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Polymer Clay Silverware Textured Beads. I've been on a bead making rampage these days! In between the critter making and the pony sanding, I've been squeezing in a few new ideas. So today I thought I'd share the process of my latest ones with you: silverware textured beads. I chose three different fancy handled knives for this project. I got these at Goodwill——you never what neat textures you'll find when digging through the silverware bins there! I used a two-part molding compound to make the impressions and for these I kept the sides fairly low since I wasn't going to be casting beads with them——just texturing. And here they are all cured.

Next I shaped my bead cores in polymer clay, making them a little smaller than I wanted the final beads to be. After cooling, I coated each bead with a very small amount of liquid clay and wrapped them in thin sheets of polymer clay. And then I rolled and pressed each bead into the mold to apply the texture——having the baked core enabled me to get good detail without misshaping the bead. Tutorial: How to make clay rollers & stamps........... Les textures et les timbres de la pâte polymère avec ses mains - tous d'argile de polymère.

TUTO TEXTURES. - LES ETHIOPIQUES - Hélène JEANCLAUDE. Note aux Utilisateurs des tutos : je suis attachée à l'idéologie démocratique du net de partage des compétences et expériences. C'est pourquoi mes "tutos sont gratos" (c'est pour la rime). Cependant, merci d'être suffisamment MORAL pour faire référence au blog des Ethiopiques si vous exposez sur votre blog une technique ou un modèle directement inspiré d'un de ces tutos ! La moindre des choses étant, me semble-t-il, de me mettre dans vos liens. Cette exigence ne concerne pas, évidemment, les techniques hyper connues et dont je ne suis pas l'auteur comme, par exemple, le Hidden Magic, les canes fleurs, l'effet céramique, le transfert d'images notamment. Bon fimotage. Hélène. 1) Texture cuir : La TEXTURE simple et VRAIMENT PAS CHERE : le morceau de PAPIER CUISSON en boule puis déplié. ... à appliquer sur la pâte crue avec rouleau (comme d'hab.)

Effet cuir garanti : 2) Texture "nature" avec pierre ramassée sur les bords de Loire : 3) Tampons avec pampilles : Choisir ses pampilles... Carton... Etc. Bronze Verdigris Leaf Necklace. 20120320223444_ufVEE.thumb.600_0.jpeg (Image JPEG, 554x555 pixels) Tutorial – African Beads From Polymer Clay « Crafty Little Sew n' Sew. Welcome to my tutorial on how to make African style beads in polymer clay :) After searching for a stamp to make patterns in my clay beads & being unable to find any in the designs I required I sat down for a coffee & thought ‘why not make my own?’ So it is a little experimental but a lot cheaper & you are welcome to share this project too.

The design possibilities are endless – floral, fairy tale, celtic you name it! Also experiment with colours too – blues & purples with silver/pearl paints for example. What You Will Need - Polymer clay e.g. What To Do - Step 1 Get a reasonable sized piece of scrap clay, preferably in one colour as it makes it easier to see pattern later. Step 2 Condition (knead) clay until well mixed & workable. Step 3 At this point you can cut your clay to make it all nice & neat – not essential but your more than welcome to be fussy about these things :P Step 4 Bake! Step 5 Think of a general theme you wish to work on & get some reference.

Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10. Tatana polimerica fimo polymer clay joyeria jewelry spain españa - Texturas (2) Home-made texture plates A continuación encontrarás una serie de texturas que pueden servir como idea para realizar las tuyas propias. Here you can find more home-made texture plates that can give you an idea to make your own.