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The Grits Blog: It's My Blogiversary!! + Mini Pumpkin Pies + Giveaway. Hello Grits Blog Readers!

The Grits Blog: It's My Blogiversary!! + Mini Pumpkin Pies + Giveaway

I'm Brita from B.Britnell which is mostly a food blog with an occasional random post thrown in there. Banana Bread - The Holistic Manicurist. This Banana Bread is perfect when you are in need of a bit of comfort food.

Banana Bread - The Holistic Manicurist

It is naturally sweet, wonderfully cakey and filling. I have never had much of a sweet tooth but since cleaning up my diet I have cut out all of the cakes and biscuits that were included in my diet. This made me realise that I did crave sweet things now and again so I have gradually come up with recipes to fill the gap. This was the first recipe I perfected and is still one of my favourites. Ingredients 3 very ripe bananas1 ½ cups spelt flour1 ½ tsp baking powder½ tsp bicarbonate of soda2 tsp cinnamon1 cup dates¾ cup coconut oil3 eggs½ cup honey This mixture can also be used to make cup cakes, I just pour the mixture straight into the bun tin compartments. Method Tips: This Banana Bread is gorgeous when it is still warm and spread with butter. Lady and Pups – an angry food blog. That Skinny Chick Can Bake. Glazed Poppy Seed Bread We have a friend dealing with some major health issues.

That Skinny Chick Can Bake

I can pray, but I can also offer them something tangible. I dropped this glazed poppy seed bread in their mailbox when he and his wife were spending the day at the doctor’s office…hoping something sweet would bring comfort during this tough week. Winging This & That This recipe was submitted to Katie’s former grade school’s cookbook by one of my dearest girlfriends. Ingredients Adapted from my friend, Pam 2 1/4 cups sugar 1 1/8 cups oil 3 eggs 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla 1 1/2 teaspoons almond extract 1 1/2 cups milk 1 1/2 tablespoons poppy seeds 3 cups flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 1/2 teaspoons salt Glaze: 2 tablespoons butter, melted 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon almond 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 3/4 cup powdered sugar, sifted. Instructions Preheat oven to 350º. Whipped Frosting, Recipe from Everyday Food, May 2009. Poppy seed lemon cake. A whopping eight years ago, I joined a friend and her family for an afternoon at the then newly-opened Neue Galerie, which seriously, you should check out some time when you’re in my city.

poppy seed lemon cake

(Look at me, playing tourist guide!) The early 20th century German and Austrian art is fantastic but even more wonderful is the Cafe Sabarsky within which models itself after a turn-of-the-century Viennese cafe. 20 Delicious Cookie Recipes. T w o b e e: [Receita] Cookies maravilhosos de chocolate. Hoje apresento para vocês os melhores cookies de chocolate da face da Terra!

t w o b e e: [Receita] Cookies maravilhosos de chocolate.

Eles são crocantes nas bordas e têm o centro levemente macio. São muito muito cheirosos e cativam todos por onde quer que passe. Não costumo gostar tanto de cookies de chocolate, pois acho muito enjoativo. Mas, esses têm um gostinho de brownie, sabe? É simplesmente incrível e dá vontade de comer um atrás do outro! Para fazer essas belezuras, vocês vão precisar de: 125g de manteiga ou margarina;175g de açúcar;1 ovo;½ col. de chá de essência de baunilha;125g de farinha de trigo;35g de cacau ou chocolate em pó (achocolatado em pó não, tá?

Então vamos lá... para fazer os cookies é bem fácil. Adicione a farinha, o bicarbonato e o chocolate em pó peneiradinhos. É importante que a massa dos cookies fique uniforme. Forre uma assadeira com papel manteiga (ou unte com margarina e farinha), faça bolinhas com a massa (eu uso duas colheres de sobremesa. Uma dica que dou é observar a aparência dos cookies dentro do forno. Dream a Little Bigger Craft & DIY Blog - Dream a Little Bigger Craft Blog - Granny Squares Step by Step! When I was still pretty small, my Mimmie taught me how to crochet.

Dream a Little Bigger Craft & DIY Blog - Dream a Little Bigger Craft Blog - Granny Squares Step by Step!

She was constantly knocking out afghan after afghan if she wasn’t quilting and I watched them constantly being made. Being a nosy kind of a kid I wanted to watch what she was doing up close and personal. She wound up busting out a hook and some variegated yarn (it was red, blue and yellow) and showing me how to chain. I made chain after chain after chain and would wear and gift them as necklaces and bracelets. Later we moved onto single crochets, then double, then triple and finally she taught me how to granny square.

Chocolate swirl buns. A few years ago, I conquered one of what has to be one of the seven wonders of my culinary world, chocolate babka.

chocolate swirl buns

Babka, if you’re new to it, poor you, is a brioche-like sweet yeast cake, usually rolled thin and spiraled around a filling of chocolate, cinnamon, sweet cheese or fruit, and is often studded with streusel. And I know that most people save their gushing prose for lemon meringue pie, 8 inches high, or brownies with swirls of peanut butter, candied bacon and candy bars inside, I know that most people hadn’t heard of babka before it became a punch line, but Alex and I fondly remembering the grocery store chocolate babkas — with endless spirals slicked with bittersweet chocolate — of our childhood and I couldn’t rest until I cracked the code at home.

But it still has its limitations. Cookie Recipes.