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Инди геймс - Поиск в Google - Nightly. 3.2][SSP/SMP/LAN] Familiars *new* Navi, Rana, CompanionCube - Minecraft Forum - Nightly. More videos: You need the recommended Minecraft Forge version: The API alone has no content, you need at least one FamPack! Downloads: Familiars API 1.7.2c Extended FamPack 1.7.2b DefaultMobs FamPack 1.7.2b Herobrine FamPack 1.7.2borig. topic credits: burnner older downloads(1.3.2 - 1.6.4) older FamPacks (1.2.5):Elemental Dragons MLP:FiM Pack Extended Familiars HD TexturePack by Zernicalo Coming soon: Baby TF2 Classes: And YOU can help to shape the new Familiars, all I need are suggestions to their abilities!

Thx to FrossaProductions for giving me permissions to use the Baby TF2 textures of his Meet the Pyro video! Changelog: Spoiler: - update to 1.7.2 *sigh* - you can disable the updatechecker now in config-file - added language files (english + german) you can provide files in your language now and I'll add them How to install: 1. You'll need the API and at least one Fampack! If you want to create your own Familiar, take a look: Minecraft Mods | Episode 633 | CAKES | iPodmail | 1.3.2 - YouTube - Nightly. 2.5]Chocolate quest. Mods for the adventurers. Now with more caves! - Minecraft Forum - Nightly. Instructions The dungeon exporter its an internal option of the mod.

To enable it go to the main config file and set the line "exporterEnabled" to 1 (enabled).Once this it's done you may need to change some block ids, as the mod will register a few new blocks. The blocks: Exporter block: the main block to export the dungeons. Place it and it will mark an area. Right click on it to open a gui that allows to export the dungeon inside the defined area, or modify the area size. One of the most important blocks to export the dungeon. At werld generation time this block will be skipped, and will keep the original block in the world. Mob blocks: those blocks will become one-use spawners at world generation.

Boss block: This block will directly spawn a boss at world generation. Chest block: will become a chest filled with the items based on each chestConfig file. Some special rules: Spawners: if the entity to spawn it's a pig, the spawner will be randomized. Spoiler: Direction/folder guide: 2.5][NEW AWESOME BLOCK]Statues! & more! v3r1 WIP update - Minecraft Forum - Nightly.

/! \ Mod development paused! Please read that! Yep, unfortenatly, I have to pause the mod development. I know, it's stupid, but all these bugs are due to one stupid thing: I don't know (yet) how to send packets to the solo server. Let me explain. As you know, with the fusion of solo and multi, your solo game became a 1 player server game.

And I must implement "packets" of datas which send... datas between client and solo server. So please, stop with your "plz updat it plz! " Btw, you can continue to post me suggestions relevant to interactive storage blocks as those I already implemented. Stay tuned, dolf. P.S: I repeat, this mod won't be in 1.4.5! Hello guys, (At first, sorry for my bad english, I'm french and my english skills are limited to "my tailor is rich" :-° ) Today, I want to present you my new (and first) mod : Statues! Craft, pictures and other some stuff This mod adds these features : Spoiler: -Statue (block, can be placed, craftable, openable): *Craft: *Sketch in-game: Downloads Ending.

3.2][Forge][SSP/SMP]Buff / Armor Bar Mods, Project Zulu v0.2.5 More Mobs, Blocks, & Mechanics - Minecraft Forum - Nightly. MohawkyMagoo, on 09 September 2012 - 03:01 AM, said: Loved the vultures and lizards. Things that actually fly! So fed up with birds that are ground hoppers. Heres an idea for the vultures - is there a way they could be attracted to the player (circling overhead) dependent upon how low his health/food bar is? Say one vulture begins circling for every two apples lost? I was going to make them attack dependent on the number of vultures nearby/cicrcling as well as the player health. Had a problem with the armadillos - they didnt behave as I expected them to, a straight off attack from the get go? I was concerned about this. Weird problem with the sandworms - at first all I saw were three or four connected blocks textured same as sand moving about ABOVE the surface - looked very odd (are they supposed to be below ground surface at this stage?)

