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Shiso (plant) Shiso of perilla (Perilla frutescens) is een eenjarige plant die behoort tot de muntfamilie Lamiaceae. Perilla frutescens is een plant die bij uitstek aanwezig is in Oost-Azië, meer bepaald China, Japan en Korea. Ondertussen is hij wereldwijd verspreid. In de jaren 1800 werd hij door Aziatische immigranten meegenomen en daardoor vindt men shiso veelvuldig in het zuidoosten van de Verenigde Staten en delen van Canada. Door zijn gemakkelijke aanpassing verdringt hij gemakkelijk andere delen van de flora. In Europa zijn een paar lokale ondernemingen gespecialiseerd in de teelt ervan voor levering aan restaurants.

De Chinese naam is zǐ sū (Klassiek Chinees: 紫蘇; modern Chinees: 紫苏; pinyin: zǐ sū). Akajiso (Rode shiso - Perilla frutescens var. crispa f. purpurea) De bloeiwijze wordt hojiso genoemd. Koreaanse perillabladeren gebruikt als bijgerecht De Koreaanse naam is deulkkae of tŭlkkae (들깨, wat 'wilde sesam' betekent). In Nepal en delen van India wordt Shiso silam (सिलाम) genoemd. Reducing Inflammation with Diet and Supplements: The Story of Eicosanoid Inhibition. Return to itm online The Story of Eicosanoid Inhibition general review by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon Several important diseases are mediated by production of molecules known as eicosanoids, so named because they are derivatives of the 20-carbon arachidonic acid ("eicos" is from the Greek word eikosi, the number 20; see Figure 1).

These diseases include heart attack, asthma, arthritis, ulcerative colitis, asthma, dysmenorrhea, and recurrent headaches. The story of eicosanoids and their involvement in inflammation and chronic diseases is complex and rapidly evolving. Information here is necessarily simplified and is intended to help explain the basis for consuming certain foods, oil-based supplements, and herbs in an effort to prevent or help control certain diseases. Prostaglandins (PG): primarily have the effects of influencing platelet aggregation (inhibiting or increasing) and constricting or relaxing blood vessels. Making Medicinal Teas, Tonics, & Tinctures. White Spots on Skin | New Health Guide. Melanin is the component responsible for giving your skin its color.

Melanin is a pigment that is manufactured in the skins outermost layer, and the melanin concentration is what determines your skin color. Melanocytes are cells that are located at your epidermis's basal layer which are responsible for manufacturing melanin. People who have dark skin have larger amounts of melanin than people with lighter skin. It is very important for your skin to produce melanin regularly to ensure that it maintains its color. Causes and Treatments of White Spots on Skin Discoloration of the skin does not disappear by itself; it is caused by a decrease in the supply of melanin. 1.

Symptoms. Treatment. 2. Symptoms. Treatment. 3. Symptoms. Treatment. 4. Symptoms. Treatment. 5. Symptoms. Treatment. 6. Symptoms. Treatment. 7. White spots on the skin can also occur due to malnutrition, lack of vitamin D, E and calcium. Home Remedies for White Spots on Skin Radish Seeds. Learn the connection between diet and muscle cramping. If you look at the information presented in most exercise physiology and sports nutrition books, you will notice an obvious omission of discussions of muscle cramps. This is probably because little is known about muscle cramps. Nonetheless, I am a true believer that imbalances of fluid or the mineral electrolytes—sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium—in the diet should be ruled out as contributors to all nocturnal and exercise-associated cramps.

Fluid Imbalances and Dehydration Whether fluid imbalances and mild dehydration can trigger muscle cramping is open to debate. Although we know that muscle cramps can and do occur with severe dehydration and heat injury, there is no conclusive evidence that consuming adequate fluid with or without electrolytes will prevent typical nocturnal or exercise-associated cramping. Sodium Sodium is one of the main positively charged mineral ions or electrolytes in body fluid. Potassium Calcium Magnesium Carbohydrate. Ditch healthy berries to beat muscle pain: The eating plan that helped me cure my aches and pains. By Dr Clare Morrison Published: 02:00 GMT, 14 August 2012 | Updated: 15:44 GMT, 14 August 2012 'No one could have been as surprised as me that the low oxalate diet actually helped,' said Dr Clare Morrison When I wrote in the Daily Mail about how I’d overcome fibromyalgia, the response from readers was overwhelming.

