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Student Blogging

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How to Blog With Young Students. Blogging -- or Web logging -- most often is thought of as an activity for high school students. Did you know, however, that students as young as kindergarten age now blog on a daily basis in a variety of exciting ways? Read on to find out how elementary blogging works, what topics elementary students and teachers cover in their blogs, which software programs and tools to consider, and cautions and tips for starting your own blog.

INCLUDED: More than two-dozen links to blogging software and to elementary blogs across the United States. At its core, blogging -- or Web logging -- is a method of online journaling. Take a look at any blog and you'll immediately see the connection between it and a traditional diary. As David Warlick points out on his Web site, however, the blog has evolved rapidly into something more: Educators know that students write better when they have a real audience -- not just a teacher with a red pen. So, what do students in grades K-6 blog about? Cational Blogging. Safe and simple blogs for your students. Student Blogging Challenges - A List of Ideas. Classroomblogging - Blogging Activities. Blogging: It's Elementary!: Teacher Introduction. By Anne Davis, Georgia State University This webquest will be used to introduce elementary students to blogging. This webquest is designed to introduce elementary students to blogging.

Its intention is to get teachers and students thinking about using blogging to develop literacies in the elementary school. The goal is to use blogs to engage students in thinking and blogging about their learning and what it means to them. The teacher will maintain a class blog to model the process for students. and to celebrate these new opportunities to demonstrate responsible and appropriate educational use of blogs by elementary students. Hope is to build a good model of educational blogging by elementary students and their teacher that will inspire others to follow and see the value of building these types of learning communities that are open for all educators to learn from. The webquest provides a good model for this mode of blogging that will be introduced when students first learn about blogging.