Meraki Essentials
Meraki Essentials is best Essentials oil company which is located in India. We offer pure essential oils for your natural lifestyle. Authentic pure essential oils for every household.
Festive Gift Packs. Walnut Oil. Peppermint Essential Oil (10 ml) Rs. 395.00 At Meraki Essentials, we call Peppermint the “Frosty Potion” owing mainly to the familiar cooling, refreshing sensation and calming effect that it induces through its aroma or topical application.The Essential Oil of Peppermint has a fresh, bright, sharp, minty, stimulating, cooling and refreshing aroma.
Known for its refreshing, uplifting and restorative properties. For the mind, it is bold, promotes clarity and alertness. A natural energizer, a non-toxic alternative to not so good energy drinks. Peppermint Essential Oil raises the soul to fuller understanding and appreciation of the mysteries that will eventually fully unfold to us and in dispelling negative thought forms and energies! HAIR GROWTH OILS. Steam distilled from various parts of the plants, Essential oils are the best oils for hair growth as these natural and aromatic substances are very effective for stimulating the hair follicle & clearing it of pollutants.
Essential oils work on the body, mind & soul they also help reduce stress & regulate bodily functions. How to use Peppermint Essential Oil to Soothe a Sunburn - Meraki Essentials. Peppermint essential oil is multitasking oil that has several benefits for skin, hair, and household purposes.
This oil has been used as folk medicine by the Chinese and Japanese because of its medicinal and healing properties. It is extremely cooling, hydrating and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is very effective to calming many skins, hair, and health issues and is known for its effectiveness in soothing sunburn. Sunburns can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. A lot of caution should be maintained while stepping out into the sun and using a good sunscreen to keep your skin safe. Nutmeg Essential Oil - Meraki Essentials. Rs. 445.00 Nutmeg essential oil is essentially considered as the “energizing potion” at Meraki Essentials as it is very helpful in overcoming exhaustion, treating anxiety & helps enhance concentration.
Nutmeg essential oil is obtained from steam distillation of the dried kernel of the ripe seeds of the Myristicaofficinalisplant. It has a sharp, spicy, warm, musky& stimulating aroma and is used to assist in various issues such as cramps, indigestion & cold. Nutmeg oil is rich in compounds with a range of health benefits, making it a smart addition to any essential oil collection. The Top 5 Essential Oils to uplift your mood :) - Meraki Essentials. Did you know smells have a huge impact on our mental state?
Depending on our likes and dislikes this one sense of ours can be used to make our everyday lives more productive and joyful. Smells are also very deeply linked with memories and feelings and can therefore trigger emotions in us. Balancing Hormones/PCOS with Essential Oils - Meraki Essentials. A lot of women in the world today struggle with hormonal imbalances in more ways than one.
It could be in the form of PCOS, Thyroid, PMS and many others. And while the medical system helps us pin point the issue, there are very few empowering solutions or treatments available. This dearth has caused a lot of us to take matters in our own hands and start off on this journey of holistic healing and management of our diagnosis. One such area of alternative healing is Aromatherapy and the use of Essential Oils. How to use Peppermint Essential Oil to Soothe a Sunburn - Meraki Essentials. Essential oils for Scars & Pigmentation - Meraki Essentials. Lemon Essential Oil (10 ml) Rs. 395.00 At Meraki Essentials we call Lemon the “Cleansing Potion” as it has antibacterial and anti fungal properties, It is used for cleansing the body, metal surfaces, dishes, and clothes.The Essential Oil of Lemon has a clean fresh, radiant, reviving, stimulating, citrus aroma & is known for its rejuvenating & purifying properties.Lemon oil is carminative, works to support various stomach problems, including indigestion, acidity, upset stomach, and cramps.
A natural body cleanser, supports liver, kidneys and digestive system.The oil is high in vitamin content, which makes it incredible for the body’s immune system. It stimulates white blood cells, helps fight off diseases.Used for spiritual and psychic awareness, and for conflict in one’s thoughts and intellect. Nutmeg Essential Oil - Meraki Essentials. MEDITATION WELLNESS - Meraki Essentials. Patchouli Essential Oil (10 ml) Rs. 595.00 At Meraki Essentials we call Patchouli the “Grounding Potion” as its aroma takes you under a beautiful tree where you can smell the rich Earth, it makes you feel at one with Mother Nature.
The Essential Oil of Patchouli has a warm, earthy, woody, spicy, balsamic, calming and relaxing fragrance. Used extensively in the perfume industry due to its sensuous and oriental tones.The strong sweet, spicy and musky aroma of Patchouli essential oil eliminates / masks body odor.The soothing, stabilizing and slightly hypnotic effects of Patchouli help in getting over feelings of sadness or loss, drive away disappointment and fill one with new hope. 4 Best Essential Oils for Headache and Migraine - Meraki Essentials. Pure Essential oils are steam distilled from petals, flowers, roots of a plant.
Every essential oil offers health benefits and has been used for medicinal purposes for years. They are effective in relieving headaches, migraines, and other everyday worries as well. Recurrent headaches and migraines can disrupt your lifestyle. People who suffer from frequent and intense headaches are always on the lookout for a remedy. It can occur due to many reasons but the common triggers are – light, sound, smell, food, caffeine, stress, deficiencies, sensitivities amongst many others. 1. 4 Best Essential Oils for Headache and Migraine - Meraki Essentials. Top 9 essential oils that will help you to boost the immune system - Meraki Essentials. Immunity is something that cannot be achieved overnight.