Clearly, many people, like me, have been floored by the condition — and the lack of effective treatment — and were anxious for more details. Unfortunately, no one really knows what causes fibromyalgia and there’s no cure. Treatments such as painkillers rarely do more than ease the symptoms (characterised by debilitating muscle pain). Many patients end up giving up work and normal daily life — I longed to retire early from my job as a GP just so I could rest all day.

I cut these out of my diet and overnight my symptoms disappeared — the disabling muscle pains, tingling legs, fatigue and inability to concentrate all went. Why would this be so? Clear apple juice. Can You Eat to Reverse Multiple Sclerosis? | insightful nutrition. If you have a loved one with multiple sclerosis[1], (as I do), you’ll love what this next post is about. It features the inspiring story of Dr. Terry Wahls[2], who reversed her multiple sclerosis after seven years of deterioration — simply by changing her diet. That she did it within 8 months and went on to complete an 18 mile bicycle tour is nothing short of miraculous. No drug has ever been able to claim the same results. Coming across her story late last year was the best Christmas present ever. Dr. By 2003, Dr Wahls transitioned to ‘Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis’ (the more advanced form), and had to begin using a tilt-recline wheelchair because of weakness in her back muscles. Like anyone with a degenerative condition, she wanted to forestall further deterioration as long as possible.

One thing that was common to all these degenerative conditions was poorly functioning mitochondria. Getting Better but not Quite There The Big Change – Getting Nutrients from food MS and Eggs. Sleep, Hormones, and Circadian Rhythms throughout the Menstrual Cycle in Healthy Women and Women with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. They Told You WHAT?! | Separating Thyroid Fact from Fiction. UPDATE 11 a.m. April 1, 2014: I’ve randomly selected five winners, and an email was sent to each of them a few minutes ago. If you didn’t get an email, I’m sorry, you didn’t win, but thanks for participating. I’ve turned the comments back on so people can read them if they’re interested. It’s DONE! Finally do ne! Here’s a little bit more about the book: And for those who can’t wait, the book is available for purchase now at For others who love freebies, I’m giving away five books, but won’t draw the winners till April, to give more people time to enter.

Tired Thyroid Book Giveaway Sweepstakes Rules No purchase necessary. Prizes: Five (5) Tired Thyroid books will be awarded, retail value $28.88 each. Here’s the question I’d like everyone to answer, simply because I’m curious: What brands and strengths of prescription thyroid hormone do you take daily? Leven met Fytinezuur. Fermentation in the gut and CFS. (By Dr Sarah Myhill and Craig Robinson) Nutritional products (but not prescription medications) either referred to in this page or in other pages on this website can be bought from my online shop Sales at Dr Myhill I am most grateful to Dr Henry Butt from Australia for providing essential information! I spent a day with him in January 2015 and new information has been added to this webpage as a result of our discussions.

Please see below for full details. The human gut is almost unique amongst mammals - the upper gut is a near-sterile, digesting carnivorous gut (like a dog's or a cat's) evolved to deal with meat and fat, whilst the lower gut (large bowel or colon) is full of bacteria and is a fermenting, vegetarian gut (like a horse's or cow's) evolved to digest vegetables and fibre. Problems arose when humans learned to cook and to farm. So, the main types of microbes that we need to be aware of are: Bacteroides. Of course foods have a mixture of good sugars and bad sugars. Lactobacilli. Behandeling van Fibromyalgie. Fibromyalgie (FM) is een syndroom gekenmerkt door pijn in de spieren op meerdere specifieke plekken in het lichaam zonder duidelijke oorzaak, vaak gepaard gaand met andere last zoals vermoeidheid, slecht slapen, verminderde concentratie, hoofdpijn , darmklachten , depressieve stemming en allergieën.

