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@twitterstories. Seven Trends in Social Change in 2012 | Design on GOOD. As a founding director of the Solutions Journalism Network, a strategist for the new $1,000,000 TED Prize, and a journalist myself, it is my job to pay attention to the kinds of creative responses that people all over the world are pioneering to address some of the world’s most difficult problems. Whether I’m speaking to students creating the first microfunding initiative at a high school or researching one of the 2,000 nominees we received this year for TED Prize this year or co-curating an exhibition on public interest design, I’m looking through a lens of solutions—what’s working and how is it working? How do we know? Where else might it work?

At what scale? After doing this kind of work in one form or another for a decade, I realize that I am most useful to the world as a pattern keeper. I listen and watch as setbacks, techniques, and sentiments pop up repeatedly, in disparate locales, among people who would never know they have anything in common. Here’s what I noticed this year… 21 nonprofit uses for Twitter’s Vine video app | Nonprofit Nate. Un tesauro para Twitter. Sinónimos que ocupan menos caracteres en tus tweets. "Mascotas" de marketing en Twitter ¡Qué bien funcionan! Hoy vamos a hablar de nuevo del mundo de las redes sociales, y en este caso lo vamos a hacer de nuevo con Twitter, al que ahora que lo pienso le hemos dedicado todo el día, aunque ciertamente por aspectos distintos. En un primer momento por apostar por las herramientas de marketing para sacarle partido a la red social, luego con el juego que llegará pronto, y ahora lo hacemos con un tema de marketing de las grandes marcas, con las cuales parece que tenemos algo pendiente, porque si bien hemos hablado muchas veces de ellas, no habíamos tratado el tema de las mascotas de las marcas en Twitter.

Ya sabes de los que son en realidad símbolos, que en muchos casos ya conocemos porque son parte de sus logotipos o de sus identidades gráficas y que en Twitter pasan a ser asesores del cliente. Boolean Black Belt-Sourcing/Recruiting. What is Lean Just-in-Time Recruiting? The process of identifying an organization’s talent needs and identifying, acquiring, and retaining talent for those needs is essentially human capital supply chain management. A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving something of value (a product, a service, or a person) from a source to a customer/consumer. Conventional supply chain activities transform natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer.

In recruiting, human capital supply chain activities transform relationships and data (ad responses, resumes, social networking profiles, etc.) into candidates that are delivered to hiring managers. So why is it that there is quite a bit of resistance to applying proven supply chain management principles and practices to human resources and recruiting functions? What is Lean? The main principles of the Toyota Production System are: Overproduction Defects. Coming Soon: The First Real-Time Massive Multiplayer Online Space Strategy Twitter Game. Twitter Marketing Itself to Advertisers at SXSW. Twitter Marketing Itself as Marketing Tool at SXSW: Video. The Secret Video Twitter Uses To Sell Itself To Advertisers. How does Twitter market itself. Can Twitter Promote Itself into Profitability? It was a tweet like many others from Starbucks, promising free refills to customers who brought in reusable tumblers on Earth Day.

But the message came to users in a different way — it appeared at the top of Twitter search results pages, even for those who weren’t among the coffee giant’s followers. And there was a tiny tag in the corner of the update, outlined in yellow and reading “Promoted by Starbucks Coffee.” The ubiquitous Seattle-based chain is one of the first guinea pigs in an effort by Twitter to generate revenue from the micro-blogging service. The new ad system was unveiled last month with five participating companies, including Best Buy electronics stores, the Red Bull soft drink company, Sony Pictures, Starbucks, airline Virgin America and the Bravo TV network.

Twitter Chief Operating Officer Dick Costolo recently told Reuters that the San Francisco-based company hopes to add hundreds of new “Promoted Tweet” partners into the mix by the fourth quarter of 2010. Twitter Simplifies Its Branding Strategy, Introduces Single Blue Bird - Mike Isaac - Social. Throughout the company’s history, Twitter’s branding has consisted of a handful of icons, each distinct in its own way while remaining recognizably Twitter-esque. There’s the lowercase “t” symbol surrounded by an app-like square, the familiar bubbled text of Twitter spelled out in full, and, of course, the company’s little blue bird mascot. But more than one icon can be too many. At least, that’s the philosophy Twitter Creative Director Doug Bowman seems to espouse. Twitter will lose all superfluous branding images — like said bubble text and “t” icons — offering instead a single, iconic image: A redesigned little blue bird.

