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Teacher inspiration | HSTRY. “True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.” ― Nikos Kazantzakis. 12 ways to use Google Classroom’s newest features. The Future of Education: Sajan George at TEDxUNC. Tips for Creating Wow-Worthy Learning Spaces. "Look at your learning space with 21st-century eyes: Does it work for what we know about learning today, or just for what we knew about learning in the past?” -The Third Teacher Does your classroom mirror the rectilinear seating arrangement popular in Sumerian classrooms, circa 2000 BCE?

Or is your classroom seating flexible and tricked out with the IDEO designed Node Chair by Steelcase? What classroom design changes can you do on a budget that supports learning? The Basics To rethink your student seating arrangement, use Kaplan's floorplanner and try out with names like lasso, the robot, and the big x. Flexibility: Students should be able to easily transition to functional spaces, such as a class library, literacy center, computer area, stage, reading nook, etc. Also, your classroom walls are important learning real estate -- spaces to fill with content-related murals, posters, banners, whiteboards, and bulletin boards. Make Sure Bulletin Boards Are Teaching Tools Perhaps not.

Learning Services. Is Your Professional Development a Waste of Time? UserID: iCustID: IsLogged: false IsSiteLicense: false UserType: anonymous DisplayName: TrialsLeft: 0 Trials: Tier Preview Log: Exception pages ( /edweek/finding_common_ground/2015/08/is_your_professional_development_a_waste_of_time.html ) = NO Internal request ( ) = NO Open House ( 2015-08-18 22:45:43 ) = NO Personal SL : ( EMPTY ) = NO Site Licence : ( ) = NO ACL Free A vs U ( 2100 vs 0 ) = NO Token Free (NO TOKEN FOUND) = NO Blog authoring preview = NO Search Robot ( Firefox ) = NO Purchased ( 0 ) = NO Monthly ( 8e8c5d67-82a8-8ec0-29c4-2a2d3267a0b2 : 1 / 1 ) = NO 0: /ew/articles/2015/07/27/freedom-to-experiment-presents-challenges-for-school.html Can add to monthly ( /edweek/finding_common_ground/2015/08/is_your_professional_development_a_waste_of_time.html ) = NO Access denied ( -1 ) = NO Internal request ( ) = NO Open House ( 2015-08-18 22:46:43 ) = NO.

Essential Habits of an Excellent Educator. You are what you do every day. Simply put, the habits of an excellent educator are that they have positive habits, and students are usually the central focus. When I become intentional about my own habits, I level up my performance. The Power of Habit says that habits power excellence. Taking this to heart, I’ve used apps like 30/30 to build routines until they are automatic. As you prepare your classroom, plan your routines. Consider: Paperwork Student movement in the classroom Setting appointments with yourself to tackle essential tasks. Winning teachers seem to do these things like magic. Establishing Winning Workflows A workflow is as it sounds: how the work flows in your classroom. Classroom Procedures THE Classroom Management Book by Wong and Wong outlines the necessity of classroom procedures.

Substitute Teacher Manual Create a substitute teacher handbook to document: Class procedures Lesson plan items Attendance Everything the substitute needs to do. Student Work Makerspace Items Grading. Edutopia. Schoology Public Resources. File.NHS Schoology Parent Letter.docx This letter was created to be sent home to parent's in order to encourage them to register for a Schoology account, and to explain the advantages or Schoology to their student. You should download the roster of parent access codes, and use Mail Merge in Microsoft Word to create individual parent letters with the child's name and unique access code in the fields I have provided.

Hand out letters to each student. When parents register, their names will appear below the name of their child's in gray type in the class roster. Go through on the due date and give students whose parents have registered for an account 20 pts extra credit. 11 ratings · Added by Ms. School Culture and Practices File.How to Learn Math: For Teachers and Parents "How to Learn Math: For Teachers and Parents" is a free online course offered by Stanford's Graduate School of Education and created by Jo Boaler, professor of mathematics education (who I learned math teaching from).

Math. Activity Ideas – Seesaw Help Center. SAMR. Educational Technology. Google Classroom Chrome Extension. Recently Google Classroom came out with the ability for websites to have a share to Google Classroom button. One of my favorite examples is Flat ( which allows for collaborative music composition online. With the click of a button teachers can assign Flat to their music students right to the Google Classroom stream.