Het komt vooral voor bij volwassen vrouwen. Vroeger werd de term "weke-delen reuma" gebruikt voor deze aandoening , maar inmiddels is duidelijk dat het niet om reuma gaat. Bij onderzoek vind ik een hormonale screening van belang. De Amerikaanse arts John C. Ook in mijn praktijk blijkt dat veel mensen met fibromyalgie een al of niet verborgen verminderde schildklierfunctie hebben en bij behandeling daarvan treedt verlichting op. Tevens helpt neuraaltherapie als pijnbestrijding en zijn vitamines ,mineralen en aminozuren nodig om de energie te verhogen en de pijn verder te reduceren. Een relatief nieuw medicijn bij FM is Naltrexon in lage dosis, zie Review of Dr. Datis Kharrazian's Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal Understanding Hashimoto's Disease & Hypothyroidism. Early on in his book, Dr. Datis Kharrazian asks, "If the check-engine light on your car lights up, which would be smarter: to investigate the engine or remove the light?

" The book goes on to say that failing to look for the underlying reasons behind the symptoms -- and instead, simply prescribing thyroid medication -- is like "removing the engine light. " Looking for those underlying reasons for Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism is the idea behind Dr. Kharrazian's book, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? At its core, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms makes it clear that hypothyroidism is not a one-size-fits-all diagnosis, and while thyroid replacement treatment helps some people, it doesn't necessarily resolve symptoms in everyone.

Why thyroid treatment doesn't resolve symptoms for everyone is the overriding question Dr. Dr. Looking at Hashimoto's, the book delves into the immune system issues that may cause the disease, Dr. One of the areas where Dr. Dr. Beyond Hashimoto's, Dr.


Kalium. Home - Voedingsleer - Nutriënten - Mineralen en sporenelementen - Kalium Chemisch element Kalium (K) Atoomnummer 19. Belangrijke taken van kalium zijn het regelen van de bloedsuikerspiegel en het op peil houden van de vochtbalans. Verder is kalium betrokken bij de zenuwgeleiding en de spierfunctie, het draagt zo dus ook bij voor een goed hartritme. Bevordert een goed denkvermogen door zuurstof naar de hersenen te zenden, tevens draagt het bij aan de verwijdering van afvalstoffen uit het lichaam en helpt bij de behandeling van allergieën.

Kalium is een macro element. Eigenschappen Houdt de vochtbalans in de cellen op peil Stabiliseert de interne structuur van cellen Helpt samen met natrium de zenuwimpulsen geleiden Kan bescherming bieden tegen een beroerte Verhoogt atletische/sport prestaties Kan helpen bij de behandeling en voorkoming van kanker Activeert enzymen die de energieproductie beheersen Voorkomt en behandelt een hoge bloeddruk Symptomen bij een tekort Bronnen Dosering. Diagnostic Laboratory Testing for Wellness & Preventive Medicine - Genova Diagnostics (GDX) Home | Metabolic Healing. Alternative Thyroid Therapy – with Lela C. Carney, Licensed Acupuncturist | Natural Integrative, Complimentary and Alternative Treatment for Thyroid Problems. Netherlands Nutrigenomics Centre. The effects of nutrition on health and disease cannot be fathomed without a profound understanding of how nutrients act at a molecular and genetic level. The mission of the Netherlands Nutrigenomics Centre (NNC) is to elucidate the influence of food components, such as fat, on the metabolic syndrome at a genetic level.

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical disorders including obesity, insulin resistance, high cholesterol levels and hypertension. Metabolic syndrome may lead to the development of Type II diabetes and coronary heart disease. It is known that metabolic syndrome is the result of an imbalance between dietary energy intake and expenditure, strongly modulated by genetic factors. Using modern techniques like genomics, proteomics and metabolomics, NNC measures gene and protein expression and examines the effect of dietary changes on specific metabolites. The NNC is built around the chair Nutrition, Metabolism and Genomics of Prof. Additional information Website.