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Glogin?URI= Protected areas. Protected Areas urged to better identify economic value they bring – 17 Dec 2015 – BusinessGreen print view. Protected Areas (PAs), such as National Parks and World Heritage Sites, are "increasingly vulnerable" to mounting financial and environmental pressures, according to a new report that argues they need to better articulate the economic value they bring in order to attract new investment. The report from the University of Oxford's Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment details how PAs deliver a wide range of economic, environmental and social benefits, but are at risk of being seen as "in the way" of human development as resource constraints start to bite. The report warns that some countries are already watering down their PA commitments through protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD), while PA budgets have been cut in a number of jurisdictions around the world. "For protected areas to succeed they need to attract new public, philanthropic, and private investment," he said in a statement.

GRID-Arendal on the move: World Ocean Assessment – Group of Experts meeting | GRID-Arendal - News - News archive. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) decided in 2006 that it would commission a World Ocean Assessment (WOA), which would investigate what is known about the environmental condition of our oceans and coasts, including social and economic aspects of marine-based industries.

A preliminary assessment was completed in 2009 and a Group of Experts (GoE) with 22 members appointed in 2010, drawing upon the global marine science community to produce the first WOA. The Group of Experts delivered the report at the end of 2014, and sent out the draft WOA report for peer review early this year for comments by states. GRID-Arendal’s Peter Harris has been involved in the WOA since 2006 and attended the final meeting of the GoE in New York in April 2015.

Altogether, the GoE reviewed over 4,800 comments from states and global experts on the draft chapters and carried out editorial tasks as required to prepare for submission of the final report for copy-editing and layout. Roberts and Company Publishers Field Guide to Economics for Conservationists, A - Ricketts, Taylor (University of Vermont) - Authors. About this Guide Why do conservationists need a field guide to economics on their shelves alongside the well-loved bird and plant guides? Two reasons, really. First, the economic decisions people make every day are at the core of the world’s conservation issues: climate change, Amazonian deforestation, tiger poaching, vulture declines in Asia, and countless others. Second, and more importantly, an understanding of the economic forces behind these decisions can help conservationists safeguard biodiversity in a more sophisticated and effective way. The authors use simple illustrations, examples from around the world, and readable (occasionally irreverent) prose to describe the central economic principles that are relevant to conservation.

They assume no previous economic training. About the Authors Brendan Fisher is a Research Associate Professor at the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. Table of Contents Chapter 5: Valuing the Environment.


Wolfs Company. Biodiversity & ecosystem services. HEAL | Health & Ecosystems: Analysis of Linkages. Natural Capital Project/ InVEST. TEEB related. Arctic Options | Holistic Integration for Arctic Coastal-Marine Sustainability. Inventory and development of monitoring programme for nature values in Estonian marine areas (NEMA) | GRID-Arendal - News - News archive. Specifically, the project will: Develop criteria for defining the favourable conservation status of marine habitat types Develop and test monitoring and assessment methods for different habitat types Complete inventories of habitats in potentially suitable areas of EEZ and Natura 2000 sites so far not covered by habitat inventories Complete one series of monitoring to define the status and quality of marine habitat types in different areas of Estonian territorial waters and EEZ Complete detailed inventory of waterbirds in Estonian EEZ Develop and test the monitoring method for ringed seals.

GRID-Arendal will work closely with the Estonian Marine Institute on the first three tasks relating marine habitat mapping and assessment. GRID-Arendal will also work with the Estonian Marine Institute to develop a map of marine habitats in the Estonian exclusive economic zone focussing on the Natura 2000 habitats and using the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) habitat types. Institute for European Environmental Policy - Financing Biodiversity. Following in the footsteps of the global The Economic of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative, the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) and the NCM Finnish Presidency decided in 2011 to initiate a TEEB inspired synthesis in the Nordic context (TEEB Nordic). The aim of this synthesis was to bring together existing information on the socio-economic role and significance of nature in the Nordic countries (i.e.

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). The synthesis of existing information carried out in the context of TEEB Nordic shows that nature and its ecosystem services are of high socio-economic significance for the Nordic countries, whether that is based on their market value or estimated value for the broader public. Building on TEEB Nordic’s synthesis and insights Nordic policy and decision-makers at national, regional and local levels can now show leadership and foresight in their actions to support truly ‘green’ green economies in the Nordic countries. Norge valgt inn i styret for Naturpanelet. Ivar A. Baste, Direktoratet for naturforvaltning, ble i helgen valgt inn styret i det internasjonale Naturpanelet for biologisk mangfold og økosystemtjenester.

Baste har solid internasjonal og nasjonal erfaring, herunder utvikling og gjennomføring av vitenskapelige miljøutredninger fra FNs miljøprogram. Det første møtet i Naturpanelet ble avholdt 21.-26. januar i Bonn. Naturpanelet ble opprettet av FNs miljøprogram i april 2012, som et uavhengig organ. Naturpanelet skal styrke samspillet mellom forskning og forvaltning og bidra til å hindre tap av biologisk mangfold og forringelse av økosystemtjenester. -Jeg er veldig fornøyd med at Naturpanelet nå har begynt sitt arbeid, og at Norge har fått tillit til å bidra i oppstarten av panelet.

