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Crochet-Relevant Techniques

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Gera's Granny for Eline. This child of mine. I recently picked up a copy of Rita Weiss and Jean Lienhauser's latest crochet book, "Crochet Master Class", from our local library.

this child of mine.

This beautiful book features several different crochet techniques and the designers who have mastered them. My oldest daughter was immediately fasinated and inspired by the chapter on Painted Crochet with Ferosa Harold. With Painted Crochet you are not actually painting, but rather it is a term used to describe gradual colour changes achieved by holding three strands of fine thread together. My daughter was anxious to try this technique out on a crochet hat pattern that I had bought for her. She started with 3 three strands of the dark blue as shown and when she was ready for the next colour she simply dropped one strand of the dark blue and picked up one strand of the lighter blue. Kim. Learn Beginner Crochet Stitches in Mastering Foundation Crochet Stitches. Confidently work the first row of virtually any project in foundation stitches!

Learn Beginner Crochet Stitches in Mastering Foundation Crochet Stitches

Get frustration-free techniques for beautiful crochet results. Master foundation stitches and eliminate the need for a long foundation chain at the beginning of any crochet project. Join fiber artist and instructor Marty Miller as she walks you through the four basic foundation crochet stitches: single, half double, double and treble. Next, find out how to “read” your stitches and add or remove them with ease. How To Attach Yarn Using the Russian Join - Crochet Nirvana. Inspirational yarns for connoisseurs in Edinburgh. Crocuses in the Meadows Winter in Edinburgh has been rather mild this year and I cannot believe that Spring is here already, what has happened to the snow this year?

Inspirational yarns for connoisseurs in Edinburgh

The days have started to get longer and brighter, the crocuses have started appearing everywhere around the Meadows, very soon the tulips, the daffodils and the cherry blossoms will appear. Spring is definitely the time for anticipation! For spring, I’ve just had a recent delivery from Holst Garn, a Danish independent brand which provides a very versatile range of 4 ply and lace weight yarn bases with the most amazing colour palette. The yarns complements the IT0-Yarns and Habu from Japan in the shop. Holst Garn Supersoft – 25g The Holst Garn range is great for the experimental and creative crocheters and knitters, who are not afraid to combine and play around with different textures, colours and weights.

How to Embellish with Crochet Inserts. November 18th, 2008 382Email 24 users recommend Adding some crochet embellishment will turn a plain top into one your gift recipient will adore!

How to Embellish with Crochet Inserts

Cal Patch Here is my crocheted piece on its own. Place the insert onto your shirt, then pin it securely to prepare it for sewing. Granny square tutorial part 5: joining squares of different sizes. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you an easy way to join squares of different sizes with a 3dc "granny" border.

granny square tutorial part 5: joining squares of different sizes

This is the method I came up with when I made my Granny Square Sampler Afghan since the pattern in the book is really vague about how to join it all together. If you haven't already, you should first familiarize yourself with my tutorial for how to join squares of the same size. This is really just a slight variation on that concept. Once you join a few squares this way, you'll know how to add any square to your sampler afghan! If I can do anything to clarify any of the information that follows, please email me at If you can make a basic granny square, you can do this! In the photo below, I am trying to join a larger square to an afghan-in-progress. Hint: If you want to make the left edges square up in a situation like this and don't know where to make your first join, here's how to figure it out.

DIY Häkelball. Heute zeige ich euch also, wie ihr einen Häkelball ganz einfach selbst häkeln könnt.

DIY Häkelball

Du brauchst: Baumwollgarn (Wollgarn geht auch, hat aber den Nachteil eher elastisch zu sein, und wir wollen ja kugelrunde Bälle.) Häkelnadel 3,0. Choosing colors - Acid Fountain. Common International Crochet Symbols and Crochet Stitch Abbreviations. Crochet Tutorial: Dropping and Picking Up Colors. Crochet Tutorial: Dropping and Picking Up of Colors.

Crochet Tutorial: Dropping and Picking Up Colors

In my patterns that require color changes I will write: Pick up Black, drop White, half double crochet (hdc) next 4 stitches (sts), pick up White, drop Black, hdc next 12 sts...To help explain what I mean;We will begin with the basics: Adding in another color. Here is my base of two rows hdc in white. I have begun the next row and have three of the loops (lps) needed to complete my next hdc. Instead of completing the hdc in White, I drop the White I was using and holding the end of my new color-Black-I yarn over (yo) and pull through completing the st.

I am now using the Black. A Modicum of Ingenuity. Tutorial for how to block acrylic yarn. Гениально: приспособление для выравнивания и отпаривания мотивов. МК. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников. Цитата сообщения ИримедГениально: приспособление для выравнивания и отпаривания мотивов.

Гениально: приспособление для выравнивания и отпаривания мотивов. МК. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников

МК Девочки, какие есть светлые головы! Adjacent Stitch Square -Subsequent Rounds. Ever wonder how to fill in those ch-2 corners?

Adjacent Stitch Square -Subsequent Rounds

Here’s a special stitch that closes gaps usually created by the ch-2 corner. Don’t let the odd stitch overwhelm you. The only difference between a normal double crochet and an adjacent double crochet stitch (adc) is where the hook is placed. Little Tin Bird. My crochet is a bit hampered by my dodgy hands and wrists at the moment, but I definitely need SOMEthing yarny in my life.

Little Tin Bird

Blocking it is! It’s much less fun than crochet, but as you can see by the state of my squares it is definitely a step I need to take in the making of this blanket. I started off using a tape measure to get an even square, but after a while I just went by eye as that was near enough anyway and they will settle down when I join them together. This is the first time that I’ve blocked the squares individually and as you can see, it really makes a difference. It is surprisingly tricky to work like this with a huge bump in the way. Crochet Instructions and Misc Patterns. Pin by Ann Middlemas Daniels on Crochet Instructions and Misc Pattern… Crochet stitch marking trick. I hate stitch markers. there, i said it. sure, it's nice not losing your place in crochet (or knitting, but i'm basically a crocheter). but they're so annoying!