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Basic resumes - Templates - - StumbleUpon. <div class="cdOLblEmRed cdSearchResultsMargin">Warning: This site requires the use of scripts, which your browser does not currently allow. <a href=" how to enable scripts. </a><br/></div> All Products Word Excel PowerPoint Access Outlook OneNote InfoPath Project 2013 Standard Publisher Visio All Categories Business (5) Chronological (5) Resume (5) Basic (4) Hiring (4) Personal (3) ​Chronological resume (Minimalist ...Word 2007​ ​Chronological resume (Traditional ...Word 2007​ ​Curriculum vitae (Accessory Bar desi...Publisher 2007​ ​Curriculum vitae (Straight Line desig...Publisher 2007​ ​Chronological resume (Minimalist ...Word 2007 Didn't find what you were looking for?

Chronological resume (Minimalist design) Word 2007 Chronological resume (Traditional design) Curriculum vitae (Accessory Bar design) Publisher 2007 Curriculum vitae (Straight Line design) Description Provided by Version: Downloads: File Size: Rating: Resume samples for experienced professionals - Templates. Doctor Reviews & Contractors Ratings - Find a Doctor or General Contractor | Angie's List.

Craigslist: eastern NC classifieds for jobs, apartments, personals, for sale, services, community, and events. How to Craft a Modern Resume [Infographic] Lately I have been going to a weekly networking meeting. These meetings usually have speakers that talk about anything from finding that perfect job or using social media and how it can help you with your career. Recently we had a speaker that talk about the traditional resume being boring and that as a job seeker, we need to define ourselves from the rest of the population. Although the traditional resume is still important, he recommend that we have an online resume site (ex. With a resume site, you can have your resume posted with links to your important sites such as LinkedIn, portfolio, or blog. For a designers, social media consultants, and new media developers, having a resume site could be what gets you that new job or contract.

Earlier today, I came across an article on that talks about creating a modern Resume. runs on the Genesis Framework Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress.