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Deforming RBDs. Simple setup that uses a SOP solver and deforms the geo at points of impact. The impact data is already available in the SOP solver, the normal is the impact direction and there is a pscale attribute for the magnitude of the impact. In this setup I just used attributeTransfer to get the impact data onto the mesh, then a vopsop to deform the mesh. There is a minimum impact so that resting objects don't get deformed. Also I divide the impact magnitude by the mass... the heavy box was denting itself from just resting there. Houdini - Impact deformation for RBDs from Sam Hancock on Vimeo.

Might be better to have an additive effect for getting the impact data onto the mesh, rather than the averaging that goes on with the attribute transfer ... might try it later. Also going to try getting some volume preservation going on! Houdini-infos. Home - Houdini - 3D Animation and VFX. PQ Houdini Tutorial. Learn Houdini. Houdini. OpenVDB.