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Conditionals infographic. English Conditional Sentences (with examples!) Conditional Sentences. You can set this page as a homework task for a group of students; doing so will give you a record of who has completed the task.

Conditional Sentences

Visit the teacher's section for more information. You can share this page by using the link below. Update May-2020 - Removed the cheating highscores. The maximum possible score is 197600. This is a game to practice or study English as a second language, specifically the focus is on forming conditional phrases of the form "if ..., then ... ". The general idea behind this game is that by practising the "if ..., then ... " structure, students will become more familiar with it and integrate it into their range of language. There are 48 phrases in the game, with each having an image showing the meaning of the conditional situation. To play the game, you just have to click on the words to make the correct sentence. There are 8 rounds in total. This game is made in Javascript using the CreateJS framework. Conditional sentences, 1-2-3. Conditional sentences type I and type II.

Structures au conditionnel-anglais. Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°34885 : Structures au conditionnel - cours Structures hypothétiques et conditionnel Si je dors, ne me réveillez pas, merci !

Structures au conditionnel-anglais

0 : If + présent simple + présent simple On l'utilise généralement pour des vérités générales et pour des choses qui se produisent toujours, à chaque fois que la condition se produit. Exemples : If you heat water a lot, it turns to water vapour.Si on fait chauffer beaucoup de l'eau, elle se transforme en vapeur d'eau. If you practise sport a lot, you definitely lose weight.Si on fait beaucoup du sport, on perd certainement du poids.

If I am late home, my parents get worried.Si j'arrive en retard à la maison, mes parents s'inquiètent. 1 : If + présent + will + verbe (base verbale) On utilise cette forme pour quelque chose qui est possible maintenant, mais également dans le futur. They will certainly help you if you ask them.Ils vont sans aucun doute t'aider si tu leur demandes. Conditionnel I /II et III-anglais. Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°100563 : Conditionnel I /II et III There are three basic types of conditional sentences in English.

Conditionnel I /II et III-anglais

Type 1: Future Real meaning: Refers to a situation that may or may not happen in the future. Form: If + simple present ... , will + base form of verb. Example: If I have any free time, I will meet with you. (I may have some free time, but I am not sure I will.) Type 2: Present or future unreal Meaning: refers to a situation that does not exist in the present and/or will not exist in future. Conditional Sentences type 2 Exercise. Conditionals ( type 0,1,2,3) Conditionals. Conditionals.

Real and Unreal Conditional Sentences (If Clauses) Conditional Sentence Type 0 Conditional type zero is used to talk about general truths, scientific facts or things which always happen under certain conditions.

Real and Unreal Conditional Sentences (If Clauses)

Form: Use: The zero conditional is used to talk about things which are always true, scientific facts, general truths: Examples: If you cross an international date line, the time changes. Conditional Sentence Type 1 Often called the "real" conditional because it is used for real or possible situations. Use Conditional Sentences Type 1 refer to the future. If I have enough time, I'll watch the football match. I may have time to watch the match but I'm not sure about it. Conditional Sentence Type 2 Often called the "unreal" conditional because it is used for unreal impossible or improbable situations. Were / Was In conditional type 2, we usually use in the if clause "were" instead of "was" even if the pronoun is I, he, she or it. Example: If I were a millionaire, I would buy a castle. Use. Mixed Conditionals.