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Play by Play: Jim Weirich | PeepCode Screencasts. Preview Download Free Preview Jim Weirich is the author of the ubiquitous Rake build tool for Ruby. He’s the Chief Scientist at EdgeCase and is a popular speaker and teacher. Given Jim’s proven skills in designing APIs for programmers, we wanted to see him design an API from scratch in real time. We gave him the task of building a library that enforces HTML form security. The library protects against unauthorized data model modification by users in less-privileged roles.

For 90 minutes, you’ll see a master at work. Ruby metaprogramming and object design Global Rake tasks Test-driven development with RSpec (enhanced by Jim’s own rspec-given gem) Refactoring Redesigning an API after initial functionality has been achieved The Emacs text editor Git Available as part of a PeepCode Unlimited subscription (including streaming on our iOS app!) Skills Basic knowledge of Ruby and HTML. | your community gem host. Ruby France. CodeRay. RubyRSS : Elegant as Ruby RSS parser and generator. Grit.