Students can submit their work directly from Flat to Google Classroom. Students are able to use the Share to Classroom button to submit work to Google Classroom. For websites that do not natively include the share to Google Classroom button, there is a Chrome extension (not made by Google, made by @MrCaffrey) that allows teachers to assign webpages directly to Google Classroom and students to submit their work. . Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2015 Like this: Like Loading... The “WHY” Guide to #Edchat topics | LEARNING & IPADS. Although many educational models and pedagogies can seem like a conveyer belt of fads sometimes, many of them at least focus on one or two key educational concerns.

Regardless of whether you think it a passing fad, many of them have an aim that you should know about and be considering as a teacher in the 21st Century. I must admit though, as busy teachers, it is understandable that to fully implement a number of them is unrealistic. So here’s my summary of the key take-aways from each model that you should aim to implement in your teaching. (Click for larger version) It’s not about lessons becoming homework. Flipped teaching solves all of the traditional complaints teachers have when teaching traditionally (Chalk & talk), such as: You might be against all this staring at screens but learning must involve digital if it is to prepare young people to be productive in the 21st Century. The world operates in teams whilst most students don’t.

WHY DESIGN THINKING? Like this: Like Loading... The “WHY” Guide to #Edchat topics | LEARNING & IPADS. #Satchat Live from #ISTE2015. ClassFlow Blog | Effective Technology Leadership. After reading this post from ClassFlow Blogger and Promethean Learning Evangelist Steven W. Anderson, be sure to check out his webinar series' Leading Effective Technology Programs and Data: The Whole Story to learn how school leaders can feel empowered to make instructional change in their school or district. As many states and education agencies move towards more complex and comprehensive teacher evaluations, the role technology plays in instruction is becoming a more central pedagogical question that leaders must consider. They are often challenged with examining how technology improves instruction, measuring its effectiveness, or simply determining if it is used at all.

Beyond evaluations, as new technology initiatives are implemented, deeper understanding of the impact that technology can have on learning needs to take place. It is important to look beyond your own building as well. Leaders can begin by simply engaging with other leaders. Start with a comprehensive review of data. 180 Days to Happy on Pinterest. Log in Home Categories There’s more to see... Come take a look at what else is here! He used Pinterest to start his rooftop oasis Join Pinterest to find all the things that inspire you. Oops! Sign Up or Creating an account means you’re okay with Pinterest's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Tell us about yourself Back Customize my signup experience using info from sites I’ve visited.Learn more Continue as a business billion Pins to explore seconds to sign up (free!) About Pinterest Blog Businesses Terms & Privacy Help iPhone App Android App Discover Pinterest: Gardening Travel Kids Weddings Humor Quotes DIY Design Animals Sitemap International 180 Days to Happy I am sharing what truly works in the classroom; using tech and social media to reach our students where they are!

iPad in the classroom 180 Days to Happy The Flipped Classroom Technology Tribe Social Media in the Classroom Blogging & TPT From the Blog! iTeach & Style Beginning of the year Teacher Leader Technology Truths Google in the classroom. Technology Tribe on Pinterest | Student, Qr Codes and Augmented Reality. The Popular Grading and Collaborative Platform Chalkup is Now Available for iPad.

July 26, 2015 The popular tool Chalkup is now available for iOS bringing thus the platform’s assignment, grading, messaging, and notification features to iPad and iPhone. For those of you not familiar with Chalkup, this is a a great web tool that allows teachers to create classes and share different study materials on a message board that students can access in real-time. Chalkup lets you post discussion prompts, add comments to discussions, distribute announcements and assignments and view files. 'Chalkup lets you connect your entire class via assignments, discussions, grading, personalized to-do lists, messages, and materials in the palm of your hand.