Naturpanelet kan bli for naturmangfoldet det klimapanelet er for klimasaken. Dr. Temaer for paneletNaturpanelets arbeidsprogram skal vedtas mot slutten av inneværende år. Fungerende og robuste økosystemer er svært viktig for livsgrunnlaget i alle land. Første professor i øko-økonomi: Vi kommer med et uønsket budskab. Det er en ældgammel idé. Det startede egentlig med fysiokraterne,« siger Inge Røpke. Og nu har ideens udbredelse nået et foreløbigt lokalt højdepunkt med udnævnelsen af Danmarks første professor i økologisk økonomi.

Fysiokraterne var de franske naturfilosoffer, som i 1700-tallet mente, at naturlovenes gyldighed også måtte omfatte menneskesamfundene. Og Danmarks første økologiske økonomiprofessor er Inge Røpke. Udnævnt af Aalborg Universitet og tilknyttet universitetets nye Center for Design, Innovation og Bæredygtig Omstilling, DIST, der har til huse i Københavns sydvestkvarter og som officielt indvies den 11. januar. Udnævnelsen afspejler en voksende erkendelse af mainstream-økonomiens begrænsninger og behovet for nye modeller for udviklingen. »Jo, der er sprækker,« siger Inge Røpke. Men den økologiske økonomi udgør stadig en minoritetsdagsorden, selv om den som videnskabeligt felt har været længe undervejs. »Grundideen er at betragte økonomien som en organisme med et stofskifte. Messaging Ecosystem Services | Ecosystems Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA)

(This blog originally appeared on Wetlandia, and appears here with permission of the author) A report just out from Resource Media on public communications strategies and "messaging" for ecosystem service policies leans heavily on the fascinating 2010 national opinion survey on "ecosystem services". They're straight up among the most interesting things I've read all year. Anyone with any stake in ecosystem services should read them. Because they're kind of, well, damning. The punchlines are as follows: people HATE the terms "ecosystem services" and "natural capital"; the very concept that nature "serves" us is unappealing; abstract cases for markets are off-putting, and; while Americans across the political spectrum are deeply and strongly committed to valuing nature, dollars are the least preferred way of doing so.

And the money stat is this: out of 16 terms used to describe the benefits of nature, "ecosystem services" ranked 13th, and "natural capital" ranked 15th. Whoa. Voters in Iceland back new constitution, more resource control. Scientists say billions required to meet conservation targets. Global biodiversity priced at $76 billion. Thinkstock The cash needed to conserve the world's species is a small price for biodiversity's “goods and services”, researchers say. Protecting all the world's threatened species will cost around US$4 billion a year, according to an estimate published today in Science1.

If that number is not staggering enough, the scientists behind the work also report that effectively conserving the significant areas these species live in could rack up a bill of more than $76 billion a year. Study leader Stuart Butchart, a conservation scientist at BirdLife International in Cambridge, UK, admits that the numbers seem very large. The researchers also point out that the annual costs of proper conservation are but a fraction of the value of nature's ‘ecosystem services’, such as pollination of crops and carbon sinks, estimated at between $2 trillion and $6 trillion. Another target of the CBD is to protect 17% of the Earth’s land surface. Ecosystem-Services-Seminar-3-Valuation.pdf (application/pdf Object) Ecosystems Knowledge Network - Welcome to the Ecosystems Knowledge Network, a resource for anyone wanting to share knowledge or learn about the practical benefits of an ecosystems approach to both people and nature.

ENG-Chapter-5.pdf (application/pdf Object) Natural Capital | Manomet. Ecosystem Services | Articles in Press. Natural Capital in Rouge National Park | Publications. Download PDF | View news release This report provides the first-ever estimate of the economic value of ecosystem services provided by Canada's future Rouge National Park and its surrounding watersheds. Using valuation techniques from the field of natural capital economics, the report estimates that the Rouge region's rich tapestry of natural, agricultural and cultural assets provide more than $115 million in economic benefits each year, including $12.5 million in benefits from the almost 6,000-hectare proposed Rouge National Park.

The report also provides recommendations for legal, policy and conservation efforts that should be undertaken to ensure the Rouge's ecological health and economic value is maintained in the long term. Economic Impact of Protected Areas in Europe - How Businesses can benefit from the Economic Values of Protected Areas - EUROPARC Federation. In Europe, many different tools are used for protecting biodiversity and natural areas including the Natura 2000 network, the Habitats Directive and the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. To the European business sector, however, the potential economic value of Natural and National parks is little known. More and more companies are looking for ways to contribute to biodiversity protection.

The European Business & Biodiversity Campaign and EUROPARC Federation are offering new aspects to the debate how protected areas can be maintained, and how societies can re-connect to the ecological, socio-cultural and economic value of such landscapes. European protected areas can bring measurable direct and flow-on economic benefits to local, regional, state and national economies. Regensburg/Munich, 12 September 2012: National parks and other protected areas are well monitored when it comes to ecological issues but their economic value has so far received less attention.

