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Facebook Twitter Agence de presse associative. Hamish MacDonald - author & indie publisher. DIY Book - the indie publishing podcast. 印度贫民风餐露宿的流浪生活[18P] Download. Planning Mogade v2. is a free platform I wrote to help developers add some common features, like leaderboards, achievements and analytics to their games.

It has been a small success. Developers who use it have been enthusiastic and appreciative. For myself, it's been a great experience, and it's something I truly believe in. I've been giving some thought about where I want to take the project and I've decided on a pretty exciting course. Currently mogade is made up of three components. Currently, only the drivers are open source. While this approach will let developers host their own leaderboard and achievement services, isn't going anywhere. The v1 api/service isn't going anywhere..and isn't going to be shut down once v2 becomes available. Stay tuned, commits will hopefully start to trickle in within the next couple weeks. Karl Seguin. MongoDB Interactive Tutorial. NoSQL Zone. Alec Noller The Best of the Week (Apr. 4): NoSQL Zone Make sure you didn't miss anything with this list of the Best of the Week in the NoSQL Zone. This week's best include a TokuMX and MongoDB Oplog entry comparison, the release of MongoDB 2.6, announcing Couchbase Server 2.5.1, and more.

NoSQL Zone Link Roundup (Apr. 12) For a look at what's been happening outside of the NoSQL Zone, we've assembled a collection of links from around the web, including a look at MapReduce performance on SSDs, Oracle's intention to create NoSQL standards, a new data structure for Redis, Cassandra at one million writes per second, and more. Don Pinto How Many Nodes? In this post, the author will be discussing the various metrics that should be used to understand the sizing needs of a running Couchbase Server cluster. If John Lennon Cared About NoSQL Databases I know what you're thinking: What would John Lennon think about NoSQL databases? Michael Hunger Full-Text-Indexing (FTS) in Neo4j 2.0 Vlad Mihalcea Alex Soto. Giant Flying Saucer | Programming parlour tricks. JsLINB_AJAX_Builder -- jsLINB Examples. DresdenOCL:Screencasts.

Here you can find a number of screencasts showing how to use Dresden OCL. Getting Started Dresden OCL - Getting Started This screencast written by Lars Schütze and Ronny Marx introduces into the graphical user interface of Dresden OCL. It explains how to install Dresden OCL within Eclipse, how to load models and instances, how to parse OCL constraints and how to evaluate them. Code Generation Creating AspectJ code with the Java Code Generator Ocl22Java This screencast written by Claas wilke shortly explains how the Java code generator Ocl22Java of Dresden OCL can be used to generate AspectJ code for OCL constraints.

View Articles. I* Intentional STrategic Actor Relationships modelling - istar. The i* framework proposes an agent-oriented approach to requirements engineering centering on the intentional characteristics of the agent. Agents attribute intentional properties (such as goals, beliefs, abilities, commitments) to each other and reason about strategic relationships. Dependencies between agents give rise to opportunities as well as vulnerabilities. Networks of dependencies are analyzed using a qualitative reasoning approach. Agents consider alternative configurations of dependencies to assess their strategic positioning in a social context. The framework is used in contexts in which there are multiple parties (or autonomous units) with strategic interests which may be reinforcing or conflicting in relation to each other.

The name i* (pronounced eye-star) refers to the concept of distributed intentionality. Back to top Keywords: strategic relationships, intentional dependencies, multi-agent systems, autonomous agents, social networks, requirements engineering Back to top Y. OpenOME. The Organization Modelling Environment (OME) is a general, goal-oriented and/or agent-oriented modeling and analysis tool.

It provides users with a graphical interface to develop models, and supports access to a powerful knowledge base that allows for sophisticated computer-aided analysis. This tool is intended to provide software developers with a clear link between the requirements, specification and architectural design phases of development. Attention is also being placed on this use of this tool in business process reengineering.

OpenOME integrates an improved version of OME with other tools to support goal-oriented, agent-oriented and aspect-oriented requirements engineering in software development ( Eclipse), conceptual modeling ( Protégé) and other graph editing ( Visio) environments. WikiWishList - what plugins should be available? TracTesting - a sandbox SiteStatus - including recent changes TitleIndex - all pages on this site CSER | Tropos | i* wiki. GRL. Matt Might. Applications, sites, logiciels.

Vidéos Pearltrees

Online Diagramming tool - Mindmap demo using API. Gantter - web-based project scheduling made easy. Lens Culture FotoFest Paris 2011 FR. Lens Culture FotoFest Paris organise, durant trois jours, des lectures de portfolios et des rendez-vous individuels entre photographes et experts interna-tionaux du monde de la photographie.

En 2012, plus de 200 photographes et experts, venant de 37 pays différents, ont participé à ces rencontres. Ce fut un véritable succès ! L'enregistrement est complet ! Cet événement donne à tous les participants l’opportunité d’échanger, de renforcer son réseau et de confronter son regard. Les photographes présents obtiennent une expertise constructive et appropriée à leur travail photographique.

Certains en ressortent parfois avec des contrats d’édition, d’expositions, de publication dans des magazines ou en ligne. Sous forme d’échanges individuels avec les décideurs du monde de la photographie, les photographes réfléchissent sur le développement de leur carrière et obtiennent des conseils d’un point de vue artistique et commercial. Paris est une des capitales mondiales de la photographie. DEVELOP Tube. The DEVELOP Tube Photography Video Channel is an educational resource which features interviews, multimedia, lectures & films in photojournalism, documentary & fine art photography.

Browse DEVELOP Tube through the main Channel or through its catalogue of over 270 albums featuring videos, bios and links to individual photographers and organizations. SEARCH THE ALBUMS: Love Love us? Please add DEVELOP Tube to your blogroll using as the URL. DEVELOP Tube also features original multimedia productions which effectively incorporate the still photograph, especially those concerning humanitarian issues: human rights, environmental sustainability and global health.

DEVELOP on Twitter @DEVELOPphoto DEVELOP on Tumblr There is also a DEVELOP Tube at with different video content. The main site for DEVELOP Photo is coming soon. Data visualization.


Infograhics. Adam Laiacano. Muslims of France - Al Jazeera World. Projects. Melanie's Posters and Graphics - Blog - 25 Years of American Cultures The American Cultures Center at UC Berkeley recently commissioned a poster to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the American Cultures requirement. As part of the process of developing the piece I interviewed students, staff and faculty about the role the students have the opportunity to play, in serving their communities through an engaged praxis, via the American Cultures classes. Their history is rooted in the Campaign Against Apartheid, a movement of "students, staff, faculty, and community members demanding that UC divest its portfolio of multiple billions of dollars in investments tied to apartheid South Africa. " I will be talking about the history of political graphics as related to social movements in the continental Americas and throughout the Third World during their week of celebratory events.

In 1989, UC Berkeley adopted the ground breaking American Cultures (AC) undergraduate education requirement. Tuesday, April 22, 6-8pm – The Art of AC!