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Team fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2. Medic - VS Saxton Hale Wiki. VSH Role Edit The Medic is possibly the toughest class to play in the VSH mod as the Boss will usually prioritize Medics .

Medic - VS Saxton Hale Wiki

You will need to incorporate some skillful dodging to stay alive. Medics support the team by healing and making players invincible by deploying Übercharge. Medics also have the unique ability to summon Vampire Heavies. SentryManual_web. User:G-Mang/TF2 Instructions. Pyro: guys lets sew half our explosives and munitions directly onto our suitscivilian: thats retardedCivilian has been kicked from chat.medic: now we're fabulous!

User:G-Mang/TF2 Instructions

:D OGC While Team Fortress 2 is known as a fairly easy game for new players to jump into and quickly enjoy, it also lacks thorough, consolidated documentation on pretty much all topics, and I thought I'd take the time to write a brief introductory guide for new players to start playing the game. I'm pretty sure I was sober for at least some of it, so I hope you return the favor, because you should be saving your intoxicants for quality alltalk blathering (also because people don't want clueless teammates I guess). This guide seeks (but clearly fails) to be at least somewhat concise, but it should be readable even if you have no TF2 experience beyond maybe seeing someone else play a couple minutes or going in an empty game and shooting each weapon once.

Team Fortress 2 Item Trading Websites. Team Fortress 2. Strategy guides & forums. Team Fortress 2. Home - TF2 Warehouse. TF2 Trading Post. TraderEmpire. Main Page. Team Fortress 2.