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DSLR Bokeh Tutorial « It seems that many Flickrites out there are struggling to get good bokeh shots. The good news is that shooting bokeh is one of the easiest photographic techniques to learn. Unfortunately, it is also one of the hardest to master. Here I will attempt to get you started with the basics. You’ll have to do the mastery part on your own :-) Bokeh (pronounced: “boke-aay” or “boke-uh”- I prefer the latter) is the out of focus or blurry areas of a photograph.

The photo above made the Front Page of Flickr’s Explore last week. The secret to shooting bokeh lies in its definition: out of focus highlights. Pentax-A 50mm f/1.7 SMC Next, we need a large aperture. That is not to say that one can not get great bokeh using lenses with a smaller maximum aperture like the typical kit lenses sold with most entry level DSLRs. The other reason that you want the largest possible aperture your lens is capable of is to ensure that your bokeh is round and not faceted.

Happy bokeh-ing! DIY - Create Your Own Bokeh. Bokeh is an adaptation from a a Japanese word meaning blur. In photography this term is used to describe the quality of the areas in the picture which are not in focus. When referring to Bokeh, we can distinguish some of it characteristics: – Is the light/dark gradient smooth or sharp? – What shape will a small dot of light take what it is in the Bokeh area? (mirror lenses for example, create a bagel like Bokeh) We can play with those two variants to create a special Bokeh.

You will need : One large aperture lens (a Canon 50mm F1.8 (B&H) is used here, but Nikon 50mm 1.8 (B&H) will also do, and the superb Nikon 50mm 1.4 (B&H) will work even better)One sheet of black paperboard 1. 2. 3. Here are two shots to demonstrate this technique – one with a bare lens and the other with the hearted hood. Here are the parameters for the example shown above: Lens – Canon 50mm F1.8“Lens hood” Diameter: 70mm (2.75 inch)Hole diameter: 15mm (0.6inch) Do you have a cool bokeh? Bokeh Examples, Textures & Create A Perfect Bokeh Effect | Junki. Awesome Bokeh Effect Tutorial. Create a Bokeh inspired Background / Bokeh Design Style | Web De. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url= /><center><p style="padding:1em; font-size:1.5em;">For search results please <a href=" style="text-decoration:underline; color:#0000EE;">CLICK HERE</a>.

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