Putting a price on the rivers and rain diminishes us all | George Monbiot. 'The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying 'This is mine', and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not anyone have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, 'Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody'.

" Jean Jacques Rousseau would recognise this moment. Now it is not the land his impostors are enclosing, but the rest of the natural world. In many countries, especially the United Kingdom, nature is being valued and commodified so that it can be exchanged for cash. The effort began in earnest under the last government. At a cost of £100,000, it commissioned a research company to produce a total annual price for England's ecosystems. But it doesn't end there. Call for Content! SB Issues in Focus: The New Metrics of Sustainable Business. July 30, 2012 — Calling all innovators & implementers! During the month of September 2012, Sustainable Brands will be publishing daily features, interviews, columns and case studies on “The New Metrics of Sustainable Business.”

As guest editors of this effort, corporate sustainability architect Bill Baue and Paul Herman and Nick Gower of HIP Investor are seeking content to publish during the month. This is a great opportunity to showcase the innovations you and your organization have pioneered – sustainable business metrics that strategically link to financial, ecological and social performance. Content Guidelines: : on your implementation of New Metrics of Sustainable Business - namely, metrics that measure impacts on the full range of capital beyond financial and monetary, such as quantifiable human, social and natural capital. Balanced scorecard that includes eco or social metrics environmental profit and loss statement putting people on the balance sheet as an asset.

World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Companies use ecosystem services, and that use alters the ecosystems and their ability to provide services. This publication discusses the challenges inherent in the use of ecosystem services and the implications for business. Ecosystem Challenges and Business Implications warns that companies must transform business models and operations if they are to avoid major economic losses caused by the current degradation of ecosystems and the vital services they provide.

Produced by Earthwatch Institute (Europe), the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and the World Resources Institute (WRI), this publication is based on global scientific facts and projections from the UN's multi-year Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and interviews with a range of business leaders to assess the implications and strategies needed to respond to environmental challenges. This is the first of three publications to be produced by the four partners. July 31 - August 4, 2012 | Portland, Oregon, United States. Overcoming hunger and meeting the nutritional needs of almost 07 billion people, rising to over 09 billion people by 2050, is a central challenge for this generation (Steiner, 2011).

Since the hunger riots in 2008, agriculture and food issues have dramatically return to the forefront of global political agenda as one of the major concerns of 21st Century (Patrick, 2011). Thus ensuring food security will be an important issue for policy makers to support the management of agro-ecosystem services by taking suitable measures for sustainable management of multifunctional agro-ecosystems. Typical agricultural ecosystems besides providing marketed services like food, forage, bio-energy and pharmaceuticals, also provide other non marketed ecosystem services such as watershed protection, crop pollination, carbon sequestration, landscape beauty and many other services, but such services have been overshadowed by food production and they are never valued and entered in our accounting calculus.

The Little Biodiversity Finance Book - 3rd edition (2012) | Global Canopy Programme. Competitiveness 2.0. Free exchange: The real wealth of nations. NEW! Follow-on Phase. World Bank Pushes for 'Green Accounting' by Nations. Risks and rewards of quantifying nature's 'ecosystem services' Accounting for pollution likely within a decade - group. Wild Wealth, a new documentary of biodiversity. Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems - Gretchen C. Daily. The Work of Nature: How the Diversity of Life Sustains Us - Yvonne Baskin. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Sub-Global Assessment Network - Sub-Global Assessment Network. Kompetenzzentrum "Naturkapital Deutschland" (KNK) Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: A Manual for Assessment Practitioners - Neville Ash, Hernan Blanco, Keisha Garcia.

Living With Environmental Change and the National Ecosystem Assessment | LWEC. UK NEA. Environment - WAVES Home page. Ekspertutvalget om verdier av økosystemtjenester. Direktoratet for naturforvaltning - Verdien av naturmangfold og økosystemtjenester. Direktoratet for naturforvaltning - Internasjonalt arbeid med TEEB. Naturmangfoldåret 2010 - Å gjøre naturverdier synlige økonomisk. Pavan Sukhdev. GIST Advisory Pvt. Ltd/index.

TEEB 2012 Conference in Leipzig « Cow Burps – A UK-based environmental economics blog. The TEEBelgium D0 conference: welcome. Global Partnership for Oceans | Valuing the Ocean: Preview Summary | Publications at SEI. SEI-Preview-ValuingTheOcean-DraftExecutiveSummary.pdf (application/pdf Object) National Ocean Economics Program. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) - Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) World governments establish biodiversity panel. We need an international approach to biodiversity (but local action) Natural capital. What is natural capital? | Natural Capital | Wildlife & habitat | Our projects | Natural Capital | Issues.

Environmental economics. World Bank Pushes for 'Green Accounting' by Nations. Securing Canada’s Natural Capital: A Vision for Nature Conservation in the 21st Century | National Round Table – Table ronde nationale. Canada News: What’s a polar bear worth to you? Ecosystem services. The case for an ecosystem service approach to decision-making: an overview. Ecosystem Services - living within environmental limits.