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Data Mining, Analytic and Big Data. J U M P E R Z . N E T - Home. Datamarket: A Start-Up that will Change the World (with Open Data) Building a Real-time, Polyglot Application with Node.js, Ruby, MongoDB and Socket.IO. Mongodb node polyglot ruby socketio Table of Contents Real-time apps, or evented apps that incorporate push-based interactivity, are the basis for a new generation of in-browser capabilities such as chat, large-scale games, collaborative editing and low-latency notifications. Though there are many technologies supporting the real-time movemement, four stand out in particular: Ruby, Node.js, MongoDB and Socket.IO. This article walks you through both the architecture and code for building a real-time app with these technologies. Prerequisites Overview Sample code for this article's Ruby data-writer component and Node.js web application is available on GitHub and can be seen running at The TractorPush real-time application uses a Ruby-based data component to push messages into a queue in MongoDb that is then received by the Node.js web app and pushed to users’ browsers via Socket.IO.

MongoDB as a message queue Provision Ruby publisher app Create application. NoSQL Databases solution. Nowadays applications move very fast having new features every now and then. Software needs to process more and more data. So there is a need for alternatives to SQL databases, where we are not linked to a fixed database schema; where the amount of data will not reduce the performances. For all these reasons, NoSQL started to make it's way.

And it's now part of the backend of most big websites like Facebook or Twitter. With SQL you can almost switch from one database vendor to another with little to no effort thanks to SQL standard. This comparison is inspired from Kristof Kovacs article: Access Platform - MongoDB Datastore. DataNucleus supports persisting/retrieving objects to/from MongoDB datastore (using the datanucleus-mongodb plugin). If you wish to help out development of this plugin either by contributing or by sponsoring particular functionality please contact us via the DataNucleus Forum. The following persistence properties will connect to an MongoDB instance datanucleus.ConnectionURL=mongodb:[{server}][/{dbName}] [,{server2}[,server3}]] If you just specify the URL as mongodb then you have a local MongoDB datastore called "DataNucleus", otherwise it tries to connect to the datastore {dbName} at {server} .

Access Platform allows you to query the objects in the datastore using the following JDOQL - language based around the objects that are persisted and using Java-type syntax JPQL - language based around the objects that are persisted and using SQL-like syntax Some components of a filter are handled in the datastore, and the remainder in-memory. Sadly JPA doesn't have such a feature. Spring Data - MongoDB. Introduction The Spring Data MongoDB project provides integration with the MongoDB document database. Key functional areas of Spring Data MongoDB are a POJO centric model for interacting with a MongoDB DBCollection and easily writing a Repository style data access layer. Features Spring configuration support using Java based @Configuration classes or an XML namespace for a Mongo driver instance and replica sets.MongoTemplate helper class that increases productivity performing common Mongo operations. Quick Start.