applications communicate with the end user in English, a lot of them use native languages, which often have some special characters (not to look too far for an example, we have the Polish alphabet, with ą, ę, ś, etc).

Blog of Adam Warski » Blog Archive » UTF-8 in JBoss/Tomcat + MySQL + Hibernate + JavaMail

A widely accepted standard for coding such characters is UTF-8. However, it is not quite trivial to use the UTF-8 encoding in a Tomcat+MySQL+Hibernate+JavaMail combination, and have full UTF-8 support, in the database, web forms, jsp-s and e-mails. Part I. Preliminaries On every request, you have to set the encoding of characters manually; it is best to create a filter, with the following body: This is needed by almost all successive parts. Part II. If you want to display native characters on a JSP page, you have to: Part III. UTF-8 encoding. Multibyte-character processing in J2EE - Java World. The Chinese language is one of the most complex and comprehensive languages in the world.

Multibyte-character processing in J2EE - Java World

Sometimes I feel lucky to be Chinese, specifically when I see some of my foreign friends struggle to learn the language, especially writing Chinese characters. However, I do not feel so lucky when developing localized Web applications using J2EE. This article explains why. Though the Java platform and most J2EE servers support internationalization well, I am still confronted by many multibyte-character problems when developing Chinese or Japanese language-based applications: What is the difference between encoding and charset?

If you are asking the same set of questions, this article helps you answer them. Basic knowledge of characters Characters have existed long before computers. When typing words with a keyboard, you deal with character input methods. Before you can see characters on the screen, the operating system must store characters in memory. Development phases cause display problems OS level. UTF-8 Sampler. 21.2. Support des jeux de caractères.