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eMag: API Technologies. Web APIs are driving important new business and technology models. Download the API Technologies eMag where leading practitioners share their experience on making money from APIs and on API design best practices. We discover "cloud native" architectures that scale to meet global demand and get hands on building API's from contract to go-live. We look at connected devices, mashups and consider new standards for security.

Free download Contents of the API Technologies eMag include: API Business Models: 20 Models in 20 Minutes John Musser presents 20 API business models explaining how developers can make money with their APIs. About InfoQ eMags InfoQ eMags are professionally designed, downloadable collections of popular InfoQ content - articles, interviews, presentations, and research-covering the latest software development technologies, trends, and topics. ProgrammableWeb - Mashups, APIs, and the Web as Platform. APIs. YouTube. GettingStarted - google-api-php-client - Downloading and installing the Google API PHP client library. - Google APIs Client Library for PHP. Development on the Google PHP client library moved to GitHub with the release of the 1.0.0-alpha, and now the 1.0 branch has reached beta status there will be no further releases of the 0.6 branch of the library. Please take a look at the latest version on For information on migrating, please take a look at this guide: This client library helps you work with Google Plus data from your web server.

This document will help explain where you can obtain the files for the client library, and how to use them in your own projects. There are two options for obtaining the files for the client library. Obtaining the pre-packaged release Most developers will want to use the pre-packaged release, as it will be the most stable version of the library. To download the library, go to the Downloads tab.

Obtaining the most up-to-date version from SVN If your project structure looks like this: