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Downloads. Open Model CourseWare - Home page. Welcome Open Model CourseWare (OMCW) aims to provide a set of teaching and learning artifacts to the modeling community. The Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach suggests using transformational and generative techniques to produce running systems from very abstract models. MDE is still in its infancy and will probably much evolve in the coming years: as a consequence, the approach has yet to be made popular.

This is why it is interesting to provide several levels of access to the corresponding courseware. Following the model courseware that was initially contributed to the ECESIS project, the teaching material intended to be made available in OMCW will address several different maturity levels and several needs for understanding the advantages, characteristics, and applicability conditions of MDE. Get more about Open Model CourseWare » | Get the available resources (training material - all) » Introduction to Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse 1.0.

Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse allows users to deploy applications to Cloud Foundry targets from either Eclipse IDE JEE Indigo or STS (SpringSource Tool Suite) 2.9.0 or higher. Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse 1.0 is the first version of the integration to be open sourced under the Eclipse Public License (EPL), and cannot be upgraded from earlier versions of Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse. Users wishing to install it must first uninstall any prior version of Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse. Detailed steps on how to install the Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse can be found at: After installing the Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse, a Cloud Foundry target must first be created through the Eclipse New Server wizard, and URL and account information for either the public cloud (i.e., or your local cloud target needs to be specified. Imposm v2.3.2 documentation. Imposm is an importer for OpenStreetMap data.

It reads XML and PBF files and can import the data into PostgreSQL/PostGIS databases. It is designed to create databases that are optimized for rendering/WMS services. It is developed and supported by Omniscale, runs on Linux or Mac OS X and is released as open source under the Apache Software License 2.0. Features Custom database schemas It creates tables for different data types. Multiple CPU/core support Imposm is parallel from the ground up. Unify values For example, the boolean values 1, on, true and yes all become TRUE. Localized names Look for localized names in a configurable order (e.g. name:de, name:en, int_name, name). Filter by tags and values It only imports data you are going to render/use. Efficient nodes cache It is necessary to store all nodes to build ways and relations.

Generalized tables It can automatically create tables with lower spatial resolutions, perfect for rendering large road networks in low resolutions for example. Taitems/jQuery.Gantt - GitHub. WindowBuilder. This project was just provisioned. You can see the proposal here. WindowBuilder is composed of SWT Designer and Swing Designer and makes it very easy to create Java GUI applications without spending a lot of time writing code. Use the WYSIWYG visual designer and layout tools to create simple forms to complex windows; the Java code will be generated for you. Easily add controls using drag-and-drop, add event handlers to your controls, change various properties of controls using a property editor, internationalize your app and much more. WindowBuilder is built as a plug-in to Eclipse and the various Eclipse-based IDEs (RAD, RSA, MyEclipse, JBuilder, etc.).

The plug-in builds an abstract syntax tree (AST) to navigate the source code and uses GEF to display and manage the visual presentation. Generated code doesn't require any additional custom libraries to compile and run: all of the generated code can be used without having WindowBuilder Pro installed. About the tools. Java, Eclipse, Android and Web programming tutorials. Topcased - Our links. Spread the word. A First Look at Eclipse Plug-In Programming. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. "—Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) 1. Introduction 1.1. The Java platform is extensively used on server and enterprise applications.

On the other hand, platform-dependent integration was still missing. Eclipse solves the problems that exist in the current Swing library. 1.1.2. IBM has started to develop a project called Eclipse. 1.1.3. Eclipse is a set of frameworks that brings Java applications to the desktop. SWT (The Standard Widget Toolkit) library delivers native widget functionality for the Eclipse platform in an operating system-independent manner. The Eclipse platform delivers plug-in–based architecture. Through its predefined infrastructure, different vendor plug-ins can communicate with each other easily. 1.2. Eclipse has its own GUI library (SWT) that provides a native look and feel for Eclipse. Figure 1. To develop under Java, it is better to download and install a JDK. 1.3. Figure 2. Page 1 of 5. Kermeta - Breathe life into your metamodels — Kermeta. Examples — Kermeta. Document Actions This page presents a set of simulation, transformation examples written in Kermeta.

