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GMOs in Agriculture. Seed Industry Structure. Seed Industry Structure Consolidation has increased in the international seed industry in recent decades.

Seed Industry Structure

The chart below depicts changes in ownership involving major seed companies and their subsidiaries, primarily occurring from 1996 to 2013.1 The largest firms are represented as circles, with size proportional to global commercial seed market share.2 For an article providing more detail on earlier versions of these graphics see: Howard, Philip H. 2009. Visualizing Consolidation in the Global Seed Industry: 1996–2008. Sustainability, 1(4), 1266-1287. Click here for (scroll in and out version)PDF version of Seed Industry Structure, 1996 - 2013 or PDF version for black and white printing Network Animation of Changes in the Seed Industry, 1996-2008 View QuickTime Version alternative version Produced with SoNIA v1.2.0. Documentaire - Manger Peut il Nuire a Notre Sante. Le monde selon Monsanto [complet] [FR] MINIONTV. Illinois illegally seizes bees resistant to Roundup; kills remaining queens. The "rope test" for foulbrood The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately owned bees from renowned naturalist, Terrence Ingram, without providing him with a search warrant and before the court hearing on the matter, reports Prairie Advocate News.

Illinois illegally seizes bees resistant to Roundup; kills remaining queens

Behind the obvious violations of his Constitutional rights is Monsanto. Ingram was researching Roundup’s effects on bees, which he’s raised for 58 years. “They ruined 15 years of my research,” he told Prairie Advocate, by stealing most of his stock. A certified letter from the Ag Dept.’s Apiary Inspection Supervisor, Steven D. “During a routine inspection of your honeybee colonies by … Inspectors Susan Kivikko and Eleanor Balson on October 23, 2011, the bacterial disease ‘American Foulbrood’ was detected in a number of colonies located behind your house…. Ingram can prove his bees did not have foulbrood, and planned to do so at a hearing set in April, but the state seized his bees at the end of March.

(Visited 51,418 times, 6 visits today) Monsanto buys leading bee research firm after being implicated in bee colony collapse. Monsanto / Topics / Resources. Students greet the President of Monsanto Canada testifying at Agriculture Committee hearings in Guelph, Feb 9, day of the vote on Bill C-474.

Monsanto / Topics / Resources

Monsanto Quick Facts Monsanto • is the largest seed company in the world (accounted for 23% of the world’s commercial seed market in 2007). (ETC Group) • Owns the seed planted on approximately 85% of the GE crop acres in the world (in 13 countries). • Sells the top selling global herbicide Roundup (glyphosate). • Owns the patent and research on Terminator technology (Monsanto bought Delta & Pine Land in 2006) - Terminator seeds are genetically engineered to be sterile after first harvest to stop farmers from saving and reusing seed. • Monsanto now accounts for over 57% of the US cotton seed market. (ETC Group) For background and details see Monsanto: A Corporate Profile , Food & Water Watch US, May 2013. Risks of Monsanto's SmartStax Eight-Trait GM Corn Remain Unexamined. If corporations won’t label GMO foods then we the people will!GMO Inside. GMWatch. 46880_534219483283005_2038529074_n.jpg (JPEG Image, 500 × 800 pixels) - Scaled (87%)

Who Owns Organic. (click on the poster image above to view a quick loading larger version, and then click on it again for even larger detail) Download High Resolution PDF for printing purposes Download text-only PDF In 1995 there were 81 independent organic processing companies in the United States.

Who Owns Organic

A decade later, Big Food had gobbled up all but 15 of them. Corporate consolidation of the food system has been largely hidden from consumers. That’s changing, thanks to tools such as Philip H. Howard’s widely circulated “Who Owns Organic?” The Cornucopia Institute has been proud to feature Dr. Dr. Dr. Major changes since the last version (May 2013) include WhiteWave’s December 2013 acquisition of Earthbound Farm, the nation’s largest organic produce supplier, for $600 million, said Howard. “Consumers who want food companies that embody more of the original organic ideals would do well to seek out products from independent organic firms,” Howard advises. Nature to Share. Accueil. Center for Food Safety - GE Food Labeling Laws. [X] Collapse Definitions Genetically engineered (GE) foods, sometimes referred to as genetically modified (GM) foods, are created by artificially inserting genetic material from one or more organisms into the genetic code of another using modern genetic engineering techniques.

Center for Food Safety - GE Food Labeling Laws

Labeling threshold is a percentage of GE content above which the product must be labeled. More Information Center for Food Safety completed the research for this map in September 2012 and will continue to update it as new information becomes available. For more information, please contact: Center for Food Safety 660 Pennsylvania Avenue SE Suite 302 Washington, DC 20003 (202) 547-9395 Original design by AMICI DESIGN/ First printing: July 2003 Second printing: September 2005 Third printing: September 2012 Online version: March 2013.