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Gadgets. Kathy Schrock's iPads4teaching - iPads for Teaching. Teaching-with-Technology - Using Audio-Visual in education. This page provides links and ideas for ways to use, create and watch audio visual presentations in the classroom. It includes ideas for audio, video for the classroom and video for professional development and using images.

Or you can mash audio, video and images all together by using these tools. Another challenge for teachers is to discourage students from using copyrighted music for the creation of soundtracks for videos and digital stories. Here are some links to a range of sites where students can freely use music to add to their creations. Audio: What is a Podcast? Podcasts are an Audio broadcast available on the Web.

ITunes, a free download for both Apple or Windows computers check out more about what ITunes can do hereIPod in Education: is a useful site for teachers who are using IPods in K-12education. Create, find and share podcasts to the world. PodBean is a podcatcher, podcast creator and a podcast searcher. Video Sites Teachertube- an alternative to YouTube. Working with Images: Integrating Tech: More Than Just Having Computers. Technology has become part of the educational process, but too often it is separate and not integrated into the learning experience.Today, Education World offers easy and painless ways to integrate technology into your daily routine.

Included: Nineteen activities and nearly 50 Web sites. Integrating technology into the curriculum is a priority -- if not a mandate -- in most schools today. Most educational technology experts agree, however, that technology should be integrated, not as a separate subject or as a once-in-a-while project, but as a tool to promote and extend student learning on a daily basis. The challenge, of course, is in finding ways to use technology -- and to help students use it -- that don't take time away from core subjects. For many teachers, a lack of personal experience with technology presents an additional challenge.

Used properly, however, technology can be a tool for teachers as well as for students. Access an online weather forecast. How Teachers Can Use a Smart Board in the Classroom. Learning how to use a Smart Board in the classroom does not have to be difficult, as long as teachers understand that good teaching is still the most important thing in the classroom. Smart Boards have been making their way into classrooms since 1991, and have proven themselves as effective teaching tools. As with all technology, however, there are certain challenges for teachers attempting to adopt Smart Boards. Here are a few tips: Just a tool Smart Boards can be a bit overwhelming at times with all their options including access to the Internet, which is filled with even more options. All those options are wonderful until the moment they create overload in a student’s mind and contribute to confusion.

Just as they did before the advent of the Smart Board, teachers must determine what their classes need to learn, and how best to teach that information. Also, teachers do not have to reinvent the wheel. Tips for putting a smart board to work Keep it interactive Utilize color Use the web. 8 Engaging Ways to use Technology in the Classroom to Create Lessons That Aren’t Boring. Are you tired of delivering the same old lectures on the same subjects year after year? Are you using the same lesson materials over and over and wishing you could make learning in your classroom more interactive? While lectures and lessons can be informative and even “edutaining” when delivered with passion and good materials by knowledgeable experts, sadly many traditional lectures and lessons are boring, and even worse often ineffective.

The good news is that the Web is loaded with great free tools that can enable teachers to bring a sense of fun and engagement to their lessons. Of course, you do need devices with Internet access to give these tools a try. Even if you don’t have computers or tablets available in your classroom, the fact that an increasing number of High School and college students have smartphones is making it easier than ever to leverage technology to create engaging, active lessons students enjoy working on. 1.

Incorporate Student Input & Gather Feedback 2. 3. 7 Fun Ways to Use Technology in the classroom to enrich learning. Technology in the classroom is the best learning tool. With classroom technology educators can get more students engaged, improve collaboration, and most importantly make learning fun! School wireless networks everywhere are implementing BYOD and 1:1 initiatives and are taking advantage of the many benefits technology in the classroom has to offer. If you would like to learn more about some of the great benefits classroom technology has to offer check out this blog 5 Reasons BYOD Technology in the Classroom Enhances Learning.

Today I would like to highlight some great ways to best utilize technology in the classroom to enrich learning. 1) Video Streaming If a picture says a thousand words, imagine how many words a video says. 2) Play Games What kid doesn’t love playing games? Also Read | "How Video Games and Mobile Devices are Changing Gym Class Forever" 3) Social Media Don’t ban social media, embrace it. 4) Blogging Also Read | "Update: How Students are Using Technology in the Classroom 2013" How to Integrate Technology. When technology integration in the classroom is seamless and thoughtful, students not only become more engaged, they begin to take more control over their own learning, too. Effective tech integration changes classroom dynamics, encouraging student-centered project-based learning.

Think about how you are using technology with your students. Are they employing technology daily in the classroom, using a variety of tools to complete assignments and create projects that show a deep understanding of content? If your answer is "No," is it because you lack enough access to technology? This article contains the following sections: Handhelds Go to Class: Teacher Josh Barron and one of his students go through the strange-looking rite of "beaming" information to each other. Getting Started The first step in successful tech integration is recognizing the change that may need to happen inside of yourself and in your approach to teaching. Back to Top Integrating Technology Across the Access Spectrum. 12 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom, Even for Technophobic Teachers.

Everyone wants teachers to use technology in the classroom. But you're busy -- meeting standards, prepping students for tests -- and maybe you’re not too fond of computers, anyway. Never fear – there are easy ways to bring your classroom up-to-date, technologically. Do you have a iPad in your classroom for your use? How about iPads for students to use? What kind of Internet access is available at your school? What do you have to do to get Ipads for your students? Also try to find a technology “mentor” on campus – the computer teacher or just another teacher who uses technology more than you do. Perfect Ed Tech Activities for Beginners Do a PowerPoint “Game Show Review” Many tech-savvy teachers have used Microsoft PowerPoint to create review games based on famous game shows, including “Jeopardy!

Have students complete a written classroom activity as if it was online. Ever have your students write a diary from the perspective of a character or famous person? Try a Webquest Do an email exchange. 4 Steps for Using Educational Videos in the Classroom – Whooo's Reading Blog. By Wendy Papkoff We know from a recent Cisco report that 80 percent of Internet traffic will be video in 2019. To put this into perspective, the report sights, “It would take an individual more than 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross the Internet each month in 2019.” As video becomes a growing part of our everyday lives, it’s natural to see it being used in the classroom now more than ever. According to the 2014 Project Tomorrow Report Findings, entitled Flipped learning continues to trend for a third year, when school technology leaders were asked about popular approaches to digital learning that had positive results in their schools 84% selected “digital content (includes videos, simulations, and animations).”

And two-thirds selected “digital media tools for student content creation.” What’s more, using this digital content benefits teachers and students alike. Many of these steps could be applied to the use of a projector or smartboard in the classroom as well.