Some of them depend on Eclipse EMF libraries (especially those which handle model persistence) or Topcased if you want create graphically FSM models. Embedded sample in your Kermeta installation: In Eclipse, click on New > Example > FSM Demo or Kermeta samples, then a project will be created with all needed files.FSM: this samples demonstrates the use of Kermeta to create a Kermeta metamodel, how to specify the behavior of a Finite State Machine metamodel and how to run Kermeta. Documentation for the FSM demo. (FSM sample works with 2 eclipse projects fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm and fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demo. The demo project contains all the Kermeta code)Kermeta samples are related to kmLogo, Class2RDBMS, Arabic2Roman,...Open and try the samples in the imported projects. Online samples: We provides several samples that you can download and try.

Kermeta - Breathe life into your metamodels — Kermeta. Le site francophone dédié à Eclipse et OSGi. Eclipse RTP - EclipseSource. OSGi for Eclipse Developers Chris Aniszczyk, Bernd Kobl, Martin Lippert - April 23, 2009 This presentation provides an introduction into OSGi and discusses the general concepts (import package, require bundle, dynamic nature of OSGi, versioning). It introduces the services concept that is core to modular software development and describes the most useful compendium services (log, http, declarative services, event, config admin). Podcast - OSGi and Equinox. GEF/Examples. Draw2d There is a bunch of Draw2d Examples, currently NOT bundled with the GEF SDK, which can be obtained from the GEF source code repository. There are four reference examples for GEF (MVC), which are bundled with the SDK and can as well be obtained via the GEF cvs repository: Logic Editor Example Flow Editor Example Shapes Editor Example Text Editor Example Besides, there are the following, not officially maintained examples (which are also not bundled with the GEF SDK, but can as well be accessed via the GEF source code repository): Directed Graph Example (Part 1 and Part 2) by Anthony Hunter.

Zest There is a set of Zest Snippets to demonstrate the usage of the Zest component. Tutorial: GEF (Graphical Editing Framework) [Part 14] - Psykokwak. Adding GEF Connections. Of course this means for us we are doing yet another extension to TutoGEF. Our goal is to visualize various interactions between our Services in our Enterprise.

The Enterprise is into engineering and has therefor multiple worksteps in its project management. We will add 3 kinds of GEF Connections: deliver design connectiondeliver resources connectiondistribute work packages connection Those will be displayed on the screen as an arrow. First we will create the Connection class in our model package ... Let us create the Connection class. In tutogef.model.Node we have to add the ability to hold connections by adding two Lists and two more events for our PropertyChangeListener to act up on: public class Node implements IAdaptable { private List public static final String SOURCE_CONNECTION = "SourceConnectionAdded"; public static final String TARGET_CONNECTION = "TargetConnectionAdded"; // ... public Node { //... this.sourceConnections = new ArrayList //... } // ...

Package tutogef.part; // ... The Screencast Blog: GWT RPC in Eclipse. Eclipseparty [Toulibre] À l'occasion de la sortie de la nouvelle version 3.7 de la plateforme Eclipse, nommée Indigo, les associations Toulibre et JUG Toulouse organisent une après-midi autour du Logiciel Libre Eclipse, avec conférences et démonstrations. Les conférences seront animées par des personnalités de la communauté francophone d'Eclipse. L'événement, ouvert à tous, libre et gratuit, se déroulera le jeudi 23 juin de 13h à 21h à l'École Nationale Supérieure d'Électrotechnique, d'Électronique, d'Informatique, d'Hydraulique et des Télécommunications, Toulouse. Les détails d'accès sont disponibles sur le site de l'ENSEEIHT. > Programme de l'évènement> Inscription gratuite> Partenaires> Informations pratiques> Presse En parallèle de l'Eclipse Party, la mêlée numérique organise le premier OpenDay à Toulouse sur le thème : “Quelles alternatives aux systèmes d’information propriétaires ?”

Eclipse En novembre 2001, Eclipse, en tant que logiciel libre, voit le jour, porté par un regroupement de sociétés. Conférences. Creating a GEF Editor – Part 4: Showing the Model on the Editor | Can I change this later??? Previous Tutorial: Creating a GEF Editor – Part 3: Basic GEF Editor The last episode of “Creating a GEF Editor” ended with the creation of a magnificent GEF-based editor that did… well.. nothing. But it worked!. In this tutorial we will add some more spice to the brew and will teach you how to display the model entities in the graph.

