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Les Bougies. Vous trouverez les points éclairs des huiles essentielles et fragrances cosmétiques sur leur fiche technique respective.

Les Bougies

Voici cependant une petite liste des huiles essentielles et fragrances que vous pouvez utiliser sans risque (point éclair >65°C) : Amyris, Anis, Basilic tropical, Bois de guaïac, Bois de Hô, Bois de rose, Cade, Camomille allemande, Cannelier feuilles, Cannelle écorce, Cèdre de l'atlas, Cèdre de virginie, Citronnelle, Combawa, Copahu, Cyprès bleu, Estragon, Eucalyptus citronné, Gaulthérie, Géranium bourbon, Géranium Egypte, Girofle clous, Girofle feuilles, Inule odorante, Lavande aspic, Lavande fine France, Lavande vraie Bulgarie, Lavandin grosso, Lavandin super, Lemongrass, Litsée citronnée, Livèche, Manuka, Mélisse, Menthe citronnée, Menthe des champs, Menthe poivrée, Myrrhe, Myrte citronnée, Nard jatamansi, Origan vulgaire, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Rosalina, Santal albal, Tea tree citronné, Vétiver, Xanthoxylum, Ylang-Ylang complet, Ylang-Ylang III.

Effectiveness of homoeopathic therapeutics in the management of childhood autism disorder Barvalia PM, Oza PM, Daftary AH, Patil VS, Agarwal VS, Mehta AR - Indian J Res Homoeopathy. Effectiveness of homoeopathic therapeutics in the management of childhood autism disorder Praful M Barvalia1, Piyush M Oza1, Amit H Daftary1, Vijaya S Patil1, Vinita S Agarwal2, Ashish R Mehta3 1 Department of Homoeopathy, Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India2 Department of Clinical Psychology, Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India3 Department of Neurosurgery, Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Correspondence Address:Praful M Barvalia1/Shalibhadra Society, 248/Hingwala Lane Extension, Near Popular Hotel, Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai 400 077, Maharashtra India Background and Objectives: Childhood autism is severe and a serious disorder.

Effectiveness of homoeopathic therapeutics in the management of childhood autism disorder Barvalia PM, Oza PM, Daftary AH, Patil VS, Agarwal VS, Mehta AR - Indian J Res Homoeopathy

Keywords: Autism treatment evaluation checklist, Autism, Childhood autism rating scale, Regression, Symptomatology Developmental regression among children with autism is a common phenomenon of unknown origin.


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