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Egypt in Pictures. Juan R. Lázaro's most interesting Flickr photos | Picssr. Kairoinfo4u’s albums. Kairoinfo4u. The Mastaba of Ti at Saqqara. British Museum, London - a set on Flickr. Kodak Agfa's albums on Flickr. Temple de Séthy Ier. TEMPLE DE SETHY 1er La première Cour Plan 1er Cour Puit rituel Vestiges 1er Pylone Elle était précédée du premier pylône édifié par Ramsès II dont Il ne reste aujourd’hui qu’une rangée de vestiges de piliers.

Elle est de forme carrée. La seconde cour Arasements Mur Nord Les arasements d'un second pylône émergent du sol ; un grand espace vide représente l'aire d'une seconde cour au fond de laquelle apparaît un portique à piliers carrés. Le second portique - La Façade Portique Terrasse Porte murée Porte centrale Mur nord Piliers A l’origine, bâtie en calcaire par Séthy, la façade se composait d’un mur de 52 m surmontée d'une corniche et percée symétriquement de sept portes. Pour corriger la monotonie de la façade, il construisit en avant de celle-ci le second portique constitué de douze piliers monolithiques en calcaire, reliés à leur sommet par un entablement La première salle hypostyle Description Les scènes Abydos Tome 1 Description des fouilles par Auguste Mariette 1869 Planches 10 a et 10 b.

Photoset 'Pinturas egipcias' by ayacata7. HAIR AND DEATH IN ANCIENT EGYPT | Ancient Egypt documents show us what happened in the Egyptian funerary ceremony. Ancient Egypt. The tomb of Roy (TT255) Can the fate of Roy have been in accordance with his wishes. At least, his name is still known and spoken today ... The tomb of Roy (TT255) dates back to XVIIIth Dynasty, the end of the reign of Horemheb. Roy was royal scribe, intendant of the domains of Horemheb and Amon. His wife was called Nebtawy (or Nebettauy), Tawy and carried the title of Chantress of Amon, . It is however difficult to establish the identity of some feminine characters in the chamber and their ties with Roy. Other masculine characters are named in the tomb: Imenemipet, Djehutymes (Thutmosis) and Amenemky. the tomb was (as was the one of Nakht) prepared in advance according to a conventional model by "entrepreneurs in funerary pomp" (Maspéro), while leaving free only east walls and places to identify the participants.

He had no children and few close relatives So it is servants or handmaids who hold the place which should be occupied by family members (sister, daughter, brother or son). The ceiling is like an immense stretched canvas of polychromic rectangles combined with small flowers. (the sign for the sky). . Osiris. HannahPethen's albums on Flickr. Mutnedjmet's albums on Flickr. Egyptraveluxe Tours -Egypt day tours and Egypt Travel: The tomb of Roy (TT255) Can the fate of Roy have been in accordance with his wishes. At least, his name is still known and spoken today ...

The World's Best Photos of abdjw and abydos. Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr.

Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of Flickr Hive Mind, you may have been led here from one of them. Welcome to Flickr Hive Mind, almost certainly the best search engine for photography on the web. If you are a Flickr user and use Flickr Stats you may have seen people being led to your photos via Flickr Hive Mind (as a Referrer). Flickr requires that I inform you that Flickr Hive Mind uses the Flickr API, but is neither endorsed nor certified by them.

There are literally hundreds of other web tools built around the Flickr API, see Flickr Bits for a bunch of examples. Kairoinfo4u's favorite photos and videos | Flickr. ACCUEIL. Cliquer sur le bouton vert si vous désirerez un fond sonore Mon intérêt pour l'Égypte ancienne remonte à 1975 lors de mon séjour au Caire. Durant trois ans j’ai pu visiter et revisiter la plupart des sites de l’Egypte antique sans la foule des touristes, sans horaires à respecter, en prenant le temps qu'il faut pour m'imprégner et comprendre ce fabuleux héritage que nous à laissé cette brillante civilisation .

Ce site se veut didactique, attrayant, mariant souvent l’image. au texte. Il s’enrichit peu à peu de nouveaux articles. Nouveau : KERMA A Paraître - L'histoire de la Haute Nubie à travers 3 articles:KERMA, NAPATA, MEROE Plan du site Ce Site vous a plu ? Exception faite des photos de contributeurs sous © Tous droits réservés Les Articles ,Photos d'Egypte Eternelle sont sous Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic License.

Google+ Index of /art/musee. Quelques images. The World's Best Photos by konde. Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of Flickr Hive Mind, you may have been led here from one of them. Welcome to Flickr Hive Mind, almost certainly the best search engine for photography on the web. If you are a Flickr user and use Flickr Stats you may have seen people being led to your photos via Flickr Hive Mind (as a Referrer). Flickr Hive Mind is a data mining tool for the Flickr photography database, allowing search by: tags(keywords); Flickr photography groups; Flickr users, their contacts, and favorites; free text; the Flickr Explore algorithm for interestingness.

Galeria de pompeii79. Álbuns de fotos de CESRAS no Flickr. Forums: The different hair styles of the Ancient Egyptians. Here 3 different representation of the same person: Hery-Ra (Herire, Herira) first known physicians of Ancient Egypt (and thus the world). He bore the title "Chief of Dentists and Physicians" among others. Here's from the 3rd Dynasty. ^^Good find. Ancient Egyptian hair [b]Across the web assorted "biodiversity" proponents, wage a'racial war' using hair studies of ancient Egyptians to prove a"Caucasian Egypt". The hair of Africans is highly variable, ranging from tight curlsof South African Bantu, to the loose curls and straight hair ofpeoples of East and NE Africa, all indigenously evolved overmillennia as part of Africa’s high genetic diversity.

Inconsistencies of the skewed "true negro" model anddefinitions of African hair Kieta (1990, Studies of Crania from Northern Africa) notes thatwhile many scholars in the field have used an extreme "truenegro" definition for African peoples, few have attempted toapply the same model in reverse and define a "true white. " Nubian wigs and wigs in Egypt. Réunion des musées nationaux. Louvre Museum, Ancient Egypt – um álbum no Flickr. Álbuns de fotos de Juan R. Lázaro no Flickr. Álbuns de fotos de konde no Flickr. S Best Photos of ancientegypt and berlin. Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind.

These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of Flickr Hive Mind, you may have been led here from one of them. Welcome to Flickr Hive Mind, almost certainly the best search engine for photography on the web. If you are a Flickr user and use Flickr Stats you may have seen people being led to your photos via Flickr Hive Mind (as a Referrer). Flickr requires that I inform you that Flickr Hive Mind uses the Flickr API, but is neither endorsed nor certified by them.

Álbuns de fotos de Horus3 no Flickr. Tutankhamun: His Tomb and His Treasures Manchester – um álbum no Flickr. Set headed Sphinxes. Álbuns de fotos de konde no Flickr. Álbuns de fotos de Lenka P no Flickr. Galeria de Museum für Kommunikation Nürnberg (Pressebilder) Álbuns de fotos de kairoinfo4u no Flickr. Galeria de kairoinfo4u.