There will be code, there will be modeling, and it will be FUN (I hope). So lets get started. Before we start, we have to fix one small configuration problem I found in the genmodel file that we created on the previous tutorials (not a serious problem but it does look bad). Thing is, the code generated by the genmodel came out in package opm, which for obvious reasons is not nice.

The final eclipse project files can be downloaded here. One reader found that the generated EMF editor does not correctly. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial as much as I enjoyed learning and writing it. GEF Description2. Capturing user actions on the GUI and translating them into changes on the model Now the view is created when the editor is opened according to the state of the model at this time, and the view is updated when the model changes, whatever the way the model is modified, by GEF or by any other way. This is already something really useful that could be used like that to display an evolving model. But if your goal is to allow the user to modify your model graphically, this is not enough, you have to react on the user actions on the GUI and to modify the model accordingly : This process involves a lot of new GEF classes, so before going further I will introduce them. Also, don't be confused by my picture : the EditParts play a central role in this process too but I can't detail it on this little drawing without making it look like a big knot.

EditDomain The EditDomain is the common denominator to all GEF objects which participate to an editing session of a model. Global principle Event flow. ATL Transformations. Mofscript at Screencast: GMF Editor Development with EuGENia. AlphaWorks Community. Conception d'un Editeur Eclipse de workflow XML [step 15] - Akrogen Blog. Using GEF with EMF. Copyright © 2005 IBM Corporation Summary The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) provides a framework for creating visual editors while being model agnostic. In most cases, people bring their own model which tend to be based on Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs). An alternative using POJOs is the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), which provides many features for manipulating models that aren't found in POJOs. The purpose of this article is to build upon the shapes example provided by GEF using the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and to provide an introduction using EMF based models in GEF based editors.

Environment The examples in this article were built and tested on: There is no guarantee the examples will work with other versions. Introduction The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) assumes that you have a model of some type. The purpose of the article is to build upon the shapes example that was extensively evaluated in a previous Eclipse Corner article [2]. Shapes Transformation Current Model. Xdocreport - XDocReport generate report by merging docx, odt with Java model. Eclipse RAP « Angelo's Blog. Eclipse RCP/RAP and Remoting with JAX-RS, Spring Data JPA and CXF DOSGi [step4] In [step3] we have managed our UserService on Client and Server side with JAX-RS and Apache CXF DOSGi.

Embedding an HTTP server in Equinox At this step the server side works with the HTTP Server Jetty which is an OSGi bundles. This mode is called Embedding an HTTP server in OSGi container : it means that HTTP server and WEB application are OSGi bundles. The OSGi container starts the HTTP server bundle. You can resume "embedding an HTTP server in OSGi container" like this : OSGi container -> HTTP Server (bundle) -> WEB Application (bundle). Equinox in a Servlet Container (ServletBridge) It works great but sometimes you have not the luck to have an HTTP Server which supports OSGi like Apache Tomcat.

HTTP Server -> WEB Application -> OSGi container. To manage this mode you must create a classic WAR which hosts your OSGi plugins and ServletBridge. To create a WAR of CXF DOSGi application (server side), you must : My first steps with Eclipse RAP [step7] « Angelo's Blog. In [step6] we have seen how to manage UI with SWT Java code (no need to code Javascript). When I started "My first steps with Eclipse RAP" articles, I used Eclipse Helios which provides RAP 1.3. Since June 2011 Eclipse Indigo has been released and provides RAP (runtime and tooling) 1.4 which improves RAP. So, I decided to start over my articles with Eclipse Indigo to benefit from New & Noteworthy of RAP 1.4. In this article we will : create an Eclipse RAP with PDE Template "RAP Application with a view" which generates this WEB Application : create an Eclipse RCP with PDE Template "RCP Application with a view" which generates this Fat client Application : At the end of this article we will compare the two generated RAP and RCP Application code to see the differences between RCP and RAP Application.

Prerequisite Before starting this article, Download Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers distribution of Eclipse Indigo to benefit from New & Noteworthy of RAP 1.4. Download RAP Target Platform. RAP - Downloads. The Epsilon Book.