As a class collaboration platform, Chalkup keeps students, teachers, parents, and administrators connected. We’re optimized for discussion and collaboration and our users are pretty happy people.' Communicate, Coach, Care: The Central Purpose: The Hard Truths of Leadership. The following reflections are a compilation of thoughts by Heidi Veal and myself. When you think about it, teams are actually everywhere. And I’m not necessarily referring to the typical sports teams that dominate the American consciousness when the concept of a team is discussed. A family unit thrives as a team. Service, church, and civic organizations touch thousands of lives as teams. Musicians who play and perform together do so as a team. Aside from the Lone Ranger (who interestingly had a trusty steed that he depended on), the majority of the world’s work force function in teams. Team dynamics are a very interesting thing because every member brings something unique to the table.

Over the years, I have had the personal joy of working on multiple highly functioning and collaborative teams. During my years as an educator I also worked on teams and have observed teams from the outside looking in that wrestled with dysfunction. The strength of the team is impacted by its weakest link. The Scoop on Periscope: Broadcast Live Video to the World. The 4 biggest mistakes that teachers make when integrating technology. In classrooms all around the globe, educators are introducing new and exciting technological tools to engage their students in learning. Many educators are successful when integrating these technologies, but unfortunately many are not for a variety of reasons. Photo credit: Emerging Edtech In my opinion, and from my experience in classrooms around the world, these are the biggest mistakes that educators make when integrating technology into the classroom: Technology before pedagogy Sadly, educators see the latest gadgets and feel the need to use them without giving a thought to ‘why’.

Technology as a toy Too often in classrooms around the world I see technology used as a toy. Technology to fill in time Technology should be used as a learning tool, not as a tool to fill in time or to keep students ‘busy’. Not utilising the technology available Pedagogy before technology! Craig Kemp I am a passionate New Zealand educator living in Singapore. Super-Duper SECRET Periscope Template! - -

Hi Guys! Firstly, thanks for joining me on #DuckerScope today – it was awesome interacting with you all… And, more importantly… we hit our heart target!!!!!! So, as promised, just right click + ‘save as’ on the button below and you’ll instantly download the FREE template so that you can create sexy looking YouTube videos out of your scopes! Also, if you’re new to periscope and want more tips on how to use it to build your brand, make money and have fun conversing with your audience (like I do everyday!) , then I suggest you check out this free infographic on the subject, too! See you on #DuckerScope again soon! Podstock 2015. 15 Tips for New Teachers From a Technology Facilitator | EdSurge News.

As an Instructional Technology Facilitator, I have the immense privilege of seeing my school from a pretty unique perspective. I taught Social Studies for five years, and I’ll be honest: my purview of the educational landscape rarely extended beyond my own classroom (and when it did, it only ever meaningfully grew to include my teaching team). Some days it was all I could do to keep my head above water. Others, I felt like I had conquered the world. Time, experience, and perspective help give clarity to what can sometimes feel like chaos. And while I’m far from finished with my professional journey, perhaps some of the things I’ve learned along the way might afford you a more favorable starting point. 1. How you do this isn’t as consequential; send an email, make a phone call, write a hand-written note — do it however feels most natural to you. 2.

Facebook’s old mantra was “Move fast and break things”. 3. 4. Donor’s Choose is a great place to start. 5. 6. Social media is not evil. 7. How School Administrators’ Roles Change in the Digital Age. Jane is the associate superintendent for instruction at Lincoln Public Schools, Neb., a member of the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools. Tune in to social media or the news on any given day and you can read about school districts making big changes to embrace technology in the classroom and spark innovative teaching and learning.

Amid the talk about the latest gadgets and apps, we’re often left wondering about the people responsible for executing the overall vision and managing the significant change in these schools. Who are the people that enable a school system to bridge theory and practice? Three years ago, I came to Lincoln Public Schools as the associate superintendent for instruction, after serving as superintendent in a smaller district. In a new district of 39,000 students, I figured I would primarily lead the instructional division, somewhat independently from other areas not under my direct supervision, including the technology department. Ryan Imbriale Read more. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom. Copy a Google Form. Edtechcafe.onsugar. 6 Tips for Social Media Newbies - Education Week Teacher. IPad. Educational Technology. The 4 biggest mistakes that teachers make when integrating technology. Tomorrow's Learning Today: 7 Shifts To Create A Classroom Of The Future.

Carter's Classroom. Best Practices in Technology Integration -- What the Research Says. National Association of Elementary School Principals.