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Common Core Curriculum

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Math Resources (Grades 5-12) Amplify ELA. LearnZillion - Math.

Distirct Implementation

10 Apps for Math Fluency. There are so many ways to use mobile devices with students.

10 Apps for Math Fluency

You can create interactive textbooks for children to read, ask them to explain their thinking through screencasting or help them access informational text using QR codes. Mobile devices can also be used to help students practice foundational math skills and build their math fluency. In order for students to tackle the multi-step word problems they'll be asked to solve as early as elementary school, they need to have mastered their addition, subtraction and multiplication facts.


New All-Digital Curriculums Hope to Ride High-Tech Push in Schoolrooms. Photo Launch media viewer English language curriculums built entirely on a digital platform — replacing written textbooks, worksheets or printed study guides — are about to enter the market from several companies, with promises that they will change the nature of classroom learning across the country. The Obama administration has pledged to provide high-speed Internet connections to 15,000 schools over the next two years, districts are purchasing tablets and laptops for students, and on Friday, President Obama announced $400 million in corporate commitments from the software companies Adobe and Prezi, which will donate software to teachers.

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