Our body is exposed to several toxins, viruses, and bacteria every single day given we live in a very polluted world. Some we can avoid and some damage our immunity. Set yourself a routine with the right kind of diet and exercises to stay fit, avoid stress, and promote a healthy mind and body. Exposure to pollution and toxinsAn unhealthy dietStressLack of sleepLack of exercise 1. Top 10 Essential Oils To Relax Your Body And Mind - Meraki Essentials. Have you ever experienced a strong feeling or a sudden throwback to a memory from a particular smell? It could be any smell that takes you back to your childhood, reminds you of someone, a particular place, or a moment. The olfactory nerve sends a signal to the brain after detecting a smell from the environment.
Our brain is wired to feel certain memories and emotions from a familiar smell. THE MOST VERSATILE IN AROMATHERAPY - Meraki Essentials. No results found. Menu Your Cart is Empty Free Shipping in India for Orders of Rs.999 & Above *Worldwide Shipping Available* January 10, 2019. Pure Essential Oils to balance your Root Chakra - Meraki Essentials. No results found. Menu Your Cart is Empty Free Shipping in India for Orders of Rs.999 & Above *Worldwide Shipping Available* Pure Essential Oils to balance your Root Chakra. Geranium Essential Oil Benefits for Healthy and Clear Skin - Meraki Essentials.
When people hear the term ‘essential oils’ they think of the most popular ones- eucalyptus essential oil, lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil, etc. But another lesser-known oil with countless benefits is Geranium essential oil. These beautiful flowers are grown in various parts of Europe and Asia and are gaining popularity due to their amazing benefits and soothing aroma. Geranium essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves, flowers and stems of the geranium plant, scientifically known as Pelargonium Graveolens. There are many varieties of Geranium and the chemistry between oils varies, while the uses remain the same. Top 9 essential oils that will help you to boost the immune system - Meraki Essentials.
A detailed insight into the Benefits of Nutmeg Essential Oil - Meraki Essentials. Nutmeg essential oil is very effective in soothing joint pain, arthritis, and any sort of muscular pain in the body. It has anti-inflammatory properties and provides relief when applied on affected area. It is considered a necessary part of Chinese medicine to use nutmeg oil to treat inflammation and abdominal pain. It helps to reduce swelling in joints which can be caused due to overexertion, arthritis and in those situations, this oil can be a blessing. It has been verified by many holistic practitioners too. You must check out Luke Countiho’s video on Nutmeg oil to know real-life experiences in the improvement of health after using the oil. Nutmeg Essential oil is steam distilled from the seeds of the Myristica fragrans plant. DRY HAIR OILS - Meraki Essentials. Sweet Almond Oil (50 ml) Deepening your Practice - Blending Yoga & Aromatherapy - Meraki Essentials. With every passing day, the benefits of Yoga and Aromatherapy are becoming more prominent and mainstream.
With the practice of breathwork, meditation, asanas, stretching and basic knowledge of Essential Oils, people across the globe are finding it easier to combat health issues, stress, anxiety and disconnection.Both Yoga & Aromatherapy are holistic practices that can help you improve the health of your body, mind & soul. And bringing them together using pure essential oils enhances the yoga practice by combining their wonderful therapeutic properties. The idea truly is to live a more aware life and treating our senses to the magical experience. In Yoga, the most important & essential part to work on is your breath (pranayama). In every asana, the physical workout is interwoven with the breathwork so as to help us reap the benefits of balancing our minds & our body. Effective Essential Oil Blends to relieve Insomnia - Meraki Essentials.
We are living in a sleep deprivation epidemic that has significant ramifications on our health. Some of the day to day problems that are caused by less sleep are irritability, mood swings, decreased efficiency to name a few. Over long periods of time, it can cause serious health concerns. How to use Peppermint Essential Oil to Treat Sunburn - Meraki Essentials. Pure & Natural Rosemary Essential Oil - Meraki Essentials. STRETCH MARKS SKIN OILS - Meraki Essentials. Unrefined Grapeseed Oil (50 ml) Rs. 495.00. SHINY HAIR OILS - Meraki Essentials. ANTI AGING SKIN OILS - Meraki Essentials.
Juniper Berry Essential Oil (10 ml) Bergamot Mint Essential Oil (10 ML), Refreshing Aroma and Relieves Inflammation online - Meraki Essentials. Nutmeg Essential Oil 10 ml Rs. 395.00 Nutmeg essential oil is essentially considered as the “energizing potion” at Meraki Essentials as it is very helpful in overcoming exhaustion, treating anxiety & helps enhance concentration. Essential Oils Natural - Meraki Essentials. Orange Essential Oil - Meraki Essentials. The Benefits of Ginger Essential Oil during Winters - Meraki Essentials. Re-energize your mind & feet with these amazing DIY Essential Oil - Fo - Meraki Essentials.
THE AMAZING BENEFITS OF PURE & NATURAL ROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OIL FOR SKIN - Meraki Essentials. PAIN RELIEF MASSAGE OILS - Meraki Essentials. 7 Best Essential Oils for Pain and Inflammation - Meraki Essentials. 10 Simple and Effective Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil for Skin and Hair - Meraki Essentials. 10 Simple and Effective Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil for Skin and Hair - Meraki Essentials. Pure Essential Oils to balance your Root Chakra - Meraki Essentials. Essential oils for Scars & Pigmentation - Meraki Essentials. Nutmeg Essential Oil - Meraki Essentials. Lavender Essentials Oil for Hair: Hair Growth and Other Uses. Pure & Natural Carrier Oil for Skin,Hair - Meraki Essentials. Patchouli Essential Oil - Meraki Essentials. The Benefits of Ginger Essential Oil During Winters and Tips To Use. HAIR GROWTH OILS - Meraki Essentials. Best Essential Oil blends to deal with Skin Pigmentation - Meraki Essentials.
Lavender Essential Oil for Skin Care - Meraki Essentials. Essential Oils Natural - Meraki Essentials.