The Sandworm has two textures, a essentially sand texture which is very obvious from the side once you know what your looking for. Almost Forgot Quote. Colored Glass! (the original) - Minecraft Forum - Nightly. It's been a year and a half of supporting and discussing this suggestion, it no longer is a suggestion that i can claim as mine for it is an idea that was molded and cared for by so many people, this suggestion is an idea that belongs to the community and because of your help for the past year and a half, we have finally made a breakthrough... Guys, WE DID IT! Mojang officially released a screenshot ( showing colored glass implemented and fixes on the transparency issues they were having before. I can say with confidence that if it weren't for all your support for this topic, there's a good chance that colred glass wouldnt have even been included in this snapshot.

For that you guys can be proud to be apart of something big, something that could change the way Minecraft feels forever. However, its not over yet, with the addition of colored glass, there is so much more we can do with it. (images above are not real screenshots. Spoiler: Video 1Video 2. 2.5] ★★MineFantasy★★ Medieval and fantasy Version 1.5 Dragons + Dragonforge Steel - Minecraft Forum - Nightly. Version Beta 1.0(1.6.4) Test Version N/A All these tech mods running about now days. It's all about having something play the game for you. Play the game for? As you progress through the mod, you will create more processes, requiring more rooms at home. This mod is in early development and new tiers and other content bits will be added as updates go along. ALL INFORMATION SUPPLIED IN "MineFantasy_Manual.pdf" within the jar (versions beta and higher) News 9/4/2014 Looking for supporters: For mod continuation into new versions, or implementation of more advanced mechanics: A more experienced modding team would be required. 5/4/2014 It has been a long time since updating.

Bug Reporting Spoiler: Bug reporting is handled on the CurseForge page here. I've decided to use IRC now. Media Requesting new videos by proper video makers Download Requirements:Minecraft Forge Standard and Test version available at CurseForge Test version Not yet released Previous Versions Changelog Installation Video Demos Mechanics. 3.2] MineChem V1.7 for MC 1.3.2 (by ljdp) (521 downloads) - Minecraft Forum - Nightly. Add all 118 elements to Minecraft with Minechem (created by: ljdp). MineChem allows you to handle elements and molecules with various machines and those all important test tubes. You can manipulate the elements with these machines into other elements and even turn raw blocks into elements. Using a verity of machines you can turn water into it's base gases (Hydrogen and Oxygen) which are placed in test-tubes by the machine. From there (if you have the right requirements) you can fuse them, split them, turn them into other things OR turn them back into water.

News: I am discontinuing maintaination of this mod. My reason is being that the original author has created a different version, appropriately called Minechem 2. It's only dependancy is BuildCraft and while I won't link any downloads here I will link the thread. Thread link: I am sorry to those who's hopes I raised by saying I would update this. Spoiler: Minecraft has crashed! Features: He* Fe*O* Main Page - NetherExpansion - Nightly. Effetto.swf (объект «application/x-shockwave-flash») - Nightly. 2.5] Mystcraft (0.8.5) - Minecraft Forum - Nightly. Xorchloretuss, on 04 January 2012 - 11:03 AM, said: this mod is looking good in my eyes. and the smp support is always a good thing. anyway i hve some queestions or sugestions. the linkbooks are crafted with only a normal book? Isnt that just very easy? For an item that can teleport you around dimensions i would expect maybe to cost gold or redstone also, lapizlazuri or even diamonds. and when you teleport, do the book come with you?

And also how do you return to your own dimension or age? In the pics there seems to be more than 20000 combinations possible. also, is it possible to craft a linkbook that can teleport you to an age, that happens to be another save? So that, if is possible to craft a linkbook making you choose where do you want it to link? MaRul, on 04 January 2012 - 11:30 AM, said: Ya maby a expensive ink mite off put the problem of it being so powerful.

I think this needs to be more like the two types of books that are in the Myst universe. Yes, it is very easy. Great job .