Think of it as a sort of brand consolidation, akin to Nike’s iconic swoosh. Twitter advertising revenue to reach almost $1 billion next year. 3 Hurdles Twitter Has To Clear To Last Another 7 Years. Why the AP Selling its Own Sponsored Tweets is Good for Twitter. Twitter business model. My recent article that asked readers how they would react to Twitter announcing a one dollar per month subscription rate raised many interesting responses and questions. At the time of writing, about 63% of voters said they would pay this low subscription rate for a better, more professional service, which for Twitter is, I think, encouraging.

Many readers felt that Twitter would be better if they implemented a premium subscription service on top of the existing free platform. Those who subscribed could receive additional features and tools, such as A bigger share of the APISpam filtersA better personal message systemA way to edit posted tweets and more. You’d sign up with a credit card, or pay via system such as Pay Offline. A one-time, free trial would be available to those who wanted to taste the premium service, perhaps over 14 days. Businesses who have many of their employees on Twitter could buy a license, which allowed them to have X accounts (and was perhaps invoiced). Search for Twitter’s business model almost over: old tweets show in search - Stephen Waddington. Changes to Twitter’s search function to include the most popular conversations around a search term may signpost the way to future revenues for the social network.

It was all going so well. Just when you got your head around a social network the rules change. Overnight the networks seemingly make wholesale shifts to their functionality with little warning. Change is the only constant in this business as networks work hard to find ways to make money and build viable businesses. I spent Friday afternoon between meetings squatting at a desk at Realwire in Newcastle. Twitter search remembers with extended search results CEO Adam Parker called me over to his desk during the afternoon to have a look at the results of a Twitter search. Parker’s query for a Realwire prospect customer returned a top search result from months earlier. This is unusual. Accessing conversations on Twitter that are older than a week is possible but you need to pay a premium. Thanks for stopping by. Twitter Business Model. DLD 2012 – @Jack Dorsey: “Twitter Has A Business Model That Works”

Earlier this fine Sunday afternoon, Twitter and Square founder Jack Dorsey took the stage at the DLD Conference, the annual pre-Davos meeting of minds held in Munich, Germany. In an interview with not one but two journalists (Holger Schmidt from FOCUS Magazine and Techonomy’s David Kirkpatrick), Dorsey talked a great deal about Twitter and a little bit about Square.

Dorsey didn’t reveal anything spectacular about either company, emphasizing once more how Twitter is not your traditional social network (here’s my counterpoint) and that its business model works, thanks very much for asking. He also talked about how Square is looking to expand outside of the United States and why 2012 will be a pivotal year for Twitter in Germany. Below are my notes – some of Dorsey’s responses are slightly paraphrased. Let’s start by talking about the platform wars. Twitter is different because we’ve always been about hosting public conversations, that are real-time to boot. Should we expect more acquisitions? Twitter founder Jack Dorsey defends business model. Top 10 Strategic Technologies | Gartner. Hype Cycles 2012 Research Report. Says Worldwide Business Intelligence Software Revenue to Grow 7 Percent in 2013. STAMFORD, Conn., February 19, 2013 View All Press Releases Analysts to Discuss Business Intelligence Trends at Gartner Business Intelligence and Analytics Summit 2013 February 25-26 in Sydney and March 18-20 in Grapevine, Texas Worldwide business intelligence (BI) software revenue will reach $13.8 billion in 2013, a 7 percent increase from 2012, according to Gartner, Inc.

The market is forecast to reach $17.1 billion by 2016. "BI and analytics have grown to become the fourth-largest application software segment as end users continue to prioritize BI and information-centric projects and spending to improve decision making and analysis," said Dan Sommer, principal research analyst at Gartner. "As more and more information is generated, business models need reinvention, and it's increasingly clear that mastering analytics on big data will be a key driver for the next economic cycle.

" The emerging data-as-a-service trend could significantly grow the market for BI and analytics platforms. The Nexus of Forces: Social, Mobile, Cloud and Information | Gartner. About the Nexus of Forces The Nexus of Forces is the convergence and mutual reinforcement of social, mobility, cloud and information patterns that drive new business scenarios. Although these forces are innovative and disruptive on their own; together they are revolutionizing business and society, disrupting old business models and creating new leaders. The Nexus is the basis of the technology platform of the future. Social and the Nexus of Forces: Supporting People's Interactions Social and the Nexus of Forces: Supporting People's Interactions 22 June 2012 Social is the most accessible of the four Nexus forces.

Business Gets Social 2 April 2012 Either business gets social or it gets left behind. Turn Information into Insight with Social Analytics 27 April 2012 The explosion in social media activity (both internal and external to the enterprise) is driving interest in social analytics. The New Web: Rich, Mobile, Social, and Programmable 1 August 2011 11 March 2011 24 May 2012 6 June 2012 17 May 2012.