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Yoga for Balancing Your Doshas. Just as incorrect diet and lifestyle can create imbalance, so can an incorrect yoga practice.

Yoga for Balancing Your Doshas

Yoga must be done in an individual basis – we are all different in mind and body, and the way you practice should be designed to work best for you. Asanas are an important aspect of your yoga practice as they prepare the body for pranayama and meditation. Depending on your prakruti and vikruti, the asanas you choose to practice will vary. If vata is out of balance choose asanas that focus on the lower abdominal region (from the navel down) such as pacimottanasa (seated forward bend), pavanamuktasana (wind-release pose) and marjaryasana (cat-cow pose). For imbalanced pitta choose asanas that focus on the mid-abdominal region (where the lower ½ of the stomach and small intestine are located).

To help balance kapha choose asanas that focus on the upper ½ of the stomach and the chest. The style of yoga practice and the attitude you bring to it will also have an effect on your doshas. Comments. Kapha Dosha - Ayurvedic Diet. Kapha is growth of tissue, production of mucous and fat, and retention of fluids.

Kapha Dosha - Ayurvedic Diet

Kapha is the stable, relaxed dosha. Kapha is the force of consolidation, solidity and denseness. Kapha people are great homemakers. Kapha is water and earth element. Kapha is white in color. Kapha happens in the beginning of life, the year, the day, the night, and digestion. Childhood - Children are reknown for colds, congestion, and mucous. Late winter and spring - During winter, Kapha fat rises to protect the body from coldness, driving the heat of the body inward. After sunrise and sunset - For the two hours after sunrise and sunset, the person feels relaxed. First two hours after a meal - After eating the body feels calm and content due to rising blood sugar level, which is Kapha. The Kapha Diet For Weight Loss. Hearing the word "kapha" may leave you shaking your head in confusion, or twisting your face in bewilderment.

The Kapha Diet For Weight Loss

Unless you are familiar with ancient practices from the Eastern world, or are a yogi, kapha may not mean much to you. With an open mind, however, this one word may balance your life, bring you peace and aid in weight loss. Kapha stems from the ancient practice of Ayurveda, one of oldest healing sciences. Proponents of this holistic practice believe that it helps you live a longer, healthier, more balanced life by eating the right foods, drinking the right beverages and living the right lifestyle. The preventative goal of Ayurveda is purifying your mind, body and soul; it's specific target is your digestive system, as Ayurveda ascertains that diseases begin with improper digestion, explains John Douillard, DC, Ph.D., author of "The Yoga Body Diet. " Ayurveda believes everyone has a specific dosha, or source of energy. The Kapha Vata Diet.